Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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Guest |
#5012014-11-20 01:48The Duggars are the complete opposite of fear, hate, or anything of the like. They simply have their beliefs, which many people in the US still know is the truth. They believe being gay is wrong because it's what the Bible teaches. If the gays disagree, then just don't watch the show! What ever happened to Freedom of religion and freedom of speech? |
Duddio |
#503 Re: Re:2014-11-20 01:51
The fact that you want them to not have a show as a result of their Christian faith and lifestyle is a hateful act. You are being a hypocritical bigot by slandering a good family because you don't share their faith. | |
Guest |
#5042014-11-20 01:51If TLC cancels this show, I will no longer view anything associated with TLC. Everyone has the right to their own opinions!! |
SueNC |
#505 Re:2014-11-20 01:51I guarantee that the people signing the petition against the show have never watched the show, to begin with. They're pushing an agenda. They cant live and let live. This is fascism at it's most venomous. |
Mo Guest |
#5062014-11-20 01:52These people don't hate gays & transgenders. But, they do know, that The Bible, very clearly states, that sin that is not repented of, whether in this form or any other, which is very clearly spelled out, in God's Word, The Bible, is even, as we speak, bringing God's wrath on this planet. Wake up people! "The GREAT TRIBULATION" is on it's way, only because of unrepented sin, like this. The GREAT Tribulation is described in The Bible, as the most horrifying & terrifying time of the whole time of the earth's existence!!! God, in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, in The Bible says, that homosexuality & transgenderism is an ABOMINATION in His eyes. He is a Holy God, & He says what goes & what doesn't! Our opinions mean "NOTHING". His righteous (right) TRUTH does! God, soooooo loves humankind & PROVED His love for us, when He sacrificed His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be brutally tortured & crucified, so that IF we would, repent & change our ways, & ask Him to come into our hearts & to become "The Lord" of our lives, that we would be saved from His fearsome wrath, & that, we would go to Heaven with Him, instead of ending up at His "Great Throne Judgement", UNSAVED from an eternal lake of fire, that was created for the evil satan & his evil demons & all of his evil (non-Christians, that is.) cohorts in crime & misery. The evil entities & humans that be, have assaulted the innocent & Christians, assault by every wicked thing that has ever been devised, that you can think of! If we tolerate this, it will spread like cancer- MUCH WORSE! Although, God does, so love, human beings, He hates the evil that they do. He says that He will not strive with evil entities or people forever! Today is the day of salvation, He says! None of us is promised to even, wake up tomorrow. |
Guest |
#510 Re:2014-11-20 01:55what happened to freedom of speech? |
Guest |
#5112014-11-20 01:56I think people should leave them alone they have a opinion like everyone else they are just saying what they believe and what the bible states as to what it should be be everyone has their choice as to what gender they want to be with |
Guest |
#512 Re: Re:2014-11-20 01:56There are more of US than there are of YOU! Don't watch the show if you don't like it. In all the years I have watched the show there has not been one word said about Gay people. Not one word nor has the show tried to push their religion and way of life on the audience. IF YOU DON'T agree with the values of this family THEN DON"T WATCH IT! |
Guest |
#5132014-11-20 01:57it angers me that there is so much reverse discrimination we are not aloud to express our opinion. |
Guest |
#5142014-11-20 01:57I support the Family for their Faith and strong stand against this what we call life style. I will say I hate the sin but I cannot hate those who are in this Life style I pray that God can & will turn their Hearts to follow what he says that a Women is made from Man to become his Mate. |
Guest |
#5152014-11-20 01:57We definitely need to keep wholesome TV viewing on TV. There is so much negativity and mess on TV anymore, even on commercials that I don't see what the problem is with having just 1 good decent thing to watch! One thing without sex, violence and anything against God. Cant we, Christians, have something decent to watch???? Even the morning talk shows are filled with MESS!!!!! Really.....???? |
Guest |
#5162014-11-20 01:57We must do all we can to keep Christian values at the forefront. We have Freedom of Religion, for now. Don't let the hate groups silence us. |
Guest |
#5172014-11-20 01:57We must not allow the LGBTQ to be successful in removing programs like "19 Kids and Counting" simply because the Duggars honor God's design for families. Please do NOT cancel "19 Kids and Counting"!! |
Guest |
#5202014-11-20 02:02I believe a marriage should be between a man and a woman , the bible says man shall not lay with man, same for a woman |
Guest |
#5212014-11-20 02:02We as Christians have been quiet too long, our voices need to be heard. Lets not hide our candles under a basket, but display them boldly on the lampstans. |
Guest |
#5222014-11-20 02:02this is a wholesome family show in which this family has morals and they are a good Christian family |
Guest |
#5252014-11-20 02:04I just don't they should be taking off the air. I love the this family and I don't see them go off the air. |
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