Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!.
Guest |
#9262014-11-20 04:04Let's stand up to this minority. They can do what they want, like don't watch the show. |
Guest |
#9272014-11-20 04:0519 Kids and Counting provides clean and fun family entertainment. That is a rarity today, and it must be cherished. TLC would lose many viewers if they cancelled the show. |
Guest |
#9282014-11-20 04:05Please keep this program on your network, it's the only decent program that provides a wonderful View on courting and how God blesses this family. |
Guest |
#9292014-11-20 04:06Love this wholesome show. The love a caring in this family is inspiring. Many times when the stress of my child is overwhelming I think of the patients in the Duggar family and what they would do. There are many shows that are horrific on TV I choose not to whatch. |
Guest |
#930 Re:2014-11-20 04:06i love this show i am praying they stay on they have never said anything hateful, as a christian i know what the bible says and they have a right to say want they please cause of freedom of speech, just another thing to throw at us christians. i dont agree with being gay but i aint going to judge u not my job its gods. |
Guest |
#9322014-11-20 04:07Everyone has a right to their own opinions on what is right or wrong. Do not watch the show if you do not agree with their views. Do not stop free speech!! |
Guest |
#9352014-11-20 04:08Please do not cancel this show. I love it. I am always anxious for the next season to start. With all the other mess on TV it is nice to be able to watch a show without blood, guts, fighting, cursing and everything else. This show brings so much happiness to others. Why can't you just leave it on. Have watched from the beginning. It is truly an amazing show. I would be so disappointed if TLC took it off. I would probably block it and never watch that channel again. Thank you. |
gourdipt |
#936 Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!2014-11-20 04:09Don't take a show off TV just because someone disagrees with someone else. I like the Duggars and their values. I enjoy watching their family relationships, the caring, the family values. How they deal with day to day issues. Your corporation brougtht a wholesome program to many people with similar likes and we want it to stay on TV. You take them off and I will never turn your channel on again. Give us a choice and our choice is to watche The Duggars. |
Guest |
#9372014-11-20 04:10I myself are part of the lGBT community classifying myself as bisexual sexual orientation,but I feel that everybody has the right to express how they feel and their views im social topics, by myself of course supports they gay community.I feel that as Americans they have the right to express themselves and how they feel on that topic just because they do not agree with that lifestyle does not mean they are bad people, stay just simply have different views than others and I support the show still no matter how they view my lifestyle as long as they are not slandering I'll paying as down as a community on the show I will continue to watch. |
Guest |
#9402014-11-20 04:12Leave the Duggars alone. I pay for dish to be able to watch their show. It is refreshing to see a show with morals like my family. I do not to worry about seeing gays. They can get their own show! I am so tired of the minority ruling. |
Ben |
#944 Re: So you think that hate shouldn't be spread?2014-11-20 04:13Why do you support their particular brand of hatered? Because it comes wrapped in an american flag holding a cross? You are supporting facism. |
Guest |
#9452014-11-20 04:16Save this show of 19 and counting one of my favorite show! Don't remove... They are best good example of what God 's plan for everyone! They are so blessing ... I love them all... |
Lela |
#946 19 Kids and Co2014-11-20 04:16This show is a blessing to lots of people. There is so many bad dirty shows on Tv and now that there is something Godly and teaching others great ways people want it off? Really?!! This world is getting worst every day people are saying good to the bad and saying bad to the good!The enemy is bad but God will continue to fight our battles. I will continue to support the Duggars and I admire everything you guys done! God bless you all always! |
Elizabeth |
#9472014-11-20 04:16I like to watch the show and teaches me alot of things and please keep the show |
No |
#9482014-11-20 04:16It's funny how the Doogers are allowed to be against people who don't share their morals, but people who don't share their morals are evil people. I know the Doogers wouldn't like me because I am a black lesbian who went to public school and college and is pro choice. |
Guest |
#949 Re: Re:2014-11-20 04:16How are they spreading hate? Because they disagree? I have an aunt that is gay. I love her dearly but I disagree with her decision. She knows that doesn't mean I hate her. The Duggars asked for pic of married men and women. They took down pics of homosexuals. They were not condemning them to hell. Heck, they weren't even preaching at them. Please understand that just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they hate you. |
Guest |
#9502014-11-20 04:17This family is very sweet and they take care of each other love to them all |
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