Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Guest |
#176 The cheating ?2011-02-20 06:42Just in case some of you didn't see or over looked the whole survey summary, they showed where duplicate responses were deleted and showed results without the multiple votes and the Aug. 1st calendar still won. Also alot of the duplicate voted from school were students voting. I know alot of kids at my school did. |
Theresa :Pope Guest |
#177 August 1 start date2011-02-20 08:32I keep my grandchildren and it would be very hard on me to adapt to the new calendar. Please reconsider. Thanks Theresa Pope |
Theresa :Pope Guest |
#178 August 1 start date2011-02-20 08:34I keep my grandchildren and my kids went through the Cobb School System. My daughter teaches for Cobb as well. It will be very difficult for me to switch to the August 15th start date. Please reconsider Theresa Pope |
Guest Guest |
#179 Re: Re: VOTER FRAUD2011-02-20 15:02How many times did those in the minority vote? Was it truly just one time? I can see these people duplicating their vote even more than I can see the balanced calendar folks duplicating votes. |
Barbara Jones Guest |
#180 less sick days2011-02-20 15:02The balanced calendar for this school year has resulted in my use of less sick days. I could schedule appointments during the breaks that were build into the calendar. Therefore, my students received a better quality education because I was there with them instead of a substitute teacher who does not have my experience and knowledge of the subject matter and my students. |
Guest Guest |
#181 Re: less sick days2011-02-20 15:04#180: Barbara Jones - less sick days Ultimately, less time out is what will save the county money. I have an MRI planned this week, as well as a visit to my doctor to discuss the results. Theses days would have had to have been sick days. Now, the county saves the money for a sub for me. I couldn't wait until April to get this done. |
Susan Cunard Guest |
#182 Here we go again...2011-02-20 15:29This is not the first time that the Cobb County School Board has blatantly ignored the wishes of the majority of their constituents in favor of their own agendas. Please sign this petition to let them know that we will not sit idly by as they flex their political muscle to manulate the people who vote them into office and pay their salaries. |
Guest |
#183 Survey is not a vote2011-02-20 16:25The survey is not a vote. I know a LOT of people in favor of August 1st who voted many, many times, including their school computers, store computers and iPads, and who told their students how to vote, including at school. Then word got out that you could vote on Internet Explorer AND Firefox on the same device. Let's put it on the ballot in November and see a REAL vote for the calendar. And let's not forget that we had a calendar in place, voted on by the board, for 2010-2011 and at this time last year the board voted to change it, just like this year, but that time it went from traditional to balanced. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Let's just have some civility. THAT lesson is far more important. |
Guest Guest |
#184 Re: Survey is not a vote2011-02-20 17:04I'm not sure why you are talking about a lesson in civilty. If any lesson should be taught, it should be about people who are voted in to office not following the wishes of their constituency. That lesson is about democratic republics. Why did you bring up the point about the calendar that was in place last year at this time, before the change? It is 2011. People feel differently. Are you on the right message board? |
Guest |
#185 recall effort2011-02-20 17:16We can not recall Angelucci, Stultz, or Sweeney for another five months because they are newly elected. Can we start a recall effort against Bartlett, she wasn't just elected? |
Stephanie Holcombe Guest |
#1862011-02-20 17:44 This new board had total disrespect of their constituents. Show the collected data for the money they claim it will save verses the balanced calender but wait, the balanced calender isn't even over yet so how can they know this. |
Guest Guest |
#188 Re: Re: Survey is not a vote2011-02-20 18:46#184: Guest - Re: Survey is not a vote I have witnessed some very unprofessional behavior by other teachers in my building over this issue. I guess you have not, and for that, I am glad. I am aware of many "irregularities" in the survey process, and I am just one person. My point is, I don't think the survey results are reliable. I brought up the previously voted upon calendar for 10-11 because I have heard many people talking about the board voting on a calendar for three years and that they should keep it for three years because it was voted that way. If that is the case, we should not have had the balanced calendar for 10-11 because we already had a voted upon and published calendar for 10-11. If I were on the board, I would not have changed the calendar for the 11-12 year, nor would I have tackled the question at this time. I would have waited until August or September, when we had had an entire year of the balanced calendar so we could evaluate it. I would have left 11-12 as balanced, but give ample notice that the 12-13 calendar was yet to be determined. I was not surprised by the outcome of the board vote, as each of the four who voted in favor of the later start date have all stated their position on this. To have voted otherwise would have had them branded as "flip floppers" and that didn't work out so well for Crooks and Abraham. The survey was not the vote - election day was the vote. If we want a true picture, let's use the voting booth and put the calendar question to a vote. Do we know why the four who voted for the later start date voted that way? I believe a major factor was cost savings. I would gladly start later if it meant more teachers kept their jobs and we had smaller class sizes. I clicked on the discussion tab of this site because I thought it was a discussion board, not just a rant board. Can we not look at both sides of the issue or are we just interested in hearing from others who agree with us? |
Ann Walls Guest |
#190 August 1st start2011-02-20 19:24It has served the staff as well as the students this year and it was the understanding that it would this calendar for 3 years. Pleae follow the voting from the majority. Thanks |
Ginger Byrd Guest |
#191 Cobb County School Calendar2011-02-20 19:37The school calendar should stay as it is! The board approved the Aug.1st start day last year for a three year period and this new board has no right to change that! What the people want is clear! COBB COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD DO THE RIGHT THING AND CHANGE THE SCHOOL CALENDAR BACK TO THE BALANCED CALENDAR! |
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2011-02-20 20:31- Date of removal: 2011-02-20
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Guest Guest |
#193 Re: Re: Sign this petition if you want to keep it august 15th lol2011-02-20 20:32#161: Guest - Re: Sign this petition if you want to keep it august 15th lol
I JUST made it the other night and I havent sent it to a bunch of people. Thats why only 5 people have signed it, DUH!
Guest Guest |
#194 Re: Re: Balanced school year calendar2011-02-20 20:35 |
Guest |
#195 August 15th Is the Best2011-02-20 20:40I could care less about all the breaks throughout the year. Have your kids get plenty of rest instead of staying up all hours of the night and they wont need breaks. My family enjoys having the longer summers. They dont get enough time during the summer. We take our vacations in August and it makes it hard for us to plan anything when they start school so dang early. I agree with another person, start school after labor day! What are these children going to do when they grow up, complain because they arent getting a week off every other month?!?! This is real life, we get no breaks! |
Guest |
#196 LOOK HOW CLOSE ALL THE VOTES ARE ON THE FIRST PAGE!?!2011-02-20 20:48looks like someone just typed in a bunch of names! Next time, make sure you have a gap between the times that you post your names lol |
Mary Ott Guest |
#197 Not listening to the people that put you in office.2011-02-20 20:54You have gotten so self centered and think you are so important that you forgot why you are there. |
Guest Guest |
#198 Re: Re: Re: Sign this petition if you want to keep it august 15th lol2011-02-20 21:28#193: Guest - Re: Re: Sign this petition if you want to keep it august 15th lol Did you really just say "DUH!" as part of your response? Now you have 8 signatures...not much progress it seems! Maybe the survey results did actually reflect the majority! ;) |
Guest |
#200 School calendar and the school system in general !2011-02-20 21:38That vote was so unfair and the board already knew what they were going to do so why did they even care what people voted ! UNREAL ! There need to be a spring cleaning within the school system,starting with the board, HR, transportation. I think there are to many chiefs and not enough indians.I grew up in Cobb County and i have never seen this much on TV about our school system till now ! They sould be ashamed !What do you think the other counties are saying ! |
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