Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Guest Guest |
#351 Re: VOTER FRAUD2011-02-23 19:31#76: Cant trust the results. - VOTER FRAUD I'll bet you thrive on the status quo. |
Guest |
#352 Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!!2011-02-23 19:42Since when is Atlanta, Dallas, Hiram, etc... Cobb county???? Shit, we might as well get votes from England while were at it...CHEATERS! |
Guest Guest |
#353 Re: Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!!2011-02-23 20:00#352: - Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!! Half? Learn to read! |
Guest Guest |
#354 Re: Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!!2011-02-23 20:13#352: - Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!! Not all teachers that work in Cobb live in the county. I know many teachers that live in Paulding and Cherokee. |
Guest Guest |
#355 Re: Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!!2011-02-23 22:08#352: - Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!! IDIOT.....DUH...Teachers in Cobb are from all over the metro area....I AM ONE NOT FROM COBB!!! Heck the chairperson on the Board teaches in Douglas county and lives in Cobb County....You sure are smart... |
eva sherwood Guest |
#356 Aug 1st start date2011-02-23 22:08I originally voted for the Aug.15th calendar because it was my preference.However, after talking to many employees I can understand their preference. The most important fact is, the majority wants Aug. 1st AND it was a 3yr committment! To the new Board members who seem to have "power" issues- I know I vote for people who are ethical, honest and have integrity. I suggest you look at what is motivating each of you and think about things carefully and not from a self serving point of view. |
Guest Guest |
#357 August 1st calendar2011-02-24 00:46It was too hasty a decision to change the calendar year without giving sufficient time of 3 years as was initially decided. My kids like the calendar and the weeks off they get during the school year to catch up on their studies. I am disappointed that the survey results mean nothing to the board and that the board has scant respect for the wish of the citizens who voted them to power. |
Guest Guest |
#358 Re: Re: Check your facts2011-02-24 01:56#339: Guest - Re: Check your facts David Banks said it was a new cycle and I can not find anywhere on the internet a different 2010-2011 approved calendar other than the August 1st start date. I think you are mistaken. |
Laurie Trachtenbroit Guest |
#359 Calendar2011-02-24 01:58To ignore the obvious majority opinion, when you asked for comment, is inappropriate. |
Donna Vargas Guest |
#360 Balanced Calendar2011-02-24 02:24How can the Board suddenly decide to change an already approved calendar? Someone has a God complex... |
Guest Guest |
#3622011-02-24 02:52#356: eva sherwood - Aug 1st start date well said!! |
Working mom Guest |
#3632011-02-24 02:57As a parent, I am LOVING this week off with my children. By the middle of August, we are tired of vacation and the kids are ready to go back and be with their friends. We have hiked, gone on picnics, sat on the porch at has been wonderful! And guess what, I DO work but with the help of neigbors, friends and inexpensive babysitters (because the high schoolers are out) it has not been a burden on me or my husband! The board should overturn their decision!!! |
Guest Guest |
#364 Re: Re: Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!!2011-02-24 03:02#354: Guest - Re: Half of these signatures arent even from Cobb County!!! My parents live in Fulton and help me take care of my children when school is in session so their opinion DOES count! They support the balanced calendar and signed the online petition! |
Richard Turk Guest |
#365 August 1st Calendar2011-02-24 04:23I believe that it is unconscionable for the board to disregard the wishes of the majority of voters. |
Kari Lieber Guest |
#366 Calendar2011-02-24 04:57At this point, we need leadership and a final decision. Summer family plans, camps, childcare, academic enrichment, etc. are needing our attention and commitment. |
Cathy Henriksen Guest |
#367 school calendar2011-02-24 17:05I feel the parents were asked for their imput on the dates they preferred and then they were ignored. Also, it gives the students and the teacher breaks throughout the year which help to keep morale up among your staff. |
Frances Guest |
#3682011-02-24 18:38Well, I guess the Cobb County Officials just flipped us all the bird, didn't they.. |
Becky Shook Guest |
#369 Please2011-02-24 21:43OK so i am a student and i really like this calendar. The only thing that messed it up as the snow and that won't happen for another 30-60 years so please..........we all like this calendar |
Guest Guest |
#370 Re: VOTER FRAUD2011-02-24 21:51#76: Cant trust the results. - VOTER FRAUD Can't trust the elected officials either! |
Guest Guest |
#371 Re: Another family would like to be in sync with the rest of the country2011-02-24 21:54#301: Guest - Another family would like to be in sync with the rest of the country In sync with the rest of the country? Most states go all the way through June. Some are even on year-round calendars. Think again - do what is best for us. |
4 B C Guest |
#372 Re: people need breaks?2011-02-24 22:26#81: shakes head - people need breaks? Dear Mr. "Head"...(appropo)...You obviously don't teach. Let me explain what teachers do, since you are coming from a place of utter ignorance, bless your heart. As middle school teachers, our day officially starts at 8:40, I think. I don't really know since I get to work about 7:15 everyday. I think the day ends when the students load the buses...this would be 4:15. The only reason I know the official end time is because that's when I walk the kids out to safely board the buses. That doesn't mean my day ends. My day ends generally about 5:30, sometimes 6. If I have an after school activity to attend or supervise (which is frequent), I can stay as late as 8pm. Now. Breaks. Well, we don't have any. You see, we have to be with kids the whole time they are in school. I can't even go to the bathroom at my leisure. It's either pee in 3 minutes and race back to class, or hold it to the end of the day. Lunch? Sure. It's for 22 minutes, and I have to supervise kids the whole time. Oh yea...there IS that planning period we get in the day when our kids are in Connections. Oh...but wait...that's when we meet as content teams, data teams, grade level teams...that's when we meet with parents, or do training for assessment administration...or meet to discuss retention issues, or tutor kids who are behind. Planning? No. We do that once we get home....which is when we grade all our papers and essays, too. You see, for a teacher, the day doesn't end when we get home. There is still much to do. And summer? What summer? You see, Mr. "Head", summer is the time teachers hone their teaching skills by attending trainings and planning for the next year. They are often found meeting with their teammates to analyze what things went well the year before and what things could use some improvement. This is a time teachers work on additional certifications, or go back to school to take extra hours towards a Masters or other educational endeavors. So sir, please watch your arrogance. You really shouldn't be commenting on something you know nothing about. You obviously haven't read the research on Balanced Calendars, nor have you stayed up on the fact that America needs to improve its educational system. We are constantly searching for ways to make our educational system World Class. The status quo that you are referring to isn't good enough anymore, and in case you haven't noticed, the world isn't the same place it was when you were a lad. Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth and learn something before you make such insolent comments. |
Stefan Shook Guest |
#373 Petition for the August 1st Calendar2011-02-24 23:13Though it will not effect me directly, it will effect my family. Being the oldest of 6 kids, the other 5 will be effected by this change. Our Democracy has been denied because our vote was cast aside. This is not right. We voted and that vote means nothing. That act does not represent a Democracy. |
Katey Crockett Guest |
#3742011-02-24 23:14change it back at least for the three years you promised |
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