Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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Guest |
#326 Re: what about the kids2011-02-23 03:38#321: let the kids decide - what about the kids OK, but let's wait to ask them after they have a shorter summer. |
Guest Guest |
#327 Re: Voting on a county computer2011-02-23 03:46#324: - Voting on a county computer The survey did address multiple voting from the same IP address. |
Angela Cowan Guest |
#328 Aug 1 start date2011-02-23 03:49The bottom line is the majority of individuals in the Cobb County School District want the balanced calendar. We live in a democracy- those who voted against their constituents, I am sure, will be replaced. To say Board members voted based on their platform really is not fair as the current balanced calendar was intended to have a 3 year trial before ANY changes were made. |
Angie Guest |
#329 Re: Re: what about the kids2011-02-23 03:52#326: - Re: what about the kids They already had a shorter a summer, they started school on Aug 3 last year. I have a 10th and an 8th grader at Harrison/ Durham....they want the balanced calendar. |
Marsha Boyd Guest |
#330 Abuse of power2011-02-23 03:54Regardless of individual preference of board members, those who voted against the balanced calendar last Thursday night ignored their constituency. Why bother having a survey if the results don't mean a thing? I fear the CCSD is headed the way of Fulton and DeKalb. Can you say "laughingstock" without thinking of Cobb County? |
Guest |
#334 Re: Re: Voting on a county computer2011-02-23 04:37#327: Guest - Re: Voting on a county computer Not from this IP address. |
Guest Guest |
#335 Re: Re: Re: what about the kids2011-02-23 04:39#329: Angie - Re: Re: what about the kids Do they participate in football or marching band? Did they have a summer job that they had to work two weeks less than they could have? |
Guest |
#336 Check your facts2011-02-23 05:40#325: - Re: Vote the board members OUT that want to change the schedule !! Have you checked your facts on this? I don't think this is true. I think that last year was a new cycle and they voted in a new calendar cycle which is usually three years. |
Guest Guest |
#337 Re: Very Happy With The Decision The "4" made2011-02-23 05:42It's about lazy parents who don't want to get up early? Last time I checked the amount of school days didn't change, so that comment is completely ridiculous. |
Guest |
#338 Cobb County School Board / calendar2011-02-23 11:50As a new voter in Cobb County the board sould be ashamed what kind of example are you trying to set.What if when you were voted in and knew you had it, then the people turned around and changed it on you. Its the same thing. I dont give a flip about the calendar, but i do care about the vote, and voters. The school system has become a joke,I dont know whos on TV more Cobb County Schools or Atlanta City Schools.I as a voter would not vote any of you in.There sould be a recall on all of you.Yall knew what you were going to do before the meeting.JUST REMEMBER YOU (ARE VOTED IN ) and you can be ( PUT OUT ) |
Guest Guest |
#339 Re: Check your facts2011-02-23 14:23Yes, it's true. My plans had to change at this time last year because of the calendar change to the balanced calendar. Check with the central office or a board member for the facts. Changing to the balanced calendar was SUPPOSED to provide remedial opportunities for struggling students. Although there is money there for tutoring, it never happened during either of these two weeks. |
Guest Guest |
#340 Re: Re: Re: Voting on a county computer2011-02-23 14:26#334: - Re: Re: Voting on a county computer My IP address was not listed as showing a duplicate and it should have if the survey was valid. |
Cobb teacher Guest |
#341 SACS2011-02-23 14:58Contact the local SACS office about the Cobb BOE. Alpharetta Office 9115 Westside Parkway Alpharetta, GA 30009 888.41ED NOW (888.413.3669) |
Guest Guest |
#342 One of the "4" gets a February Break!2011-02-23 16:01One of the "4" that voted against the balanced calandar works for Douglas County Schools as a math teacher...she gets a february break. Read their profiles on the county website then go to Douglas County's website. |
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2011-02-23 16:28- Date of removal: 2011-02-23
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Guest Guest |
#344 Re: Very Happy With The Decision The "4" made2011-02-23 16:35#313: SAHM - Very Happy With The Decision The "4" made It's not about lazy parents who don't want to wake up early. Have you worked in a school? You obviously don't have school children or if you do, you are one of those that don't care! It's good for the children to have a break. They come back refreshed and ready to go back after a rest, vacation or just a break from books, homework and quizzes. This balanced calendar has worked for Cherokee County for years and years. This was supposed to be tried for 3 years. We're not even through with the first year, and already it has been changed.
Guest Guest |
#345 Re: One of the "4" gets a February Break!2011-02-23 17:28#342: Guest - One of the "4" gets a February Break! So did we. The question should be what does she think about it? How is it working for her students? Will they have it again next year? Is Douglas County in as bad a financial shape as we are? Do they need to cut days in the hot summer weeks to save on energy costs to save teaching positions so we can have smaller class sizes, which is in the best interest of our students? Does Douglas County care as much as Cobb County? We need the answers to these questions. Also, she is not a decision maker for the calendar in Douglas County. |
Sandra Cobb Guest |
#346 Balanced Calendar2011-02-23 17:31As the results of the survey showed, all those who voted prefer the balanced calendar. Therefore Cobb County should stand by those results. |
Sara Moeller Guest |
#3472011-02-23 17:38We live in a democracy, yet we are treated as though we live in a dictatorship! The majority of people voted to keep the calendar we have now. We shouldn't have even had a vote on the calendar this year, because we voted last year. It hasn't been three years; they haven't given us a chance to show that this calendar will work the best. Test scores have been proven lower with the two breaks this year. |
Maria Huggins Guest |
#348 August 1st Calendar2011-02-23 17:55The Cobb County Commissioners were voted to represent their constituents. They asked what we wanted, we told them, and they went against it. Seems to be a direct slap in the face to their constituents. |
Katherine Guest |
#349 Aug. 1 school start date.2011-02-23 19:07The PEOPLE of Cobb County have spoken, let it be heard. |
Guest |
#350 Balanced Calendar2011-02-23 19:30please consider the majority of what people want. |
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