Bradley's Law in NH
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Bradley's Law in NH.
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#772015-04-07 01:32Ok i believe they shouls do life in prison but thay is my opinion. I do agree with this law and i think it needs to be past. If he could do this to this child jusg imagine how many other kids he has hurt but the parents never said anything . This makes me sick to see people do this to innocent kids who did absolutelh nothing to them |
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#782015-04-07 01:46I signed this petition because I have a 3 yr old and it hurts me to know that there are cowards in this world that would take their aggression out on innocent babies |
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#802015-04-07 02:12I'm at a loss for words 15 years isn't even enough. These children suffer for longer than that |
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#812015-04-07 02:25No child should ever be put through this. They are innocent gifts from God and should be protected as such. |
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#842015-04-07 02:53I signed because children should never be abused phiycally, emotionally or in any way shape or form! Anyone that abuses a child should get the maximum sentence period! These are helpless children what did they ever do to deserve such treatment? Its disgusting and people that do it should be treated as they have treated the children! There is NO excuse! |
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#852015-04-07 03:06Because this poor little boy went through hell and no child deserves what he went through. This man needs to pay for what he did. |
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#862015-04-07 03:21That man / monster tried to murder the child and it's being called child abuse. What has this wirld come too drug dealers get nore sentence than that Frank should be charged for attemept to murder. god bless the child he is a fighter |
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#882015-04-07 03:35Kids are not meant to be harm .I experience physical,verbal and sexual abuse and I'm against child abuse .They are the future and if we don't built them strong and show the love and mercy ,the next generation will suffer the consequences . |
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#902015-04-07 03:53I hope they take his abuser and murder him in the most horrible way!!! I hope he gets ripped to shreds in prison and gutted like pig. Someone should rip his privates right off his body and and shove it down his throat!!!!! That would be a little justice. So lucky I don't live anywhere near this ! |
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#912015-04-07 04:30Justice needs to be served for Bradley 4 years is no were near long enough |
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#922015-04-07 04:39It is a God awful shame that people get away with abusing children. they need to be sentenced properly NO DEALS |
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#932015-04-07 07:03Child abusers need to held accountable for such egregious acts. The victims suffer life sentences and the monsters should too |
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#952015-04-07 12:18I work with children and love them them with all my heart. No child deserves what happened to Bradley. I wanna be apart of this bc if Bradley were my child I'd make sure to fight this and give that bastard abuser what he truly deserves!! |
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#962015-04-07 12:37No child should ever be abused ever. I was a victim myself by the hands of my mother. It's personal. |
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#972015-04-07 12:54Because no child should ever be hurt and it sickens me to know that drug dealers and drug users serve more time then a ADULT BEATING a helpless child. The affects that will stay with those children for the rest of there life is so sad. That child can't say" oh well today marks the 4th month I've been beaten,now I'm 100% better. The abuser shouldn't have that option either. It should be LIFE IN JAIL BECAUSE that child's life is changed forever. I feel that they should create a CHILD ABUSERS REGISTRY. child abusers should be publicly shamed,they should be reminded EVERY SINGLE day of what they did and how it affected that child. These children have to live with the scares,the feelings and the disadvantages that child abuse causes, maybe even for the rest of their lives,so I think we should go the extra mile and create a child abusers registry |
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#982015-04-07 12:58My heart breaks for what this innocent child went through. The scumbag who did this should be facing attempted murder not assualt. Stiffer punishments are needed to protect our children and receive justice for such heinous acts of violence! |
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#992015-04-07 14:24Because I feel in my heart that no child should suffer any pain. They are suppose to be happy, loved and treasured. They are the greatest most blessed gift ever given. And I truly believe anyone who hurts a child in any way should be given the death penalty and not years from now but NOW!!!! They should be tied to a stake and pummeled with stones untill dead not injected so they can die humanly, that's just how I feel about it. God bless this child |
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#1002015-04-07 14:25He should get life in prison or the death penalty because that boy will suffer for the rest of his life so this abuser should as well! LOSER! |
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