Concerned residents of Providence Road Marietta GA
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Concerned residents of Providence Road Marietta GA.
Guest |
#512011-03-24 16:31There is already a lot of traffic problems in this area. This is especially true when students and leaving the nearby schools at Walton High School and Dodgen middle school and there are long lines of cars of parents trying to pick up their children. Furthermore, students walking to and from school in this area could be threatened by traffic coming and going to the hospital. A hospital located so close to school and residences presents a hazard to the residents |
Concerned in East Cobb Guest |
#52 WellStar2011-03-25 17:23This is a terrible place to put a facility of this size. This is clearly a residential zone and no such building should be built. Also, with the proximity of the facility to schools, I can only imagine how many children will be hit by speeding ambulances. This is a real safety hazard for our children. |
Guest Guest |
#53 Previously Mentioned Concerns2011-03-25 20:45Regarding traffic, ambulances and the incorrect statement that the facility will be a hospital, interested community members should take a moment to visit the East Cobb Health Park Web site at There you will find a Question and Answer document and if you refer to questions 6, 7, and 29 it addresses concerns about traffic and emergency vehicles. It is also important to note that this is NOT a hospital, but rather an outpatient facility. |
Guest |
#54 Re: Previously Mentioned Concerns2011-03-27 01:43#53: Guest - Previously Mentioned Concerns If this not a hospital, then why is Wellstar using the Hospital Authority to by-pass zoning laws. Time to listen to the residents we do not want the extra traffic, on an already congested road and we want our kids safe while walking to school. I know mine walk at this time, but with the added traffic, and the craziness extra cars add, I'm not so sure they would be as safe. The bottom line is a facility of this size does not belong here, the intersection of Providence Rd and Roswell Rd is already a huge vehicular accident area, this facility will only make it a more dangerous intersection. We are zoned residential for a reason, we bought our houses here, because it lacked the congestion of what you are about to bring to this area. Go away! |
3/30/2011 Guest |
#55 Re: Wellstar Project/Providence Rd Area2011-03-28 16:15#1: Roderick Kaye - Wellstar Project/Providence Rd Area The impact on Sewell mill creek will be great. Storm water impact study? Straight downhill to the park , I worry about medical waste making it into the water system. Traffic of course is an issue. Zoned residential , it should stay residential that is why people choose to live in that area.
Guest |
#56 Re: Previously Mentioned Concerns2011-03-29 14:32#53: Guest - Previously Mentioned Concerns The current proposed facility may not be a "hospital," but without zoning restrictions, there is no way to stop future land acquisition and additional building on this site, to turn the proposed facility into a "hospital." |
Guest |
#57 Re:2011-03-29 18:50are you being sarcastic, because this is a VERY serious petition |
Katherine Michalak Guest |
#58 Why on EARTH at this location?2011-03-29 19:14We are extremely concerned residents of the area -- fearful of the traffic congestion and general detriment to the neighborhood as well as the potential damage to property value. From the outset, it seems that WellStar purchased the large property until False Pretense with a "Bait & Switch" technique. Beyond those concerns, we also question why this location seems at all attractive for this facility? This is a RESIDENTIAL AREA, several miles from I-75, I-285 and GA 400 with 3 major schools within a 1-mile radius of the location, where commerical zoning is limited and apartments restricted,. Roswell Road/120 barely handles the existing traffic and CANNOT support more-- how can a "traffic assessment" done during the THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY with NO SCHOOL BUSES and MINIMAL COMMUTERS at all be considered Valid??? All along the 120 Loop area there are Virtually Abandoned Commerical Properties, some with only one tenant, clustered conveniently around the improvements currently under construction to widen 120 and increase its access. Why leave these areas useless and empty, and CREATE CHAOS in the middle of a residential neighborhood, our beautiful park and our Nationally-Ranked Schools? |
Guest |
#59 Re: Why on EARTH at this location?2011-03-29 20:21 |
Thomas Palmer Guest |
#60 Health Park for Wellstar2011-04-01 18:04Residents who have invested in homes adjacent to the proposed building site have had their voices silenced. The Hospital Authority will squash or ignore any objection made by homeowners to the Zoning Commission. Private property laws have been rendered impotent and subject to the desires of those who control eminent domain statutes. Other hospitals will not challenge a Certificate of Need request since the others protect another hospital's expansion plans. Wellstar has carte blanche to do whatever they like. You may ask yourself, is there any right to life, liberty and property? Obviously not here in Cobb County. |
Guest |
#61 Re: Health Park for Wellstar2011-04-08 01:49#60: Thomas Palmer - Health Park for Wellstar What is interesting on this point is Wellstar is a private hospital, not a public one, they should not have this much power. The only interest being served here is for Wellstar. County Commissioners, time for you to step up. You seem to be hiding and we would like a response to our concerns. |
Guest |
#622011-09-08 03:20This is preposterous! These good families don't deserve to be hoodwinked by an organization touting a mission to promote wellbeing in the community. Build a parking garage somewhere close, start a mini-bus taxi service and respect those who were around you before you pounced on the local scene. |
Guest |
#632011-09-08 04:32The level of traffic on Providence Road due to the proximity of both Walton High School and Dodgen Middle School is already both heavy and hazardous. A pedestrian/automobile accident already occurred this Friday 02-SEP during the heavy afternoon traffic hours. Traffic routinely backs up at the intersection of Pine and Providence in both directions. At its worst, all the way from Pine to near both ends of Providence at Roswell Road during school hours. The addition of a WellStar facility has the potential to turn this tremendous residential street and multiple neighborhoods along its path into an unbearable traffic and living environment. |
Brian |
#64 Traffic and Safety2011-09-11 01:13I believe its reasonable to assume that close to 1/3 of the traffic for this facility will be coming south down Johnson Ferry Rd. These people will quickly learn that the best way to reach this facility will be to turn right on Sewell Mill, left on Pine, and right on Providence Road. The Sewell Mill/Johnson Ferry intersection is already congested. Traffic going down Pine will go right next to Walton High School, and Providence Road has a significant blind spot for residents exiting the Providence Corners Subdivision. A Walton High School teacher was hit by a car last week at that blind spot. Many students cross providence road and cross pine en-route to and from school. The increase in traffic will have a significant, negative impact on people living along Sewell Mill, Pine, and Providence road. We have to make sure the safety of our citizens, as well as their property values, are maintained. |
Michelle Williamson |
#65 Re: Welstar2011-10-10 04:23I was walking on Providence road near the church today. i found an iphone 4. its pretty shattered but I could see that you called. We searched you up on google and this is what we came up with. Call us or have the owner of the phone call us at 770-579-0107.#3: John Griner - Welstar
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