PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down
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#1262015-06-10 18:32Because I am tired of beautiful country been driven into the ground by a hooligan like Zuma and his comrades. It makes me ashamed to say that I am South African |
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#1272015-06-10 19:51Because I am so sick and tired of all this crimes going on in our country. Zuma is a hooligan! |
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#1282015-06-10 20:12Tired of the lack of honesty, integrity, accountability and responsibility to all the citizens of this nation of someone who holds the highest office in our land, my beloved country South Africa. |
michael |
#129 leave anc n president bar head alone2015-06-10 20:38ppl relax n let him lead d anc 2d ground...thy hv manage 2 dodge evry counter nt realisin dt thy on a self destruct mode |
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#1302015-06-11 06:16Om 'n geloofwaardige regering en president terug te kry!Die tyd vir steel en korrupsie lieg en boere uitmoor is verby. Die ANC regeer asof Suid Afrika 'n provinsie van Luthuli huis is en Gwede Mantase die kommunis besluit blykbaar wat en wat moet nie gebeur nie! GENOEG is GENOEG ons is moeg om te betaal en dan word ons eie geld teen ons aangewend!! |
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#1322015-06-11 09:53We need radical change in our country. Improvement of hospitals, lack of houses for our people. Unemployment recurring because 90% is not working which results to xenophobic attacks. If ppl were working we would have no crimminals in our country and prisons would have less inmates inside. They do crimes because of hunger. |
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#1342015-06-11 23:15People of South Africa make ur stand, and sign this petition, its time to face facts aswell as reality, our country is in shambles, so make ur mark, the change south africa needs starts with u, sign this petition, and share this post!!!!!! God bless |
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#1352015-06-12 07:04I'm tired of Zuma and the manner in which he runs South Africa as if he runs a his Spaza Shop in Nkandla. |
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#1362015-06-12 10:32South Africa has deteriorated through incompetant and irresponsible decisions made by the ANC government. Done with it! |
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#1372015-06-12 20:39I am an optimistic patriot until J came along. I worry for the Children and Patriots of our land. It is time to step aside J and let HIM in |
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#138 The role of the community in the office off the president2015-06-12 21:53I agree with the Author, the ANC has always claimed that NO one is bigger than the organisation, according to the Chairperson of the Gauteng province had made some questionable statement yesterday. I can not be surprised today if Zuma, Mantashe and Ramaphosa they sole owner of the construction that is underway in Medupi power station The otherthing is that, SANRAL is busy with N8 road without consulting the community and as the things stand the e-toll (e-tag) is on the way and the is nothing we can do about that. Lastly, Ramaphosa had taken all tender school around Bot shabelo, cleaning and building school halls are they saying they are the only once who have knowledge about building and the was no one in the whole province The community is still suffering while you take their money for the benefit of one person, Mr Ramaphosa you had resigned from politics, what made you to come back? Or it was not enough? MrDeputy President always remember when you to bed with a full sstomach, South Africans are hungry Today in Botshabelo we have groups like BTK (Born to Kill), Egyptians (Maegepeta) and Makguruntale, they still, kill, rape and do all sorts of things in the name of poverty, and the leadership of the ruling party in the branches they use this groups to protect them and they buy them booze to control them |
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#1392015-06-13 11:14As a citizen of thus beautiful land, I've had enough of the mismanagement and misappropriation of the resources which belong to the people of thus land. I've had enough of the so called leadership of our nation wiping their shoes on the very Constitution which is there to uphold our country. I could go on and on - but will end with this ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We need active and strong leadership NOW more than ever |
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#1412015-06-14 04:45to show the ruling party that we have a voice, we have spoken individually about how zuma must be removed from office but it seems like we are not heard, hopefully as a collective force we can make waves, |
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#1422015-06-15 04:18I'm unemployed, I'm not safe in my country, my family has big financial problems. Theres too many negativities in S.a. if people stop voting. There will definitely be change |
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#1432015-06-16 06:44I totally agree with everything that's on this petition, we has the people of our country feel threatened and victimized n strangers in our own country, our children habe no furture in our country, the crime rate has risen so bad that we not safe in our home anymore, its time for a change, the cost of living is gone so high, I personally can not even cope financially, everything inflating, honestly speakin even tho we being through the apartheid times but we never had such crimes, prices of food was so low something we wil never see again, its scary to even think what's gna happen next in our country. |
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#1442015-06-18 05:22Ek wil nie sien dat die mooi land in die grondin bestuur word deur mense wat nie omgee vir mede Afrikaners nie en toe kyk hoe ons boere vermoor word en niks daaraan doen nie en dan nog die land se wette ignoreer en net vir hulle eie sak en gewin kyk en bedrog pleeg sover hulle gaan. |
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#1462015-06-18 07:41Chaos awaits our beloved country if this man is not urgently removed from power and replaced by someone with more integrity and loyalty towards the country and our people....Please support! |
Guest |
#1502015-06-19 20:49Do the Right Thing and step down Mr Zuma, give Mmusi Maimane the opportunity to give back to The People of South Africa to create a better future! |
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