Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا.
aliasghar |
#11376 با سلام2015-10-01 19:13با سلام خوشحال میشم اگه ببینیم سازمان ملل و آقای بان کی مون واقعا برا یک بارم شده فارغ از همه مسائل سیاسی پیگیر این فاجعه عظیم شوند. با تشکر |
Guest |
#113772015-10-01 19:13Because I'm a human When I see that some innocent people are killed I can't stand and see it |
ایمان |
#11378 دل نامه حج2015-10-01 19:14متاسفم برای مسئولین بی کفایت برگزاری حج که با کوتاهی خودشون هزاران خانواده رو بی سرپرست و عذادار کردن. مسئولین ایران، لطفا از حق و حقوق عزیزان از دست رفتمون نگذرید و از خانوادهاشون حمایت کنید |
Guest |
#113792015-10-01 19:14A terrible disaster in menaa. You should find it's reason to show to everybody that you are a impartal organization. |
Guest |
#113822015-10-01 19:14Heezarane hojaje bigonah be dalie be kefayatie al sood koshte shodan darkhaste residege daram |
Guest |
#113842015-10-01 19:14Tod für die Herrscherfamilie Al-Saud Bei dieser Katastrophe in Mena sind 464 Iraner getötet. Saudische Polizisten haben tausende Verletzte in Mena gesehen,aber haben ihnen nicht geholfen. Es dauerte über 4 Stunden,dass die saudischen Notfalldienste angekommen sind. Tausende Pilger sind dort vor Durst gestorben. |
زینب |
#113862015-10-01 19:14فقط به خاطر تسلا خانواده های جان باختگان و رسیدگی به این بی مسولیتی های عربستان که جنایت علیه بشریته |
Guest |
#113872015-10-01 19:14I`m really sorry for saoodi araibia because of this lack of fair in their manner despite of their huge claims about Islam,brotherhood,... . |
Guest |
#113882015-10-01 19:14To protect peace and show that Noone can disrespect Iranian people |
Guest |
#113902015-10-01 19:14Our compatriots have died in Mecca. We all deserve knowing what exactly happened there and why should this have happened? We want you to assay about this disaster. |
Guest |
#113912015-10-01 19:14با ابراز احترام و ادب.لطفا با جدیت تمام به عوامل بروز این فاجعه رسیدگی شود. |
fahimeh |
#11394 Mecca Disaster2015-10-01 19:14لطفا فاجعه منا را پیگیری کنید تا دوباره همچین اتفاق هولناکی در تاریخ رخ ندهد |
Guest |
#113962015-10-01 19:14To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon United Nations Headquarters To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Your Excellency, We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals. We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations. Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future. Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All". We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs. Sincerely yours, |
Guest |
#113982015-10-01 19:14Please follow this issue. This is a great injustice to Muslims worldwide. Down with the traitor al-Saud |
Guest |
#113992015-10-01 19:14Hi sir. I am an iranian girl and i am sad about disaster.I want to disclose causes. Thank you |
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