Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا.



2015-10-01 21:23

Because of they kill iranians



2015-10-01 21:23

جناب آقای بان کی چون با سلام لطفا عدالت را اجرا کنید شما نماینده ملل هستید



2015-10-01 21:24

God saw this happan and see how was happen



2015-10-01 21:24

امیدوارم مرحمی باشم،هرچند کوچک



2015-10-01 21:24

It was horrible for my people and my country , it was so sad to watch who came back from meka whithout his wife or his father :(



2015-10-01 21:24

خدا انتقام اين قرباني ها رو از اين نامردا ميگيره چيزي نمونده بلايي كه سر صدام اومد سراين نامردا بياد اميدوارم زنده باشم و با چشم هاي خودم ببينم



2015-10-01 21:24

رشیم ظالم و ستمکار صعودی بداند که با پول و به پشتوانه آمریکا و اسرائیل نمیتواند رو در روی وجدان پاک و آگاه و بیدار مردم دنیا بایستد و انسانیت را نمیشود با زور ساکت کرد و بداند که مردم با غیرت ایران به چشم برهم زدنی میتوانند نابودش کنند و بداند ایرانی با عرب فرق دارد و در هشت سال جنگ تحمیلی ثابت کرد که تا پای جان پای حق و جان و ناموسش میایستد حتی اگر تنها رودر روی چند کشور و بدون کمک و امکانات لازم باشد و حتمی به یاری خدا پیروز میشود
بترسید از ظلم به مردم ایران چون تاوانی جز نابودی ظالم در بر نخواهد داشت



2015-10-01 21:25

من هم متاسفم



2015-10-01 21:25

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Headquarters

To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

Your Excellency,

We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals.

We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations.

Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future.

Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All".

We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs.

Sincerely yours,


2015-10-01 21:27

حقیقت واقعه منا بررسی بشود و سزای کارشون رو پس بدهند حتی به قیمت جنگ

خسته نباشید

باید پشته ایران و مردماش باشیم و باشید



2015-10-01 21:27

I am very sad !! I hope this painful tragedy Szman or institution affiliated to the United Nations or the international community's response was Saudi Arabia



2015-10-01 21:27

for petition by this disaster



2015-10-01 21:28

به دلیل از دست دادن جمع کثیری از مسلمانان دنیا وهمچنين هم وطنان عزیز از جمله استاد عزیزم حاج حسن دانش



2015-10-01 21:28

Because i love my country and my people and Im really sorry for our losts.
God bless them



2015-10-01 21:28

MR.Ban Ki-moon
Please Saudi support them stop and ...
Many people die.
It should be noted



2015-10-01 21:28

The new EU member state Cyprus has become a death trap for the birds which migrate across the Eastern Mediterranean. Countless trappers set up their nets, and above all lime sticks, in almond and olive groves, in gardens and in the mac...


2015-10-01 21:28

I am very sad !! I hope this painful tragedy Szman or institution affiliated to the United Nations or the international community's response was Saudi Arabia



2015-10-01 21:29

وظیفه ای بنام انسانیت



2015-10-01 21:29

Shame on saudi arabi governers



2015-10-01 21:30

I want all peaple around the world know about this disaster



2015-10-01 21:30

ادمی که فرشتگان بهش سجده کردن گرفتن جانش به خاطر ناآگاهی ونادانی برخی افراد به این آسانی هستش؟......واقعا این حقوق بشر هس....جان باختن هزاران نفر نمیشه ازش گذشت...یا حداقل ما مسلمانا نمیگذریم....



2015-10-01 21:30

Al-e-soud is the worst dominion in the world.they are very unholy.



2015-10-01 21:30




2015-10-01 21:31

جناب آقای بان کی چون با سلام لطفا عدالت را اجرا کنید شما نماینده ملل هستید



2015-10-01 21:33




 Greetings Please complete Tkhqyqat international incident without influence MENA countries concerned do influence you in less important as they have been of interest to you Krdydh research. The study officially announced.
Thank you