Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Mecca Disaster فاجعه سرزمین منا.
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#176512015-10-03 06:21In the name of Allah Greetings to you , Mr President of you as a person first and largest international organization whose job is affected by the pressure of world peace which countries were involved in this massive catastrophes, not to do their duty and right of all people affected by this rule may God be with you by the tyrants . Thanks Mousavi Siamak am |
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#176522015-10-03 06:22عربستان باید هرچه زودتر از تمامی مسلمانان جهان بابت سهل انگاری خود معذرت خواهی کند |
Guest |
#176552015-10-03 06:23Atapour elnaz Iam from iran Iam very sad of mecca disaster سازمان ملل لطفا خواهشا پیگیری کنید |
Guest |
#176562015-10-03 06:23و من یخرج من بیته مهاجرا الی الله و رسوله ثم یدرکه الموت فقد وقع اجره علی الله بِأَیِّ ذَنبٍ قُتِلَتْ به كدامین گناه كشته شده اند؟ ترجمه انگلیسی: For what sin she was killed ترجمه فرانسوی: Pour quel péché elle a été tuée ترجمه آلمانی: Wegen welcher Sünde es denn getötet wurde ترجمه روسی: за какой грех ее убили ترجمه چینی: 她為什麼罪過而遭殺害呢 سوره : التكویر |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-03 06:23- Date of removal: 2015-10-03
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#176602015-10-03 06:23به نام خدا ما از خون هموطنان خود نمي گذريم من خواهان تحقيقاتي كامل عادلانه و منصفانه در مورد اين فاجعه مي باشم و از سازمان ملل همانطور كه اگر يك نفر از اروپايان يا آمريكايي كشته شود تحقيق و بررسي مي كند خواهان تحقيق و بررسي و اين حادقه عظيم يا بهتر بگم اين كشتار ناجوانمردانه را خواستارم |
محمد |
#17661 رسیدگی به فاجعه منا2015-10-03 06:24خواهان رسیدگی به دلایل فاجعه منا و مجازات کسانی که به هر نوع در این فاجعه عظیم نقش داشتند. |
Hosseini |
#176632015-10-03 06:26سلام جناب آقاي بان كي مون ، لطفاً در اولين فرصت به شكايت ما رسيدگي كنيد . ملت ايران منتظر برخورد جدي شما هستن... |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-10-03 06:27- Date of removal: 2015-10-03
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This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2015-10-03 06:27- Date of removal: 2015-10-03
- Reason for removal:
Guest |
#176682015-10-03 06:28because, I hate killing the victims, and I agree with the human rights. |
Guest |
#176702015-10-03 06:29I m Iranian and very glad for killed people in mecca please help us. |
Guest |
#176722015-10-03 06:30To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon United Nations Headquarters To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Your Excellency, We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals. We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations. Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future. Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All". We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs. Sincerely yours, |
Guest |
#176732015-10-03 06:31Please get Iranian's rights. Arabi saaudi doesn't have qualifications of haj manage. |
forough |
#17674 فاجعه منا2015-10-03 06:31
To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon To the honorable United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Your Excellency, We are writing this to you in the name of thousands of pilgrims in Mecca who lost their lives on Hajj rituals. We, the Iranians, from different social section including; artists, veterans, educators, students and athletes declare our sympathy and support to survivors of Hajj stampede. This disaster happened on the biggest annual Islamic event in Mecca and therefore; it merit attentiveness and observations. Consequently, we would request your immediate attention on this specific matter with the hope that by your scrutiny and assistance such tragedies would not occur any more in the future. Undoubtedly, immediate attention to this matter is the least it could be done in accordance of the value of humanity beings lives and security from the United Nations, concerning the motto of this year's International Day of Peace motto by the United Nations "Partnership for Peace, Dignity for All". We hope such disasters won't happen again for the human beings regardless their race, nationality, religion and beliefs. Sincerely yours,
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