نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري.
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2011-06-04 09:04- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#792011-06-07 03:18will be good if this petition transaled also into other languages, especially english, also if it could be sent to Russian and Chinese leadership |
Guest |
#80 Re: محمد البادي2011-06-07 03:21this the languge you only know animals kill to eat you kill becuse you are ciminals. |
Guest |
#81 traitors2011-06-07 06:13who kills own people is a traitor , and will bill washed away like dirt |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2011-06-08 04:12- Date of removal: 2011-06-08
- Reason for removal:
Guest |
#84 Guest2011-06-08 04:13People in Syria need help from all the world. Stop killing people there. Thank you France and Britian for your Support we hope china and Russian will do the same. |
Guest |
#86 Guest2011-06-09 18:33Russia and China Are you happy to see Syrian people and killed? What are these people bother you. Be fair and justice to the Syrian people. |
Guest |
#872011-06-09 21:25Yeah i know I'm Lebanese but it doesn't have anythin to do with what citizenship u carry. Murder is murder. Stop the killing of peaceful civilians. |
Guest |
#882011-06-09 22:30الضغط بكل السبل الممكنة على نظام الرئيس بشار أسد وعائلته من أجل إيقاف حمام الدم وعدم إطلاق الرصاص الحي على المتظاهرين المسالمين |
Guest |
#902011-06-11 23:43انقذوا سوريا الجهاد والاستشهاد والمقاومة والاباء انقذوها من عائلة الأسد الطغاة |
كاسر راس الأسد |
#92 نايكك و نايك آل الجحش2011-06-13 00:39ملينا من سوريا الأسد و الجحش و أرنب الجولان سوريا لكل السورين و لا ننسى أن المقبور حافظ لم يكن شرعياً لأنه لم يكن يوجد إنتخابات بل إستفتاء تحت البسطار العسكري ثم ورث أبنه الأبله عن أبوه الحكم لقد تحولت سوريه مزرعه لآل الجحش و حلفاؤه من أمثالك لقد ذهب عصركم و إلى مزبلة التاريخ |
Guest |
#93 Guest2011-06-13 17:32 Dictator Bashaar and his family and his security should go. Please find any way to help people in Syria and to stop killing people there. |
Guest |
#942011-06-15 19:12Of the Syrian citizen is free to the EU: Three months to the carnage of Bashar al-Assad can not hear you speak, but how long will this shameful attitudes toward the Syrian people, know that very well that the Syrian people after the victory, his revolution will not forgive any State of the Union of its present or conspired it to abort the blessed revolution. |
love syria hurra |
#96 to help syrian in their revolution2011-06-17 22:43God wil lsave syria but we have to move around the world to let them help syrian in thier freedom and to expell bashar out and to escourt him for judjment |
Guest |
#1002011-06-22 22:37عاشت سوريا حرة أبية يا بشار إن الله يمهل ولا يهمل الله ينصركم يأهل سوريا على هذا الطاغية عاجلا غير آجل |
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