Reinstate Mr. Thomas Leahy
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Reinstate Mr. Thomas Leahy.
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#3012015-11-07 09:08Because there are too many haters out there. I think these bible thumpers are the least moral people that there is. |
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#3042015-11-07 14:21To show that freedom is still important in the US and the rest of the world. Freedom of speech, freedom from parents that teaches their children to hate. |
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#3052015-11-07 14:38A teacher's job is to make students think. And Mr. Leahy is exemplary in that regard. |
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#3062015-11-07 14:54I remember High School. Back then bullies were an extension of teachers and the school administration. They preyed on students the teachers let them. They enforced a conformity the school couldn't. Mr. Leahy's actions seem quite appropriate considering the attitude of apparently many students in his class. Considering the school administrators are probably of my generation, they likely hold an outlook similar to what they saw growing up in school and defend it to themselves with "bullying isn't as big a deal as they say" thoughts. As well, the prejudice of the students didn't arise spontaneously in a vacuum. I suspect the most vocal parents have the more prejudice kids. |
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#3072015-11-07 14:58Teaching children to be tolerant is not a reason to be fired or asked to resign, if it were reversed, would you want him to stay?? |
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#3082015-11-07 15:26We ask much of our teachers, but provide so little in return for their daily efforts to improve the skills, abilities, and possibilities of our children. Fundamentally, a teacher shows children how to use their minds effectively. This is precisely what Mr. Leahy did. He should be rewarded for his efforts, rather than penalized in an accommodation to the narrow biases and worldviews of a few. |
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#3092015-11-07 16:47Because prejudice, discrimination and bullying is wrong. Numerous religions and philosophies teach that we should treat others as we want and deserve to be treated. Human life and dignity is paramount. |
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#3102015-11-07 17:40As part of the LGBT+ community, I'm giving back to Thomas for sticking up for me and my fellow LGBT+ individuals |
Jim |
#311 As one who has fond memories of growing up in Kansas...2015-11-07 18:28I habitually cringe when I read about the reactionary, bigoted attitudes and policies that control too much of what happens in my home state. That was my initial reaction to the story of Leahy's suspension for taking the initiative to teach his students about the dangers of bullying. It's heartening to learn that Kansans are standing up for Leahy's actions, instead of knuckling under to yet another overreach by authoritarian "leaders". Leahy is the leader in this case, as are the individual Kansans fighting back against knee-jerk, repressive stereotypes. Stand your ground, Mr. Leahy. Jim O'Leary Columbine Valley, CO |
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#3122015-11-07 19:04What this teacher did was right. He met with bullying head on. The school district should thank him. Stop caving in to homophobia and do the RIGHT thing by protecting the rights of ALL your students, not just the straight ones. |
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#3132015-11-07 19:18This is wrong. I found the video a little graphic yes but not so much it shouldn't be required viewing. |
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#3142015-11-07 19:40As a young boy I worked for two gay men who I didn't know were gay at the time. They were both very respectful of my heterosexual nature and helped me learn respect for others. |
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#3152015-11-07 19:54Anyone who wants this teacher removed should have a long talk with a gay friend or two. If they have no gay friends, they need to get some. We're just human, really. |
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#3162015-11-07 20:03guy doesn't doesn't deserve to lose his job because of bigot school board/parents/ignorant kids. |
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#3172015-11-07 20:11I grew up in Kansas; I've seen the video; it's something people need to see and think about because that's the harsh reality the LGBT community suffers daily. |
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#3182015-11-07 20:28The school board needs to focus on the bullying if LGBT youth. Refusing to discuss homosexuality doesn't "prevent" kids from being gay. Instead, it leaves them feeling isolated and alone. |
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#3192015-11-07 20:30The teacher was doing his job. He was teaching students to be tolerant of other ideas and lifestyles. He was truly educati g them to live in a free society. |
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#3202015-11-07 21:14I find it 100% crazy that this man seemingly a respectable teacher is trying to make a difference in these kids lives and gets crap for it. Now I dont live in the town and dont know him, But its circling around the internet and I felt this strong urge to speak up against it |
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#3212015-11-07 21:25Teachers _should_ be teaching tolerance and compassion, as he did. Asking kids to take another perspective is part of their growth and learning. |
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#3222015-11-07 22:11With our education system in such bad shape, we need these kind of people to educate the future to open their minds. If we never learn to open our minds we cannot progress as a people or culture. |
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#3232015-11-07 23:26Because we need to end bigotry in this country and learn to LOVE EVERYONE for who they are. That is the only way to peace! |
kp |
#325 please don't resign2015-11-10 00:17That this happened just shows how much teachers like Tom Leahy are needed. As long as it is presented in a way that leads to an open, non finger-pointing discussion over the issues I don't see any harm in showing it to that age group. I applaud him for being willing to discuss this hard topic with his classes. |
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