ROMANIA-NORWAY, jointly for the Bodnariu children
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition ROMANIA-NORWAY, jointly for the Bodnariu children.
Petronel |
#1 Shame Norway Authorities2016-01-12 18:06What would be the warranty which Norway is offering, that after childrens are taken from a familly and placed into an other one, that the childrens are not suffering or are not aggressed by the new parents ? A children at such a young age would not even dare in such a situation changes of his life to say a word about a suffering produced by the new familly. Anyhow Norway ! The shame for such an accepted behaviour, aggreed by your authorities is shading anything good I heard there (level of living and so on...) I was planning to visit Norway at least once in this life but I bet I will not loose anything by not coming at all in this life there. If I would be one of the Norway citizens, I would sign this petition too :) Just to wash dirty hand of authorities...
Guest |
#22016-01-12 18:15Pentru ca nu as putea accepta nici macar cu gindul sa-mi ia cineva copiii cu forta ,cred ca as face moarte de om . :-(. |
Guest |
#32016-01-12 21:15Am semnat pentru ca după Dumnezeu, familia si iubirea sunt valorile supreme ale vietii pe pământ. |
mother_of_angels |
#4 We'll never visit Norway!2016-01-12 22:38Barnevernet stains the image of Norway . If I would be a decision maker I would abolish this institution and I would have establish another one on right principles that works for family support, not as a predatory of lives. Too shame Norway is looking for money, not for the best of children! |
Guest |
#52016-01-12 23:13Dumnezeu a ingaduit acest dezastru pentru a scoate la iveala lucruri murdare din aceasta tara , El nu mai poate vedea atatea mame distruse pentru despartirea lor de bebelusii lor si copilasii ce le mangaiau inima intro lume atata de bolnava si ingropata in pacat . |
Guest |
#62016-01-13 00:22I sign this petition for family Bodnariu to get back their children !!!!!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#72016-01-13 06:13Please help these precious children make their way back home to their parents - |
Guest |
#82016-01-13 08:08Norway's Child protective services actions need investigating and return ALL children to the families they've destroyed. |
Guest |
#92016-01-13 08:49Nu inteleg... Am primit mail cum sa "confirm" sau sa "elimin" semnatura mea de pe aceasta petitie dand click pe acest link. Dupa ce am intrat pe link-ul respectiv mi-a aparut mesajul cum ca semnatura mea a fost confirmata. Eu nu am semnat aceasta petitie si nici nu doresc sa o semnez impotriva vointei mele. Asa se rezolva o problema? Cu astfel de ilegalitati ?? |
Guest |
#102016-01-13 15:36Shame on you Norway!!!! Give back the children to their natural family!!! |
Guest |
#122016-01-13 19:52Toata lumea zic ca romani sunt hoti .. ..dar norvegieni atunci ce sunt?nu exista cuvinte pentru descrivere. |
Guest |
#15 Re:2016-01-14 01:19E atat de greu sa intelegi despre ce e vorba? Suflete de.copii Romani sunt Norvegia de.o agentie care a rapit/despartit copiii de.parintii lor. Semneaza si tu si da mai departe. Nu stiu ce link ai primit da daca tot l-ai primit vezi despre ce e vorba... |
Guest |
#162016-01-14 18:08E groaznic sa ia copii de langa mama fara voia santa fara parini de la 2 luni si ma simt groaznic dar ei e strigator la cer |
Guest |
#192016-01-15 19:59What is going on in Europe? It means that the Lord will come back soon!! |
Guest |
#202016-01-16 04:21Norway is come your end Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen 18:20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous; Gen 19:13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it. Gen 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; everyone already knows that you are the worst animals |
Guest |
#232016-01-17 04:23Doresc sa ajut familia Botnariu si poate reusim sa stopam aceste oribile abuzuri |
Guest |
#252016-01-17 11:29I signed this petition for the release of Bodnariu's children that has been wrongfully taken away by barnevernet on religious ground of christian indoctrination. THAT IS WRONG. |
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