ROMANIA-NORWAY, jointly for the Bodnariu children
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition ROMANIA-NORWAY, jointly for the Bodnariu children.
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#512016-01-21 18:59Because I really Care about Children instead of Barnevernet who kidnap them ! |
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#522016-01-21 20:19Please take a moment to sign this petition! We know the children's aunt and the whole family is heartbroken. |
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#532016-01-24 21:37Satana de la început a încercat sa destruga o familie si a reușit si asta face si in timpul nostru vrea sa mai destruga una folosind statul Norvegian , vrem ca ei sa vadă ca suntem mulți care ne-am unit in Rugaciune si știm ca Dumnezeu o sa întoarcă copii înapoi la familie |
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#542016-01-29 20:29what has happened in Norway is so outrageous....the court system and the judges have forgotten true justice...Psalms 82 pleads that judges are judging unjustly and showing partiality to the wicked.....i am one among many who are saying.......enough is enough....return to what is just and give those children back.....immediately....!!!! |
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#552016-01-30 20:00As a retired missionary to Romania I am APPALLED by the lack of accountability of the Barnevernet CPS and wish to see the Bodnariu children returned asap as well as any other children they have unjustly and criminally kidnapped from other parents. I also want to see this organisation legally changed so crimes like these will be made impossible to repeat in the future. It is not the people in the organisation that are all to blame, but the legal structure that makes human right abuses like in the Bodnariu case nearly unavoidable. |
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#56 Re:2016-01-30 20:03Is there any way I can contact the Bodnariu family as I live in Norway and would like to send a word of encouragement to them as I have been as a missionary in similar situations where children were criminally taken away under false pretences. I was a missionary in Bucharesti and Cluj Napoca for 3 1/2 years. |
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#572016-01-30 21:38Because I think it is horrible that this kind of thing can happen in Norway. I thought it only happneded in USSR, but alas. Also in Christian Norway. So sad. |
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#592016-02-14 12:18Abducting kids from their parents is called Child care in Norway ? Should this happen in a Muslim country the whole world would have gathered to destroy it. This act is a shame for humanity. And it's a win for capitalists |
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#602016-03-06 01:07I just hope that Botnariu family will be reunited with their precious children . |
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#612016-05-15 18:19I am outraged about the Norwegian government and what gives them the right to take such decisions? i mean I should have been taken away from my parents too, I was slapped when I misbehaved. Norway does its own laws and they are pretty messed up up there so they need to start following International laws. What an outrage!!!! Disgusted, will never step foot in that country. |
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#622016-05-16 00:38This action by the Norwegian government is a tragedy by design. Where is their human compassion? Decency is despised amongst the leftists. We are dealing with evil here. |
#642019-04-06 10:53همان طور که می دانید تور چین یکی از مقاصد گردشگری پر طرفدار دردنیا و خصوصا در دهه های اخیر محسوب می شود. همچنین از کشور ما ایران همه ساله گردشگران بسیاری با اهداف تجاری و کاری گرفته تا سفری تفریحی و گردشگری تور چین را به عنوان مقصد سفر خود برمی گزینند. جمهوری خلق چین در شرق آسیا واقع شده و پس از روسیه وسیع ترین کشور جهان از نظر خشکی محسوب می شود. |
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