Remove lucifer from TV or we will cancel our subscriptions
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Remove lucifer from TV or we will cancel our subscriptions.
Guest |
#12016-02-03 08:04People just sit back and accept everything and then you see things on the news like kids drinking each others blood and brutally sacrificing young innocent girls and then they would be like " I can't believe these things are happening". People so easily say they love the Lord and that they would die for their faith and if they see things like this happening they would have a lot to say about it being wrong but wont even lift a finger to try and stop it. Romans 13:11-14 11 And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. |
ChristiansSux |
#2 Re: you are all idiots2016-02-03 12:51The series is not about drinking blood and sacrificing virgins. It's a crime series. Lucifer solves crimes. I've seen much more evil series on mnet than Lucifer. You are all so sad. You all live to die just so you can go to heaven. Shame... Is that really all there is to your fantasy? And I see your 31 signatures so far is going to scare Mnet... Or not... People like you, who are uninformed and ignorant should stay off social media. |
Jaco van As The author of this petition |
#3 Re: Re: you are all idiots2016-02-03 13:33#2: ChristiansSux - Re: you are all idiots Thank you for your reply. Maybe you should read the message again because you clearly miss the point of the previous comment. Thank God, He gave us humans the option to choose. So today those that sign the petition made a choice to stand up for Jesus and for what is right and today you made a choice to mock it and not support it. It is as I said, your choice and you are allowed to make a choice. But I will not go down to your level to mock your choice like you are mocking the choice of those following Jesus. At least one day when you stand before God, you cannot say you did not know. You made your choice. And by the way, it is not about numbers, it’s about people standing up for Jesus, just like the hundreds of Christian Muslims that are killed by ISIS that refuse to turn their backs on Jesus and who stand with a smile on their faces, shouting praise Jesus just before they are killed. Again, it’s not about numbers at all, it’s about standing up for Jesus. Jesus loves you too and He will never turn his back on you, even if you turn your back on Him. Be blessed in Jesus name. Feel free to contact me at if you want to talk about this or want to accept Jesus as your Saviour. Again, it’s a choice. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2016-02-10 11:00- Date of removal: 2016-02-10
- Reason for removal:
Preacher |
#8 Re: Re: Re: you are all idiots2016-02-10 11:03#3: Jaco van As - Re: Re: you are all idiots : Lucifer is the angelic form of what in christian mythology would later become satan (devil). Lucifer is translated loosely to morningstar. Lucifer was the angel of music and God's favourite however he refused to bow to what he considered to be a lesser form (humans). God expelled him out of the heavens as he refused a God given command. As for the first poster. Murder is murder is murder, it is propagandic and misinformation that leads to that actions. Those actions are much more inspired by a Christian church than they are by satanism, those are immatations of what is taught in the Dutch Reformed about satanism. However in terms of Anton Laveyism that is against its principles. But lets keep to what Christ taught, Christ walked into a temple and saw that they were gambling and they were trading. He overturned the tables. When Christ was crucified the mantle tore in the temple as God had left it. In terms of the teachings of Christ, this petition should not be against a fictituous series purely for entertainment (and an uplifting message of redemption) but rather against the religuous powerhouses like tbn. Christ stood on mountaintops and preached to the masses without any compensation and did not expect any in return. These bookshops you frequent, these films you watch and the music that you listen (Christian) is worse in nature than any tv series or movie you can think of, the money will never see the poor, never feed the poor and it will not heal the sick, it will be put straight into mansion somewhere in the states. If you want to stand up for Christianity, then stand up for the fundamentals that Christ stood for and not what a false prophet preaches to you in various forms everyday of the week. Lucifer is his pure form, an angel. Satan is his evil form. Anykne can repent or so Christ taught you, take his teachings to heart. Stop moaning about entermaint that is not even against Christianity but perfectly in line with what it teaches. Also another series is also coming soon called preacher, similiar in nature. But instead of starting a petition requesting that it should not be aired. Rather start cleansing Christianity, bring it in line with what christ taught. When that day has come then mabe start again |
Kateri |
#9 Lucifer - TV Show - Fiction Folks!!!2016-07-06 17:10Oh My Gosh! Everyone has gone crazy! It's just a show folks and it's humorous. It's not really about Religion. If you don't like it.....simply don't watch it. Don't we have more serious matters going on in this world that need to be addressed. How about everyone take all their energy and redirect it to something meaningful, something substantial, to make a difference!
Signed Kateri, Yes, after the first American Indian to be cannonized as a Saint! |
R.S. |
#10 Re: Re: Re: you are all idiots2018-05-15 00:33#3: Jaco van As - Re: Re: you are all idiots It's just a fantasy program, not a documentary!!!!! The solution is SO SIMPLE!!! If you don't like it or ANY other program instead of bitching and moaning change the station instead of ruining it for the rest of us whom can differentiate between reality and fantasy you self righteous horses asses!!!!! |
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