Save teddy from being put down

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save teddy from being put down.



2016-03-14 01:11

BLS has been proven ineffective at curbing bite incidents. Furthermore, there is no proof this dog actually falls into the banned breed category. This entire situation is backwards and everyone is suffering.



2016-03-14 01:11

No dog is perfect & it has been proved Teddy is a good dog don't put him down its not fair any dog can turn on anyone that poor little girl is missing her companion please let him go home to his family xx


#353 Re:

2016-03-14 01:11

#326: -  




2016-03-14 01:14

Because a dog who was raised by a loving family since 9 weeks would not harm another human especially a child. I raised a Sheppard from 7 weeks when my second child was born. Had two more sons after. She was a great dog & protector.



2016-03-14 01:17

I see no reasoning behind the detention of this dog and more importantly no good reason to take his life!! Give this man his dog back.



2016-03-14 01:17

I want people to help stop this insanity about labeling dogs because maybe one or two were aggressive. That doesn't mean they are all like that! Any dog can show aggressive behavior. It is how they are treated and trained! If they are shown love, they will show love back! Let Teddy go back to his family and to the little girl who loves and misses him!



2016-03-14 01:22

Unfair, illogical, and ignorant.



2016-03-14 01:27

All dogs can bite. You cannot base a dogs breed based on looks.



2016-03-14 01:27

This dog is no more a risk to a child than any other dog. I am disgusted at the ignorance, lack of compassion and blatant bias of people in our judicial system. A death sentence for a dog that is innocent of any wrong doing is not justice, it is murder based on appearance!



2016-03-14 01:29

Teddy does not even look like a pit bull; and it is a proven fact that any animal raised in a home with kindness and love would protect their family, not hurt them. If you raise a golden retriever with abuse and beatings they can become vicious and will attack. To punish this animal because they "think" it will hurt a child is absolutely ridiculous.



2016-03-14 01:31

The dog has no violent history so it is not right to destroy him.



2016-03-14 01:31

Dog deserves to love



2016-03-14 01:32

let the family be involved in making any decision about their beloved Teddy and their precious child living together. What about removing humans from the households who could potentially be killers of their fellow humans related like man and wife. Digs don't bite unless provoked, juts like us humans we don't react violently without motive. I do understand safety requirements but then we are stuffing the whole world out of greed and what not. Let Teddy be a darling Teddy to his human parents and sibling. Thanks



2016-03-14 01:43

Rather he is or is not a pit bull does not have any baring on his nature.....that's like saying all men are serial killers just because the majority of serial killers are men,so with that logic I guess all men should be euthanized at is completely irresponsible to euthanize an animal due to breed.....Pit Bulls have through history been used as baby sitters up until some completely ignorant people decided to mistreat them and make them fight for their own one animal should ever be blamed for the actions of another just like no human should be blamed for the actions of another



2016-03-14 01:48

No dog should be judged solely on the basis of the breed



2016-03-14 01:48

i believe that Teddy can do no harm to anyone..
i love.dogs



2016-03-14 01:49

Love dogs of all types.



2016-03-14 01:51

The dog has no bad record at all.. under what circumstances must it be killed??



2016-03-14 01:58

You would think they would concentrate on issues that have happened ... Way too much time on their hands.



2016-03-14 02:09

It is ridiculous that in the 21st century we are still seeing the seizure and killing of animals based on looks and looks alone. It is also ludicrous that the police are handing down a death sentence to a family member, and not letting the family decide for themselves what the best course would be. Get out of their lives and give their dog back!



2016-03-14 02:10

Pitbulls are loveable animals too.



2016-03-14 02:17

Because it's a senseless law, and they haven't even any proof the dog IS a pit bull, even if they DON'T change the law! At least let a rescue group move the pet someplace where it won't be needlessly destroyed!



2016-03-14 02:18

This is a crulity against animals and such actions should be eradicated from the society. And this is a complete useless reason for giving such a harsh punishment.



2016-03-14 02:36

Because taking Teddy away from his family me wrong!



2016-03-14 02:38

The dogs being condemned but hasn't posed a threat to anyone. Why would a court rule to put a dog down & its not done anything wrong. Is this our judicial system.