Impotriva eutanasierii dupa 14 zile la Adapost Public Moinesti
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Impotriva eutanasierii dupa 14 zile la Adapost Public Moinesti.
Guest |
#512016-02-12 15:59Impensable de se débarrasser de ces chiens 15 jours après les avoir capturer ,autant les euthanasier tout de suite! |
Guest |
#522016-02-12 16:23Daca se vrea, se pot gasi solutii care sa satisfaca ambele tabere, adica iubitorii de animale si cei "credinciosi" , cu frica de Dumnezeu! |
Guest |
#542016-02-12 18:19I choosed to sign this pettition because I think that it's inhumane to kill willingly an animal. Nobody should kill anybody, anything... You didn't create it, you shouldn't kill it, or distroy it. |
#58 |
#58 #582016-02-12 18:54It crazy and disgusting what they are doing to the Dogs and all animals. Sign it an forward it to everybody.
Guest |
#592016-02-12 20:40Luati labele murdare de sange nevinovat de pe catei !!!!!!!! Blestemati sa fiti criminalilor !!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#602016-02-12 21:30Sunt impotriva uciderii unor fiinte nevinovate ..xibe iubeste animalele,stie despre ce vorbesc...este inadmisibil!tot ce misca face parte din Creatia lui ce drept se iau astfel de decizii???stiti ca totul se plateste in Univers....cine face,trage si el si neamul sau....legile Universului Nu Iarta! |
Guest |
#612016-02-12 21:53Only God has the right to decide.Animals are just as important as humans! |
Beatrice |
#622016-02-12 23:03CEA MAI DE CACAT TARA NOI O AVEM. AR TREBUI OMORATI CEI CARE AU ALES ACEASTA LEGE... MI E SCARBA... Cu totii avem dreptul la viata, orice fiinta, orice suflet. |
Guest |
#642016-02-13 00:16i find what romania are doing last year with the dogs is a shame.It is a plus point to show how primitive this country is |
Guest |
#662016-02-13 10:4714 zile !? Cata barbarie , cat suflet negru si minte alba , spalata , cata ura au indivizii astia ? Sterilizare , castrare , adoptie ! Stop imbogatirii de pe urma unor sufletele nevinovate ! STOP EUTANASIEREI ! |
Guest |
#67 Re:2016-02-13 11:18ce frumos ai zis Lucia . Total de acord |
Guest |
#742016-02-13 18:19Because there is already too much cruelty and death in the World. Let's stop it wherever there is a chance, however small. Show some humanity. |
Guest |
#752016-02-13 18:23I wish to help those who can not speak for themselves, a voice to be heard. Each animal, dog, deserves that chance to shine. Dogs have proven to be beneficial in convalescence care and rehabilitation. Using dogs help people turn their lives around for the better. Do not destroy these loyal beings, make use of their love and loyalty. Let them shine. |
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