Preservation of Italian language at Jyväskylä University

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2016-04-26 13:34

Learning italian language and culture, as learning any other language besides ours, it's a strong assets that helps widening our mental landscapes and horizons. Besides Italian culture is one cornerstone of the modern European culture and society.




2016-04-27 18:50

Italia on Renessanssin (il Rinascimento) kehto. Köyhistä oloista lähtenyt Medicin ruhtinassuku hallitsi Firenzessä 1300-luvulla. Todella sääli, jos Jyväskylässä ja Suomessa ajetaan Italian kielen ja kulttuurin yliopistotason opetus alas kielten laitoksilla. Tätä lyhytnäköistä suunnitelmaa pitää tarkastella maamme sivistyksen ja humanististen tieteiden monimuotoisuuden kannalta. Ei pelkän luonnontieteen ja tekniikan opetus tee ketään autuaaksi. Siispä
lakkauttamissuunnitelma on syytä perua. Sitäpaitsi fysiikan, matematiikan ja tekniikan kehitys tieteinä perustuu Italian Renessanssiin!


#78 Preservation of Italian language (UniJyvFIN)

2016-04-27 19:36

Firenze, Italy, is the region where the Renaissance - the Arts and science - was born in! What does it mean to be a Doctor of Philosophy?



2016-05-07 20:32

La bella linqua italiana ♥ !



2016-05-09 05:20

As President of the Brisbane Dante Alighieri Society I want to support the preservation of the Italian language through teaching at universities and schools. A language with such a wonderful cultural heritage is worthy of support!



2016-05-09 05:28

I also work in a University where the Italian language is offered and I would do all that is necessary should it ever be in danger of not being taught at tertiary level.



2016-05-09 05:54

I signed this petition because I am passionate about the Italian language. It is one of the joys of my life to learn Italian - I learn with the Dante Alighieri Society, Brisbane. Learning a language other than one's native tongue is a chance to understand diverse people/ diverse cultures better, and to keep alive one's brain. We need more opportunities to become multilingual and open ourselves to the world.



2016-05-09 06:23

I had the priviledge of studying Italian with Giuseppe La Grassa, a special programme for adults through the Ministry of Education.
Such an excellent opportunity! Lovely memories :)



2016-05-09 10:52

Non posso non firmare.

Vedo con immensa tristezza lo scempio della cultura che sta succedendo in questo paese dove vi arrivai più di 50 anni fa e dove ancora insegno lingua e cultura italiana. Era allora un paese povero ma molto attento e aperto alla cultura....ora tutto sembra il contrario.

Davvero, che tristezza!

Aimone Fornaciari



2016-05-12 04:15

To preserve our culture and to broaden the learning capacity of all my grandchildren for future generations.



2016-05-16 08:32

studiare la lingua italiana non è solo apprendere una lingua in più, ma entrare in contatto con una delle culture più ricche e vivaci al mondo!



2016-05-16 21:37

Per continuare a diffondere la lingua italiana nel mondo



2016-05-31 22:59

Because I believe in future and foreign languages and cultures means knowledge and Peace for future generations!!!!!



2016-06-04 18:22

L'italiano è lingua di cultura e ogni lotta in difesa della cultura è necessaria per opporsi all' incultura fondata sul profitto e sul benessere materiale