Catalina Ponor at Rio 2016

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2016-04-20 03:58

Catalina Ponor should absolutely be at the Olympics!



2016-04-20 04:02

cata is a potential medalist in two events!!! she is a legend and she deserves to go rio



2016-04-20 09:44

Good luck Cătălina Poner!



2016-04-20 10:00

Romania pentru gimnastica mondiala este ca Brazilia la fotbal. Necalificarea echipei Romaniei de gimnastica la J.O. de la Rio echivaleaza cu necalificarea echipei nationale a Braziliei la un Campionat Mondial de Fotbal, ceea ce nu s-a intamplat niciodata pana in prezent. Speram cu totii ca cele 2 valoroase gimnaste (Ponor si Iordache) din Romania sa mearga la Rio in aceasta vara ! Macar organizatorii brazilieni sa poata invita orice gimnast doresc cu un Wild-Card !


2016-04-20 11:13

Cata is among the best and more charismatic  gymnasts ever. She has shown unmatched determination and courage and admirable commitment to her country. If there is an athlete who deserves going to Río, it's Cata.



2016-04-20 11:27

Sikert ! Succes !



2016-04-20 12:16

merita din tot sufletul sa participle la Olimpiada de la Rio si mare gimnasta Catalina Ponor, avand in vedere ca a facut multe pt Federatia de Gimnastica si si-a adus cu prisosinta merite deosebite atat national cat si mondial o sustin din toata inima pe CATALINA PONOR ii multumim pt tot ceea ce a facut pt noi cat si pt tara noastra



2016-04-20 12:23

I want to see a legend to her magic

#59 Hai si noi!!!

2016-04-20 12:37

Haideti mai railor... Lasati-ne si pe noi sa participam... Ce daca suntem praf? Ce daca ratam CALIFICAREA? Ce daca nu ne-am pregatit si tratam totul in batjocura? Noi vrem sa ne respecte lumea si sa ne aprecieze chiar daca nu suntem in stare nici macar sa ne calificam! Eu zic sa lase pe toti sa participe. Te-ai calificat sau nu, participi din oficiu, ca asa ne place noua iar oamenii aia probabil ca au organizat etapa de calificari asa de forma ca sa se afle si ei in treaba. Rusine!!!


#60 #60

2016-04-20 13:16

Go to Rio!



2016-04-20 13:22

She deserves a spot.



2016-04-20 13:46

Romania has almost 4 gymnasts who deserv the Olimpic participation (Iordache, Ponor, Bulimar, Jurca), but just 1 olimpic spot. It is a very injust situation....



2016-04-20 15:22

Romania is the best!



2016-04-20 15:24

Go to Rio!



2016-04-20 15:46

Catalina deserves to be in Rio.  She could medal on beam.  It would be sad if she could not represent her country this summer.  She is a beautiful gymnast with nice lines. 




2016-04-20 16:41

Just because!!



2016-04-20 19:17

She must go cause roumanian te-am ITS the best



2016-04-20 20:23

Cata is a Romanian gymnastics legend and has worked hard to help Romania qualify. She also was one of the top qualifiers on beam and floor exercise in the test event, which means she's a medal threat. I'm a firm believer that only the best athletes should perform and compete in the Olympics.



2016-04-21 08:43

Please let her compete. It sucks their team didn't qualify, but that doesn't mean that a gymnast who clearly will at least medal on her own shouldn't be allowed to go



2016-04-21 12:59

She's one of the greatest gimnasts and really deserves being at Rio, as well as we deserve enjoying her performances, she's by far better tahn a lot of others that did got in



2016-04-21 17:45




2016-04-22 13:08

Catalina is a row-model for each of us. She deserve this opportunity, for her,and for what ambition, determination and motivations means. GO CATALINA!



2016-04-23 19:41

Catalina deserves to be in Rio. I am proud to be a Romanian when I see her on the balance beam.If she goes to Rio,it would be a terrific motivation and a good example for all the little girls who dream on being on top in gymnastics. Not only for Romanians, but for the entire world.



2016-04-23 20:31

It doesn't feel like olympic games without the romanian gymnasts present. I love gymnastics and I believe Catalina Ponor deserves to go to the Olympics next to Larisa Iordache. I was shocked when the team did not qualify. I think certain countries should be allowed to automatically qualify :)



2016-04-24 14:53

Tiene q estar