Brian Isaacs should not be dismissed
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Brian Isaacs should not be dismissed.
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#762016-06-09 15:07Cause iam passionate about quality education for black learners in South Africa! Mr Isaacs provided quality education for all! |
Guest |
#77 Re: The Great Mr. Isaacs2016-06-09 15:08You only serving to prove that Brian Isaacs does call people scum , and a man of his statue, i.e. deemed as a highly educated civilised person in a prominent position.......calling people scum leaves a lot to be desired why attack the WCED when they right to discipline him for degrading a child . Prior to 1994, people never stopped him, when called pupils scum. Hence he has continued to insult pupils and people in general. Its 2016, you tell me ……….what’s so civilised in demeaning and calling children scum. Prior to 1994, one could get away with a lot of things, because teachers never questioned or rectified principles, you just obeyed, One can only imagine Brian Isaac’s ruling with an iron draconian fist, by the sound of things and that he has scant regard for rules, regulations, policies and procedures and utter contempt for any law. If you have children, regardless of the situation, would you like your children to be called scum…………..????????? By a “PRINCIPLE “ who should know better. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2016-06-09 15:27- Date of removal: 2016-06-09
- Reason for removal: As much as we respect free speech, this is a petition, not an open forum for debate. Please refrain from using it to post comments attacking anyone.
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2016-06-09 15:31- Date of removal: 2016-06-09
- Reason for removal: As much as we respect free speech, this is a petition, not an open forum for debate. Please refrain from using it to post comments attacking anyone.
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#802016-06-09 16:09The punishment surely does not fit the crime. Clearly this screams unfair dismissal. The vendetta against Brian Isaacs should be stopped in its tracks. |
Adele Abrahams |
#81 Public Opinion Matters !!2016-06-09 17:25Do you know that Faculty of other schools were warned not to publically support Mr Isaacs. Democracy indeed! The parents of these kids still have an opportunity to recant. Have they considered the precedent they are setting and the implications of limitations this puts on all schools to be able to discipline and correct behaviour accordingly. A teenagers Frontal lobe is not fully developed and if you think that public schools are equipped with 10 psychologists to handle the amount of problems that teenagers give, the WCED is wrong. WCED has lost a principle who has turned more bad behaviours into good, more average performers into top performers, and has brought the school into the academic Ivy league realm, against all odds. His leadership and love for his school and pupils is what made the school one of the most saught after community public schools in the Western Cape and the WCED may think they have lost but his win comes from all our post school achievements learned through his consistent and unfailing love and discipline.
Brian Isaacs you are 100% loved and supported!
xxx |
Guest |
#832016-06-09 20:41Definitely a vendetta against Mr Brian Isaacs. Will not be voting for the DA in the forthcoming elections. |
Guest |
#84 Re:2016-06-09 23:48Brian Isaacs is a man with integrity ,yet he was,found guilty of giving false statements ..... |
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#852016-06-10 03:57I am in my first year of teaching. Two years ago, I completed my teaching internship module at South Peninsula High School. I have firsthand experience of working with Mr Isaacs. Charges laid against him are ludicrous as he is a man of integrity with the best interests of the learners at heart. He is one of the best principals of many I have worked with thus far. He should be allowed to continue his invaluable work in education. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2016-06-10 06:09- Date of removal: 2016-06-10
- Reason for removal:
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2016-06-10 06:13- Date of removal: 2016-06-10
- Reason for removal:
Jlo |
#88 Re: Re:2016-06-10 06:14South Peninsula is an institute for learning. Alexis Serra dida teacher not teach you to read and to write? Who is going to teach our children and grandchildren if people like you attack our teachers? Residents must stop interferring with the principal, staff and students at the school. Mind your own business. South Peninsula High School is an excellence learning institution. We have been here before you. Live with it. This same principal fought for the residents to have their houses and gave the hall for free to have meetings. You cant stand that we have students of excellence and we are from a poor background. Long live Brian Isaacs Long Live. A man with integrity.
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2016-06-10 06:17- Date of removal: 2016-06-10
- Reason for removal:
barbie |
#90 Re: Re: Re: Re:2016-06-10 06:28#55: - Re: Re: Re: you need help darling....bless you
barbie |
#91 Re:2016-06-10 06:32#56: - well said....maybe this Alexis person should be's sounds that she would do a better job....
Guest |
#932016-06-10 07:56Mr Brian Isaacs have always had the best interest of the learner at heart allowing them to bring out there full potential. South Peninsula has many success stories of learners that have soared in their career and is not afraid to challenge the status quo. Brian Isaacs is a man of integrity and has brought out the true meaning of education. |
Guest |
#942016-06-11 13:10Brian Isaacs stands for justice and noble values. He is amongst the last of the few men of integrity and respect. |
Guest |
#952016-06-11 14:49I seem to have signed it by virtue merely of opening the page. In all probability I would in any event have signed it, knowing as I do of Mr Isaac's sterling work, over the decades, in education (also in earlier times when the challenges were perhaps far clearer, coming as they did from an enemy more clearly identifiable simply as a disgraceful regime; now it seems he is facing a sniper in the form of the department of education). Neverthelss, I would have appreciated a synopsis of the situation, and the possibility of reading it before the page itself decided for me! Nevertheless, count mine as a vote in favour of Mr Isaacs |
Guest |
#962016-06-12 08:48I would not be where I am and who I am if Mr Brian Isaacs had not been the Principal at South Peninsula High School. |
Guest |
#972016-06-12 09:52Pass student of South Peninsula also know Brain Isaacs |
RetireBI |
#98 Re: Don't dismiss Brian Isaacs2016-06-13 06:48I've read almost every comment and also want to add my five pence, maybe in summary. As a parent, I have had personal encounters with Mr Isaacs and most of it of a Confrontational nature, as that is what Mr Isaacs is generally about, but before I say more, I want to say that I support the call not to dismiss him. I believe he has been an excellent example of someone who performed his job with passion, however, I think he lost the plot along the way. It has reached the point that he has become a law unto himself and he has no shows scant respect for anyone, not even parents! Furthermore, SP's achievements are not solely due to Mr Isaacs's efforts. His team of educators did an excellent job, but they are mostly relegated to being inconsequential. In the years of Apartheid this may have been a necessary strategy, but that is long gone! We need new blood and Mr Baker is exactly that. Mr Isaacs, please make way and move on. Negotiate a retirement deal and do not contaminate your legacy any further. A true champion knows when it's time to hang up his gloves! Exit humbly and enjoy your retirement years!!! Forward we March, Mr Baker, and your team of excellent Educators! |
Guest |
#99 Re: Re: Re:2016-06-15 11:55
@JLo One can clearly see the indoctrinated propaganda you subscribe to. I can't blame you, as the story you have repeated has been told ad nauseam and recounted almost word for word to all corners. Not that parts of it are untrue, but the reality is, despite his just achievements, BI is NOT the Saint HE professes to be. He makes his business everyone else’s business, whether they like it or not; ask the neighbouring residents.
The man should take responsibility for his actions; and yes, this is about HIS actions and not the convoluted conspiracy mambo-jumbo he professes. In the past six years alone, there have been a staggering multitude of charges against him for a vast array of offences HE committed. As the old adage goes “There is no smoke without fire”. Yes, I have experienced the toxic tendencies of this man first-hand. A man I have a deep respect for, but a man I shall not defend when I know he is guilty of serious misdoing. A man I know is deceiving others with blatantly false misrepresentations of reality. It is time he moved aside, and allows someone with a vision for the future to continue and improve on the foundations he once laid... before it all turns to dust. The legacy of the School, and the future of it's Pupils and Staff, deserve so much better.
Guest |
#100 Re: Re: Don't dismiss Brian Isaacs2016-06-15 11:57#98: RetireBI - Re: Don't dismiss Brian Isaacs Well said. I fully concur. |
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