Ban Erik Wijmeersch From Grepolis External Forums
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Ban Erik Wijmeersch From Grepolis External Forums.
![]() Anonymous |
#12016-06-10 02:25Because I've seen these players bully people in the past and its not fair |
Guest |
#22016-06-10 02:36it was the main reason I quit the dutch grepo servers / worlds & joined the international servers / worlds in 2012 , about time that now , in 2016 , action is taken , I am only afraid his / their friends in the grepo - moderators teams have already destroyed enough of the evidence of hatemail that grepo will once more let them stay in place & not ban them ... I was actually banned from dutch forum , for trying to expose the link between the disappearing hatemail & at least 1 of the moderators who was clearly a friend or alias / alter ego of this eric wymeersch |
Guest |
#32016-06-10 02:41I loathe bullying of this kind and there is a hyper-macho ethos, alas, that poisons the game for so many people. It should be rooted out |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#4 Re:2016-06-10 02:42I agree my friend, Erik and his goons get away with murder, today a member in Golgi got attacked they were calling her terrible names but no action was taken other then deleting the comments, we need to rally enough people, they can silence one or two fo us but not an entire community! |
Guest |
#62016-06-10 03:11it was the main reason I quit the dutch servers / worlds in 2012 & joined the international servers / worlds ... it's about time that now , in 2016 finally action is taken to stop further spreading of this hate-mongering&spreading clique , I'm only afraid his/their friends amongst the dutch moderators have let enough evidence ''disappear'' so grepo will once again not decide to ban him/them , I actually was banned from dutch forum for trying to expose the link between at least 1 moderator & the disappearing of personal hatemail , under the excuse I was trying to discredit the game ... I wasn't trying to discredit the game , as it is one of the best games around & I still (love to) play it , I was trying to let other people see what evil is spread by some of the people playing it , as they clearly violate the grepo game & forum rules as well as the most basic courtesy & netiquette rules between people , they were not just mentioning ingame stuff but cursed people out & attacked their personal lives , making sexist & racist remarks , questioning mental capacities in everyday life & advising people to go see shrinks etc. |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#7 Re:2016-06-10 03:19Its disgusting and needs to end, share the petition with anyone you know on the dutch server that will want to sign it, I haven't even thought about some of the other servers he's on but if he is doing all this here which he is, in the last 3 days he's attacked two female players leaving both in or close to tears, then he will be on others servers so going even further onto other servers would be great. |
Death |
#82016-06-10 04:11Ragna1 is in my alliance, I don't belive he would do these things. Any proof? |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#9 Re:2016-06-10 04:18Ranga isn't the one usually doing the bullying but he does contribute unfortunately the Mods delete everything that we could use as proof, Ranga on his own is a good guy, when he gets with Erik and the others he turns into a bastard. I've witnessed numourous times him making not so very nice comments when Erik and the others are, he doesn't ever start it but he certainly likes to contribute. |
Guest |
#102016-06-10 07:02Erik was in my alliance, he ghosted. That said, I think this is ridiculous. He didn't bully anybody in my world. |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#11 Re:2016-06-10 07:05Yesterday Erik had a player so upset she nearly quit, two days ago he went after another female player using dergoitarory terms against both, we've seen PM's shown where Erik calls female players Wh0res and Stupid B!tches, and worse, if you think Erik isn't a bully you don't know him |
Guest |
#12 Re:2016-06-10 07:09Honestly, Erik not only needs to leave the external forums but leave the game of Grepolis altogether. If you have not seen some of the comments he has put on the external forums alone, then please, keep your eyes out on the forum. This doesn't even include what he is saying in the game. As a man, I am truly disgraced to be lumped into the same gender as him. He has no respect for anybody, and even less for the female gender. If you don't believe what we are saying, just watch the external forums one day when he is on there, and then come back and say he is not a bully. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2016-06-10 07:25- Date of removal: 2016-06-10
- Reason for removal:
Guest |
#142016-06-10 07:36Very true! All these certain individuals do is comment on externals - and make up lies to suit a situation. Then they use their mod rights or friends to protect them after most have seen - Erik and Nisa have used this many times before and see fit to keep lying and manipulating the truth on some useless outside forum! I am Hunkiller/KellyProud are my main names - and I don't use external forums as I see the crap they spout continuously and get away with. Ban Erik would be a good idea - his fame and talent is solely due to 1 reason - who can buy the most gold!!! Without Gold - he is just a noob trying :) |
Guest |
#152016-06-10 08:08Well I don't really need to say anything, everything I have to say to Erik has been said on the externals over these last few days, have heard he out did himself yesterday and nearly caused a player to quit, he must be so proud of himself, won't waste much breath since none of them are worth it but grepolis will be better off without them bunch of tossers. |
Guest |
#162016-06-10 08:16I've been on the end of their byllying in Nysa. The man is a nasty peice of work who was obviously bullied as a child and this is his way of getting back at others by doing it online. Him and his little gang are serial mulit-accounters as well using their other accounts to gain BP to make them look good. The problem with trying to ban him is that once again he'll threaten legal action and nothing will happen he'll be free to continue with his life of online bullying in Grepolis be it within the game or on the external forums. So I fear we are flogging a dead horse with the petition although I fully agree with the pitition. |
Guest |
#172016-06-10 08:24unfortunately you cant get him banned :( INNO loves gold buyers! they are kissing them in the .... back! |
Guest |
#182016-06-10 08:28I quit Golgi because of Erik's cheerleader team. It was the worst experience on Grepolis. I was in his team but I am not a slave. |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#19 Re:2016-06-10 08:31Well he' gone now if you wish to retrn lol |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#20 Re:2016-06-10 08:33Not from grepolis itself no but from the external forums maybe, since there is no gold in there nor any profit, if we can present enough signatures and evidence that these players are bullies then we could leave them with no choice so far 34 people have signed against a few individuals, they'll be more afraid of losing us 34 players because of these mofos then they will losing those 4 because of us. |
Guest |
#212016-06-10 09:03This petition, is an act of cyber bullism. |
Perseus The author of this petition |
#22 Re:2016-06-10 09:14Erik and his goons make threats, make up lies, victimise people and they are let away with it time and time again, they don't get any punishment and are allowed to carry on with their hate, you are either one of them or blind to see this as cyber bullying and what they do as justified, this petition is to stop innocent players being targeted by hateful spiteful players who go out of their way to bring people to their lowest point then kick them when they're down. |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2016-06-10 11:26- Date of removal: 2016-06-10
- Reason for removal: spamming
Guest |
#25 Re: Re:2016-06-11 08:00#4: Perseus - Re: Excuse me but your argumets is against bullying and you are talking about they, the only they you have menetioned are the players in this petition. I do agree bullyig is bad but attaicking one person likte this is also bullying. What is it about Erik that makes people hate him so?
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