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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition TOLAK HARGA TIKET BAD RELIGION YANG MAHAL!.
Guest |
#512011-09-14 05:56makanya NABUNG !! jangan dipake mabok aja lu gobloooggg.... |
FUCK BIG DADDY........ |
#522011-09-14 11:03acungkan jari tengah buat big daddy........asuuuuu raimuuuuuu coooooox............mungkin pengen naik haji kamu.....(big daddy).......GO TO HELL..........!!!!!!!!!! |
Guest |
#53 Re:2011-09-17 15:12eh bego kmrn aj rockvolution lbh dr 3 bandnya harga tiketnya ga sgitu!!! |
Guest |
#542011-09-18 09:05for Bad Religion : most of ur songs is about capitalism in d 3rd world country..well now u guys playing in a 3rd world country but why the ticket price is sooo fuckin expensive!!! |
Guest |
#55 Dudee...2011-09-19 11:39klo lo bilang lo one of BadReligion Lovers lo hrus brusaha bwat beli tiketnya,, jujur gw harus jual hp gw untuk itu... Kapan lgi Bradh.. i will doit anythink to woch them Show.. |
Guest |
#56 Re:2011-09-19 11:43bwaahahahahahaahhaahahaa.... Satujuuuu...........!!!!!!!!! ;D |
biafra285 |
#57 Subject2011-09-20 13:28untuk skr gw g bs berbuat apa2 buat beli tiket... (biarpun kerasa berat bgt)... salah satu alesannya dari sekian banyak punk band yg udh dateng ke indo, g ada yg dateng lagi (expoited,Nofx,themisfit...untung gw nonton semua :P)... rata2 mereka cuma dateng seumur hidup kesini... laen ky di australia doi udh puluhan kali bolak-balik... kesimpulannya ... yah nonton aj dh buat sekali seumur hidup...:( |
Guest |
#58 Re:2017-12-24 06:01 |
Guest |
#59 Re:2018-05-06 15:56 |
Guest |
#60 Re:2018-06-24 19:42 |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Justice for LaVoy Finicum and the Malheur refuge occupiers,
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Developing Nations Stand Against Sodomy!
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