Showing Students' Response towards UTP Curfew after 1am

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2011-12-12 06:33

It's less than 50% of UTP students use the time after 1am to do dating sort of things. It's too unfair for other student's freedom of time management.



2011-12-12 06:39

1am is too early to be in the room..


#78 Re: guest

2011-12-12 07:13

#29: - guest

if you are not allow to look at legs, den divert your eyes away. hard to control nafsu ha? den it must be ur problem. why blame others?




2011-12-12 07:36

I don't think that this curfew will do any good to the activity 'maksiat'. Most of us are matured enough to conduct ourselves in a proper manner. We know what is wrong and what is right. Don't treat us as children who are naive and gullible.


2011-12-12 07:36

what if my bus reaches utp at 2am??? HOW?


#81 Re:

2011-12-12 08:06

the curfew is not a right solution to the issues of ( certain of them called as) " gejala maksiat"

as for me, I and my friend sometimes go out to have some coffee break at mamak  aroud 1, 2 even 3 a.m. after gone through hardship overnight to done some homework, assignment, fyp, fdp, bla bla... so i believe the studenst appriciate the openess of the university that makes the student matured enough to think bad and good things by themselves.


Otherwise, if the curfew still will be implemented, I strongly believe the "gejala maksiat" will done more severely in the university.Thus, i believe that the curfew is not a right solution the " gejala maksiat" if there any.


Furthermore, I believe your UTP students as not as same standard level of thinking to some IPTA student such as UitX that implement the curfew to "manage" their students.


Thinks wise act wise, Thanks u UTP



2011-12-12 09:27

Noob rule!



2011-12-12 10:57

I'm against the curfew



2011-12-12 11:04

fuck u UTP



2011-12-12 11:47

how come? UTP is one of the IPTS. IPTS. not the IPTA! nanti after dah buat curfew, nak bagi rule pulak kat students; cannot brings the car. what? came on l..


#86 Re: Re:

2011-12-12 11:49

#81: - Re:

agreed! >.<

Choose a nickname

#87 Subject

2011-12-12 11:52

I agreed to curfews only if UTP can change champion leagues matches before 1 A.M.


#88 Re:

2011-12-12 12:04

#76: -

very agree with this statement :) curfew will not solve the problem if those students want to do that. Rondaan might works in stead. Well, you might encouraging couples stay overnight in hotel during weekends together though~

A great cook

#89 A great Cook

2011-12-12 12:18

Curfew cannot solve gejala maksiat... definitely.... utp management always ask us to think out of box but they only solve problem within their sight?? Students got ways to do it if they want to do ... the only way to solve is by "Brain washing" methods..
BTW, as a great cook :) What is the rule to not allow ppl cooking!?
1st utp cafe food :
all spicy
all oily
no changes
bulan puasa all close (for non muslim)
all Malay food except paprika which s super expensive
cafe food sure more expensive than self cook

you say the singki will get stuck if people cook ... my house never get stuck! just the people who handle it have problem not all!
you can check people whether throw things inside the sink
you can even ask students to pay for the stucked sink
but you even want to control how a student having their meals!
ridiculous ==



2011-12-12 13:30

To the UTP Management

I'd like to stress out one point that is, although most of the students in UTP are PETRONAS and JPA scholars, our sponsors are still paying thousands of Ringgit to the university every semester. These money are loans that we, as their scholars, have to pay in terms of bond to the company.

With this said, I think UTP students have every right to determine the direction our university is heading. Creating one rule after another overnight is both insensible and disrespectful to us, who are paying so much to study and yet are never consulted when these decisions are made.

I strongly request that a proper survey, poll, or to the least, several meetings with the Student Representative to be carried out before ANY rule or law is implemented.

P/s: Hot pants or not hot pants, appropriate or inappropriate, it is insulting and downright immoral to be calling a fellow student a slut. Mind your language, this is really not how a university student should be acting.


#91 Re: guest

2011-12-12 14:02

#29: - guest

can't stand of looking at girls with hotpants huh?

there's a saying goes in this way "the more you look down at/condemning/disrespecting/critizes someone, the least cultured you are"

as a university student you should be able to express yourself by not disregarding the humility for the others, that is one of the highest intellectual and spiritual abillity that one can achieve. Even most religions emphasize"speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil, act no evil.." yet someone like you whom I assume to be highly intellectual, cultured and religious can come out with such a blatant, judgemental and short-sighted response. It is very disappointing to see such things happening in UTP.



#92 Re: guest

2011-12-12 14:48

#29: - guest

lolo u must be an indian dumbshit then ~


#93 Re: #29 guest

2011-12-12 15:04

#29: - guest

no way to talk nicely? where are your manners? don't judge other people's appearance, it is the character that defines a person. and you talking like this, using foul words, what does that show about your character? University students are old enough to make their own decisions. they should know what is appropriate to wear. if you don't like, don't see. In short, mind your manners.


#94 Re:

2011-12-12 15:40

#75: -

i agree with your statement... super agree~~ it will onli make matter worse instead of calling it a "win-win" situation.


#95 Re:

2011-12-12 15:43

#90: -

Agree with you on this.

We the students are the MAJORITY stakeholders in this university.


And to the dear friend who called others sluts... indeed we will want to tell you be more professional.

There are two reasons (which are more than enough) for everyone to NOT take you seriously. First, you said not to tell you to be more professional - this shows your lack of effort to speak nicely, so why should we listen to you? Second, if you want to talk about norms, okay perhaps we should re-consider about how to dress more appropriately. But being rude is not a well-accepted norm either.



2011-12-12 16:09

please reconsider this matter.



2011-12-12 16:22

This is an obvious regression of UTP's state. It is surprising who they allow to run a university these days. People with no self control and even the slightest of common sense. Hot pants and what not, creates diversity. Not allowing a girl to weat hot pants is just the same as not allowing a girl to wear a head scarf. They are both freedom of choice and basic human rights.

People in universities need to mingle they need to share. What is so wrong about girls going into guy dorm and vice versa. If students need to procreate then let them do it. Is it so wrong? Not everyone's religion say it is wrong. Even then, if religion says that it is wrong, the individuals might not feel that it is wrong. But generally, in Malaysia the norm is to disallow 'normal mingling'. Ridiculous but since it is in Malaysia done so for so long, then maybe it's ok if UTP adopts it. But going a step further and making everyone stay in their room after 1am? That is just plain stupid.

The idiots at the top of the administration needs to be changed. This is the one time people will lose respect for UTP's rector. This whole curfew thing is simply stupid!



2011-12-12 16:38

HAHahahah seems like everyone is against it...then its safe to say for little old me to say I SUPPORT THE CURFEW!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOOL

#99 Re:

2011-12-12 18:01

#22: jj -  

 diam la


#100 Re: guest

2011-12-12 18:03

#29: - guest 

 ur stupidity has no boundaries.. fyi, most of the malay girls i have fucked in utp.. so dont bring chinese girls into the picture.. from a true malaysian..