Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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Guest |
#17762011-12-18 12:49Bhagavad Gita is a great book promoting peace, harmony and well being of the whole world. To say it is an extremist Literature is stupidity. This clearly shows jealousy on the part of detractors. The intelligent and sensible people should rise against this absurdity and clarify the message. That will save the world. |
Guest |
#17772011-12-18 12:50This book is a savior. Please read it thoroughly. There is no extremism about this book.This book keeps us away from extremism. |
Guest |
#17782011-12-18 12:51From Bhagavad gita as it is has the great ancient knowledge...Every one has to understand bhagavad gita to be in good path. |
Vinay |
#1781 Right. Knowledge of bhagavad gita is not based on any religion.2011-12-18 12:53 |
Guest |
Guest |
#17832011-12-18 12:54Bhagwat Gita is a way of life - it depicts the common behaviour of human nature and how effectively the human beings can perform their duties with responsibility. There is nothing wrong in the epic which is as old as the humanity. |
Guest |
#17842011-12-18 12:54Bhagavad Git is not a Extremist book. It is the basis of Indian philosophy which is helping the whole world. Indian Scriptures are like mirror... It will tell you what you are and what you think. So respect and let it flourish. Thousands of invaders have been not able to decrease its glory then this is just a passing cloud. Jai Sri Krishna |
Guest |
#17852011-12-18 12:54It is a human right that all people should be allowed to practice their chosen faith without curtailment or interference. The Bhagavad-Gita is no way an extremist literature and from modern education today anything quoted from ancient times is not automatically practiced with today's higher perceptions and openess of thought. Same could be noted for the Holy Christian Bible and other cultural scriptures. Please be lenient and adhere to the human rights policies. |
Guest |
#17862011-12-18 12:54Russia has gone mad or what!!!! They don't have other work? If not these people can come hare we have lots of work to do they may help. We the people of Humanity hate such a move. |
Guest |
#17882011-12-18 12:56I am very much familiar with the content of The Bhagbat Gita and I am sure there is nothing that hurt other culture or religion.So stop this nonsense.Be broad minded.. |
Guest |
#17942011-12-18 13:01What a foolish attempt by the ignorant people living in this Kali Yuga ? May Lord Krishna prevail upon such conditioned souls who know nothing about spirituality but entangled in religious fanaticism and show the path of realisation of what is religion. By banning the Holy Book of Bhagavadhgita, they cannot prevent the Krishna Consciousness gaining momentam in the Globe. |
Guest |
#17952011-12-18 13:03Bhagavad Gita is the word of God for the benefit of entire humanity and to teach and train people in living a life based on the the principles of happiness and satisfaction keeping service to God as centre. To ban such a literature means to ban the Lord from helping us in getting rid of all sufferings and problems in life and to live a life filled with happpiness. |
Guest |
#17962011-12-18 13:03This a literature what helped me to become a doctor in my hard time. I'm feeling very bad that some self-centered people are trying to ban such a literature. This move in no way going to help the people of Russia, rather it is going to close a great opportunity to excel for the Russian people in General. |
Сергей |
#1798 Позор2011-12-18 13:03Абсолютно позорный, бессмысленный и несправедливый судебный процесс. Если он всё же будет иметь место, то дайте хотя бы ответчикам нормально защититься - с экспертизой, проведённой настоящими экспертами, а не какими-то предвзятыми профанами местного разлива под псевдо-православным соусом. Естественно, в этом случае не удастся принять нужное РПЦ решение об очернении очередного конкурента. |
Guest |
#17992011-12-18 13:04Конституция РФ, Статья 28 Cтатья 28 Каждому гарантируется свобода совести, свобода вероисповедания, включая право исповедовать индивидуально или совместно с другими любую религию или не исповедовать никакой, свободно выбирать, иметь и распространять религиозные и иные убеждения и действовать в соответствии с ними. Содержание рассматриваемой статьи соответствует ст.18 Пакта о гражданских и политических правах и ст.9 Европейской конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод. ...В свою очередь, право на свободу вероисповедания связано в соответствии с общепризнанными международными стандартами с обязанностью уважать права и свободы других лиц, законы государства, общественную безопасность, здоровье и мораль общества (ч.3 ст.18 Пакта о гражданских и политических правах)... |
Guest |
#18002011-12-18 13:05Бхагавад Гита бессмертна...никакой суд не остановит расспространение этой Священной книги!!! Харе Кришна!!! |
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