Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita.
swetha |
#55762011-12-20 16:49BHAGVAT GITA is bible for every human being. It is necessary for every one irrespective of any religion, caste, gender, colour etc.... |
Guest |
#55772011-12-20 16:56Bhagawat Gita gives you the opportunity to know who you are . Understanding the Bhagawat Gita helps you overcoming several crisis in life. |
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#55802011-12-20 16:58Gita is a universal philosophy and method for the elevation of Humankind through Devotional Service.Srila Prabhupads's Commentary is very contemporary, scientific and is close to the spirit of the original work recited over 5000 years ago |
#55812011-12-20 16:59ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam eko devo devaki-putra eva eko mantras tasya namani yani karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva (Gita-mahatmya 7) (7) In this present day, man ispeople are very eager to have one scripture, one God, one religion, and one occupation. SoTherefore, ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam: let there beone scripture only,one common scripture, for the whole world—Bhagavad-gita. And Eko devo devaki-putra eva: let there be one God only for the whole world—Sri Krsna. Eko mantras tasya namani: And one hymn, one mantra, one prayer only—the chanting of His name: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva: And let there be one work only—the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Lord Shiva in Gita Mahatmya, states that "only one God - Krishna, the son of Devaki" (Verse 7). |
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#55832011-12-20 17:02The court is being misdirected, The Bhagavad Gita is the essence of liberality, the essence of Hindu thought.....banning it would mean painting every Hindu as an extremist. |
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Guest |
#55862011-12-20 17:05Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare |
Guest |
#55872011-12-20 17:06Это касается каждого. Сегодня запрещают "Бхагават Гиту", а завтра будут наказывать за то, что ты по улице ходешь нестроевым шагом и честь фотографии Путлера не отдаешь. Так начинался фашизм. Не допустим! |
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#55892011-12-20 17:08Thank You my dear friends for this petition/ there is no limit to my anger and raw!I cannot bear this great offence against all the concious and sobber minds, great saints and the Lord! together we are power! |
Guest |
#55902011-12-20 17:08Vedas are crores of year old. God send man and send the words in form of sanskrit literature or deva vani which is the mother of worlds language. All the present development is firmly because of extensive exploration of Vedas- ocean of knowledge book for whole of the humanity of this world. We all belong to this SATYA- SANATAN DHARMA or universal dharma. All other Holy books are compiled by the imaginary thoughts of single man, who created different sects for his own selfish name and fame. And man-made religion were established by means of swords, bribe, money and false ways. Holy Geeta was the words given by Yogiraj Shree Krishna some 5500 years ago when neither Islam existed, neither christianity existed or any other false path existed and people were following nature's rules in a very natural way. Holy Geeta is the sermons given is actually an expansion of one Vedic slokas of Karma Gyaan or Duty of a Warriors on war field or any living persons duties in his life which must be done in order to maintain balance on the earth for peaceful survival of all civilians on earth without any grudge. Why Russia is bias of Hindus alone? Why Russia exclusively want only to bann Holy Geeta alone which is so open and clear unlike other sects books like Kuraan and bible which is written by bias mind. I dont think so God is so stupid to call Mr A and tell that I am so idiot I forgot to give some knowledge to Hindus so I give u this knowledge against my own prior wrong teachings. Again after few hundred year he calls another man Mr B and tell O! Mr. B I am dum I forgot to give further knowledge to Hindus and to Mr. A before so I give another changed version of knowledge to Mr B which is against my own previous knowledge. Russia cannot senselessly bann any age old book without wide disscussions on each and every verses of Geeta and comparitive wordings of any other bias Kuran and Bible from the Experts in that fields. Russia is acting like a small senseless kid and not like a matured country with heart, soul, body and senses. Please dont take any bias and senseless decision. Act sensible. |
Guest |
#55912011-12-20 17:09The Bhagavad Gita is one the most important scriptures for more than 1 billion Hindus worldwide, it does not preach extremism, it preaches upholding justice and brotherhood amongst mankind. |
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#55922011-12-20 17:13if you think this book supports extremism,just go through this book . i bet you won't find a match .i feel pity for them who doubt the sanctity of this amazing creation...you are the biggest loser if u construe something provocative out of its serene verses...may god help you!!.. |
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#55942011-12-20 17:18Bhagavat Gita is for each and everyone/ It is the Scripture Of Universal Scale/ It arises the Best in Us!! |
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#55952011-12-20 17:20Прошу перед выборами навести порядок в судебной системе. Прекратите беспредел и произвол. |
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#55962011-12-20 17:20hare krsna russia rascals please never ever try to thing of banning srimad bhagvat gita..even in ur dreams bcoz..krsna will never be happy with u all rather u will born as chandala dog eaters in the next comming life...be careful my dear rascals rusiia |
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#55972011-12-20 17:21The ban will get banned itself as the evil face the destruction always ! Hare Krishna !!! |
Guest |
#55992011-12-20 17:25भगवत-गीता एक धार्मिक ग्रन्थ है,और रूस सरकार द्वारा इस पर प्रतिबन्ध लगाना हिन्दू धर्म मानने वालों की धार्मिक भावनाओ का अपमान है .अतः हमें शांतिपूर्वक रुसी सरकार से विरोध प्रगट करना चाहिए.साथ ही साथ सुरक्षा परिषद् में भी इसे उठाना चाहिए हमारे स्थायी प्रतिनिधि द्वारा. |
Guest |
#56002011-12-20 17:25This is unethical act. Geeta is a life science and for betterment of human life. Please don't be insecure. Geeta belongs to everyone, . Rajender |
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