Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

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2011-12-21 09:08



2011-12-21 09:14

Hare Krishna



2011-12-21 09:14




2011-12-21 09:15

Bhagwad Gita is our Life ... lets teach Russians a lesson please sign this petition !!



2011-12-21 09:17

If Russia allows Bhagavat Gita to be banned, then Russia is poised to become a completely irrelevant superpower in the next 20 years. It would lose its best friend INDIA!!.. Also Bhagwat Gita is not just any other book, it's the book which teaches a person his duties in life. It contains within itself the answer to the age old question that humans have been asking since ages "what is the point of my existence"


#6006 STOP IT..

2011-12-21 09:17

Bhagavad Gita is a holy scripture teaching the science of immortality of soul, importance of non-violance, yoga and other practices for benefit of humanity. Please do not ban it.



2011-12-21 09:18

This attitude and thinking style of Russia tells the world that they are still in dark. With this foolishenss, if they ban the BHAGAVADGITA, no doubt, one more sunami, or earth quake will occur in Russia to demonstrate the power of GOD. Hey Russians, tell us are you the people who are promoting peace to the world, were there no revolutions in your history? India taught the knowledge, peace, bhakthi, etc, etc to the rest of world. Just shut your all holes, keep quite.



2011-12-21 09:24

Bhagavad Gita is a holy scripture teaching the science of immortality of soul, importance of non-violance, yoga and other practices for benefit of humanity.



2011-12-21 09:29

The demons will never stop working. The more successful Vaisnavas get in their preaching, the more determined the demons will be to stop the sankirtan movement.



2011-12-21 09:32

hari bol



2011-12-21 09:33

Agnyana or ignorance of the people who want to ban this oldest scripture of wisdom is the most pitiable human act. Pardon them for they know not what they do. But keep the petition and pressure on for the rest of the Russian population who want to benefit from the wise teachings. Hare Krishna.



2011-12-21 09:38

Что за бред! У нас что террористы захватывают школы, взрывают дома с криками "харри кришна"?!



2011-12-21 09:42

Ваххабиты всю Россию заполонили, а у нас власти решили побороться с безобидными кришнаитами! С такой внутренней политикой скоро дождутся социального взрыва!



2011-12-21 09:43

Настоящая религия, призывает к любви к Богу.
Бхагавад - Гита, дает истинное понимание того, кем является Верховная Личность Бога.



2011-12-21 09:47

When each and every books fail to help human only, Its Bhagavad Gita the holy scripture to help the Each human and all humanity.



2011-12-21 09:52

Оставьте Гиту в покое!



2011-12-21 09:52

This is not human to make the court over priest things!
jag parvesh saini


2011-12-21 09:52

I ask everyone to tell me that the persons who are against Bhagavad gita what good deed they did last time? What good they did for other human? what good they can do alone for the human?
Would they be able to solve problems of others if they have solved their own problem?.
I say pls check their family matter, are they at peace at their HOME?


#6019 Андрей

2011-12-21 09:56

Десятилетиями с Индией дружили. Сейчас из за дебилизма какого то чиновника испортим все отношения с очень сильной страной. Уже со всем миром разос-лись!



2011-12-21 09:59

Its is the worst situation seen in the corner of the Globe. They are not viewing BG in only angle, without studying it completelt I guess. It has all the information where in one could refer to problems/solutions in life. People used to promise on this sacred book in court, but now the same book is under ban in the court, its really a mystery.



2011-12-21 10:00

Bhagwat Gita treats human being as all. So why create obstacles for it.



2011-12-21 10:04

"Bagavat gita as it is" is the only way to keep peace,harmony & unity in the world, by accepting & following it.



2011-12-21 10:06

how could be the holy scriptures come to be court judgment?



2011-12-21 10:06

"Бхагавад-гита как она есть" которую перевёл и дал коментарии А.Ч.Бхактиведанта Свами Прабхупада является одной из самой гуманной книгой на этой планете Земля. Даже сам великий писатель России Л.Н.Толстой читал её и следовал рекомендациям которые указывались в этой священной книге. Например Л.Н.Толстой был вегетарианец. Если эта священная книга призывает к любви и защите наших меньших братьев- животных, то это не означает что её можно приписать к списку запрещённых книг. Пусть перевод этой книги на русский язык не является совершенным она всёравно способствует её читателей становиться добрее нитолько к своим близким и родным но и ко всем и всему что их окружает, например к природе и её обитателей. С уважением, Трощенко О.Н., Латвия



2011-12-21 10:06

Bhagavat Gita to Hindus is holy as Bible and Kuran to Christians and Muslims. It should be given due respect.