Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita


#6926 Bhagwad Gita is told by God Himself ,should not be disregarded

2011-12-23 20:46

Pls.don,t ban otherwise natural disasters may be increased in the world and what to think about Russia.



2011-12-23 20:57

Bhagvat Gita just tells the realities of the life and People are reluctant to accept the "realities"...that's why this is happening
Selfish action is a sin,

#6928 Only Knowledge can cross the sea of Sin.

2011-12-23 21:21

The ordinary mortal thinks of objects.
This in turn leads to attachment.
Which further leads to the birth of desire.
When desire is unfulfilled,
it leads to anger.
From anger is born greater attachment to the object.
With this, the ability to think begins to stray.
When this happens,
intelligence is destroyed.
This in turn leads to the downfall of man.



2011-12-23 22:01

Remember the God's word
"yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham"
"Sri Krishna said: Whenever and wherever there is a decline in virtue/religious practice, O Arjuna, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself, i.e. I manifest Myself as an embodied being."



2011-12-23 22:14

Всем ХАре Кришна!



2011-12-23 22:19

what injustice in the world Bhagwat gita a simple book
with acomplete transparancy and doing no harm SO THIS IS CALLED MOVING TO THE FUTURE



2011-12-23 23:18

Вообще здурели, суд над Гитой!Над великим трудом ,которым зачитывались великие личности.



2011-12-23 23:45

Shri KRshNa is my Lord, and the Bhagavad Gita is a life science and the way to devotion and love of God, KRshNa. It is inseperable from devotees. Shri KRshNa is God as He has six oppulences in infinite amounts : wealth strength beauty fame renunciation and wisdom.

Please do not commit this blunder of banning the nectar of eternity : Shrimad Bhagavad Gita



2011-12-23 23:55

No holy book should ever be banned. We all must respect each others region, religious beliefs and religious holy books.

We are all one.



2011-12-24 00:37

Hare Krishna
Hare Rama
Krishna dal
Krishna bol
Krishna bolo
Havir Hari Dasa



2011-12-24 01:01

Of all the the things to dispute about, holy books of ANY religion should never have to go under the light of court. We should absorb and share all the good things from all religions, races, creed, colour etc. to have a nicer world to live in and not find a reason out to fight, quibble with each other across the world. Absolutely appalling. Moreover, to say the Gita portrays hatred towards other religions, did the person who made this comment in court/to the media have a few too many to drink 'alcohol' maybe? He could NOT be further from the truth. Bless him, he needs fresh air, some sleep and to re-read the Gita with a fresh pair of eyes in the morning!! Trust me that strategy always does wonders!!



2011-12-24 01:35

Hey Russia...what is wrong with you? Do not you have better things to do rather than messing around with holy scriptures? !!



2011-12-24 01:53

There is NO WORDS OR SLOKA can be challengable in HOLY GITA as i have been following in my LIFE and share ideas with any religious have never found any objectinable in to it,rather they all are impressed with the concept of LIFE LIVING GUIDE SCRIPTED in 18 chapter.
I am fully devoted and never hurting anybody feelings.



2011-12-24 02:40

we will prevail. by the way Gita is banned in Saudi



2011-12-24 03:52

This book has been read by many famous people such as Tolstoy, Einstein, etc. People find the answers for the questions they have been asking for their whole lives and finally could find the answers in Bhagabad-Gita As It Is. People who is trying to ban the Holy Scripture just ignorant.



2011-12-24 03:59

'Ha'ri'boal! =>:-)



2011-12-24 04:46

There is nothing extremist about Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita. He's a pure devotee, thus his translation is different than many others. Christ's ideas were radical during his time, yet they were bona fide, and now we better understand them. Srila Prabhupada too, has translated a bona fide Gita & the proof is by looking at how he himself ran his Hare Krishna society - everyone was treated equally and given full opportunity, regardless if they were black or white, male or female.



2011-12-24 05:32

Please consider the fact that this book is read all over the world, especially in the United States! All democracies need show they are enlighted and open minded.



2011-12-24 06:32

Gita is about doing exactly right things as a human being



2011-12-24 06:57

Banning Bhagavad Gita is a direct insult to the Lord.



2011-12-24 07:07




2011-12-24 07:09

The Holy Gita is a book which never believe in extreme thing.Those who want to ban Bhagavad Gita have to read and realize the lesson of the holy book..Only being jelous is not a issue to ban this holy book..This is the only book which can bring all human being together.I have read this holy book..so I can gurantee..There is no such extreme element which become haurmful..This book is good for all religion..IT teches how to respect other religion and all human being..So I protest this kind of attempt..to ban this holy book..



2011-12-24 07:14

Jai SriBhagabad Gita. Gita not only must be kept in each House but also must be worshipped respectfully in each house by each person. It is an ancient sacred scripture which helps each person to live life happily, to interact with others lovingly, to implement nonviolence, to make our beloved planet a better one and above all helps us to advance in the way of achieving the GOAL of each life, that is, to SELFREALISATION by practising YOGA and following its higher divine principles.



2011-12-24 07:18

Bhagavadgita is a very sacred scripture.I request you to please read the book written by PARAMAHAMSA NITHYANADA on the same BHAGAVADGITA. A copy of this book has been given already to many RUSSIAN EMBASSIES in various countries

#6950 glok

2011-12-24 07:23

эта проблема изначально существовала и обьяснена в самой Бхагавад Гите и Махабхарате.проблема Добра и Зла,конфликт между Пандавами (преданными Кришны) и Кауравами (материалистичными людьми).именно за любовь к Кришне и ненавидели кауравы пятерых братьев,потому как сердце материалиста никогда не успокоится,пока будет на свете Бог и служение Ему.в этом коренная причина материализма - ложное эго,желание собственного удовольствия и наслаждения.как сказал Дурьодхана :-Я не дам вам земли даже столько, чтобы можно было воткнуть иголку.и этот суд над Гитой - наставлениями и словами самого Кришны - хороший пример противостояния Материализма(эгоизма) и Истинной Духовности(Сознания Кришны).заметьте,судят даже не Бхагавад Гиту,а комментарий к ней Преданного Кришны - Бхактиведанты Свами Прабхупады.
P.S... результат нам известен - это привело обе стороны на Курукшетру - где малочисленная армия Пандавов во главе с Арджуной,вдохновлённом словами Кришны(Бхагавад Гитой) разгромила армию Дурьодханы.