Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-24 20:55

In these times of turmoil Bhagavad Gita is a source of wisdom for Hindus all over the world.
bramana priya


2011-12-24 21:00

fight aginst banning the holy book shree bhagvat gita, it is the teaching from god and message from god , the supreme personality of god head, lord krsna. it is as same as the bible, the koran etc



2011-12-24 21:04

Bhagavad Gita is a book of Humanity and not a riligious scripture. The principals of Gita are true all the time. Today's world needs it for piece by following it's very first principal of brotherhood under fatherhood of GOD. Other is NOT other but my Divine brother, I must respect other as the GOD who runs my body runs others body as well. Gita is a constitution of HUMANITY.



2011-12-24 21:11

We are with you



2011-12-24 21:24

All over the World all Civilised soceities are very concern about the Freedom of Speech. This is most important of all and must be Honored. Geeta helps people to improve their positive living and bring peace in society.


2011-12-24 21:24

bhagavadgita is beyond religions....

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2011-12-24 21:36



2011-12-24 21:59

5000 years old book is troubling these newly liberated Russian orthodox Church from communists,it is strange. This book is not only for Hindus or others ,it is for mankind.



2011-12-24 22:03

Do not comment before you read and if required seek clarifications from a learned person.



2011-12-24 22:40

Bhagavad Gita is above every religion. It teaches
to the world who is God and how to love Him. If someone is trying to ban this book, he is insane and will never be forgived.



2011-12-24 22:47

Bhagavadd Gita is a manual for mankind, teaching how the human form to be used for achieving ultimate goal of life. Any wise man who reads Bhagavad Gita even once would not even think to doing something absurd like forcing ban on oldest scripture of the world.



2011-12-24 22:57

Bhagwat Gita is very holy scrpiture from the Lord Krishna himself.
Billions of Hindus and many other religious organizations accepted as a guide to raise human consciousness beyond time and space.
Please do not Ban this Shastra at any cost.



2011-12-24 22:59

Religious freedom should be basic right for all human beings



2011-12-24 23:12

If you get any feelings regarding 'fight' from Gita, that will be against yourself and it indicates how you can build a peace-ful mind in your body. Bhagavad-gita never teaches to hate any other religion.



2011-12-24 23:50

Why Russia imposed ban on Bhagavad Gita? Hear Dr. Keshavanand Das on this topic.
24 Dec.2011 - Ban on Bhagavad Gita in Russia
by Dr. Keshavanand Das



2011-12-25 00:08

Индийцы сжигают русский флаг в протест против запрета Гиты

Russia bans sacred Hinduism book Protests continue against the Russian government's ban of the distribution of the iconic Hindu book Bhagavad Gita, authorities denounced that there are alleged extremist messages in the book's Russian translation. teleSUR




2011-12-25 00:44



2011-12-25 01:19

Bhagavad Gita is one of the most ancient scriptures in the world revered and respected by billions. The solutions given to humanty through this scripture have helped people from l spheres of life - from someone oractising hinduism to a Firtune 500 CEO looking for strategic planning or organisational strategy. Banning this book will be a great loss to the people of Russia and will also seriously hurt religious sentiments of over a billion people who practise this religion that preaches peace, love and harmony.



2011-12-25 03:11

The Bhagavad-Gita is an important historic, ancient work with lots of Wisdom.


2011-12-25 03:13

Bhagwatgita is for all humanbeings.it inspires us for doing work .we are soul not body.so it is our duty to work honestly.we are all brothers and sisters in this universe.we are sons and daughter of one supreme god.this book should not be ban.this book tell right way to go forward.



2011-12-25 03:26

Bhagwad Gita is Trascendental and cannot be banned by man.



2011-12-25 04:08

Banning, in my opinion, an absurd proposal.



2011-12-25 04:20

You just read it once you will know what is it all about


2011-12-25 04:20

You just read it once you will know what is it all about



2011-12-25 04:27

It is surprising to note that Russia, a nation of high positive attitude, suddenly exhibited a negative attitiude about Bhagavadgita