Stop The Vaccine Passport
Stop The Vaccine Passport / Announcements / Update on Stop The Vaccine Passport in Canada / Comments
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#12021-08-30 16:39Thank you for doing this!!! |
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#42021-08-30 16:59We have to try everything, thanks for what you are doing. I am volunteering with action4canada group. Be safe, keep well. |
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#72021-08-30 17:13Thanks for your efforts, Allen! Step by Step the tyranny will be dismantled! |
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#8 Re:2021-08-30 17:18 |
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#102021-08-30 17:23Sometimes we live life just going through the motions. We don't rock the boat because it will upset people, even if they are treating us unjustly or unfairly. Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present..
Peace and Love |
Notachance |
#12 Kicking and screaming2021-08-30 17:24Thank you so much for your time. This tyranny will not stand no matter what supposed "laws" are made. |
chad |
#13 Factions Business Networking Organizations2021-08-30 17:29If you are targeting business networking organizations, then u will want to look at the Rotary Club as well. They are Free Mason. I am guessing the Catholics have one as well, but I do not know if that is teh Chamber of commerce, or something I am unawares of. This is the stuff I am talking about that all of us small people ignore - and I have learned the hard way - the strategy that is derived from this underastanding will enable us to win. I fear without it... we do not stand a chance... We are either going to sit down as organizers of this movment and understand the legitimacy of the strategic aspect BEFORE we act, or we will never get our crap together good enough to act as any sort of opposition. We are in essence organizing the counter of their movement, and so a 'citizen faction' in a general sense, and the faster we realize this the faster we'll stand up... thank u for your efforts folks!
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#142021-08-30 17:31I support this measure wholeheartedly! Medical segregation and a caste system in Canada should never be allowed. |
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#152021-08-30 17:56Do they have any concept how easily it would be to shut Ontario down? If HCW's walk, they will have to close beds. The truckers could slow down the supply chains in a matter of days. Works way better than protests. |
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#17 Thank you for your hard work and efforts2021-08-30 18:20We appreciate the efforts everyone is making in the fight to keep our freedoms |
Guest |
#222021-10-05 04:00Thank you for all your great information and dedication to this situation. |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Urgent Help Needed – Orphaned, Autistic Young Man at Risk of Deportation to Inhumane Conditions in Albania
Urgent Concern – Kingston Council to Continue the After-Hours School Program at Southmoor Primary School
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
Uphold Christian freedom and repeal 'woke' laws
Review & Remove Charity Status: Destiny Church's $1M+ Annual Operations Lack Financial Transparency in New Zealand!
Is there something you want to change?
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