Stop the 16 March marches and Latvians revising history!
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2012-02-06 20:31- Date of removal: 2012-02-07
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2012-02-06 20:31- Date of removal: 2012-02-07
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2012-02-06 20:32- Date of removal: 2012-02-07
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Guest |
#1042012-02-06 20:34◦Already in a press release 16.03.1999 the Simon Wiesenthal centre in Jerusalem condemned the march of the legionaries and stated, ‘although these units were not involved in crimes against humanity, many of their soldiers had previously served in the Latvian security police and had actively participated in the mass murder of civilians, primarily Jews...The stubborn insistence of Latvia’s SS Legion veterans to conduct a public march to glorify their role as combatants on behalf of the Third Reich is a clear indication that many Latvians have still not internalised the lessons of WWII... not one of the numerous Latvian killers who collaborated with the Nazis has been brought to justice since Latvia obtained its independence, far too many Latvians feel free to identify with those who fought alongside the perpetrators of the Holocaust rather than with its victims’. |
Guest |
#1052012-02-06 20:36Пора запретить фашистам их парады не только в Латвии, но и в Эстонии |
Guest |
#1062012-02-06 20:39Европейский союз и НАТО должны резко осудить ежегодное шествие легионеров СС в Риге |
LeibaBronshtein |
#107 Re:2012-02-06 20:42Сталин убил 60 милионов, Гитлер 20!! Кто похуже??? От рук красных убиыц погибло гораздо больше невинных людеи!!Позор красним убийцам!!! |
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2012-02-06 20:51- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#1102012-02-06 21:32не допустить проведение в Риге 16 марта шествия легионеров Ваффен СС и их сторонников!!!!!! |
Guest |
#1152012-02-06 22:20Нацизм и действия фашистов во времена Великой Отечественной войны признаны оскорбительными, ужасными, противозаконными и аморальными во всём мире. Я не хочу, чтобы кучка инакомыслящих позорила мою страну и меня, как часть моего народа. |
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-02-06 22:51- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#1182012-02-07 00:12Ja nesporju, bilo strashno umiratj. No gospoda, kungi, seri,misje i pani kak mozno 4estvovatj ljudej, esli ih tak mozno nazvatj. Kotorie istrebljali ljudej, detej i materej, pri4om daze ne ot imeni rodini svoej... |
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-02-07 00:17- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-02-07 01:07- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-02-07 01:15- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#1242012-02-07 07:52эта чума принесла миру много беды, надо зарыть её окончательно и глубоко , не стирая из памяти погибших за освобождение от ига фашизма |
Guest |
#1252012-02-07 08:04Нельзя допускать , чтобы в цивилизованной Европе продолжали чествовать фашистов |
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