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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition save_new_wheel.
Guest |
#12012-02-10 14:36 i cannot believe that anyone would think this area could cope with any more traffic or cars parked carole knight |
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#22012-02-10 17:02Wrenthorpe Road curves to the left just past the Methodist Church heading downhill towards the New wheel.This curve creates somthing of a blind spot in the area of the proposed shop.If there are large delivery vehicles parked ,and shoppers cars,and cars paked outside the Chemists and vans and cars parked outside Dearnleys the congestion is going to be horrendous.At rush hours and school run times the road will grind to a halt.The traders in Wrenthorpe have worked very hard and provide the village with excellent service.We do not need or want a supermarket in our village. R.D.Butterworth/C.A. |
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#32012-02-10 23:26Absolute disgrace!who the hell do they think they are?!you can't shift for tescos stores already in this area!wrenthorpes a small village and the residents are proud of having 4pubs that are all still thriving at a time when pubs are closing down all over.we DO NOT need a tesco!!!theres 2londis shops very close by who will obviously lose out,a post office a newsagents and a grocers.if people want more they can go to the wheel!!!if tescos get it I'll boycott them for will my family and friends.leave villages alone!!! |
Guest |
#4 Re:2012-02-10 23:34OMG, couldn't believe it when I saw it in the Wakefield Express, my god you are so right, traffic would be terrible, save our pubs and definately no one in the village should shop there, haven't they thought of the other shops it's going to effect, they are just out to make money. |
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#62012-02-11 16:49Why not Name and Shame? Tell us the name of the company that owns The New Wheel. People might like to write to them direct. |
Martyn |
#72012-02-11 16:57Tesco cannot be allowed to destroy village businesses and peoples livelihoods. Wrenthorpe does not need or want this development. It will not create any more jobs than it would destroy and would only further line the pockets of shareholders and overpaid executives. Leave our local businesses alone! |
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#8 Re:2012-02-11 17:15Punch Taverns own the New Wheel. I'll put a link up on the site |
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#92012-02-11 17:50We don't need a supermarket in Wrenthorpe. The local businesses work very hard & would be hit by this, though I for one would not be shopping at Tesco. |
Jess Guest |
#10 No Tesco Express!2012-02-11 18:27There is absolutely no need for another Tesco express. There is one already a short drive away and we have local shops in Wrenthorpe already that provide us with all we need. You will close these down by opening this shop and will destroy the livelihoods of many families. Keep Tesco away from Wrenthorpe! |
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#112012-02-11 19:08I think this is disgusting. Wrenthorpe will loose its village character and it will cause chaos in the middle of the village with extra traffic on the roads throught the village and will put many local traders out of business. This needs stopping NOW. |
Guest |
#122012-02-12 14:10We neither need nor require a Tesco in Wrenthorpe, we are more than adequately served by the local shops we already have, coupled with the fact we can ill afford to loose the pub but also the hairdressers. The local shops would be under serious threat should Tesco be allowed to open in the village and would in the not too distant future turn Wrenthorpe into village with no shops but Tesco and with the national rate of pub closures no pubs either. |
Guest |
#132012-02-12 16:36wrenthorpe is a lovely village,please do not spoil it by putting supermarkets there,it will take all the character out of this very nice village not counting the small buisness;s which are trying to make a living what is going to happen to these will wrenthorpe cope with the extra amount of;bad bend ,school nearby no parking facilities,please think again, |
Guest |
#142012-02-14 16:08I shudder to think of the dangerous, possibly fatal traffic congestion which will be caused by inconsiderate drivers parking in the road on this blind bend on a restricted carriageway instead of using the (very small) car park if Tesco get planning permission to open this store. It is a fatal accident waiting to happen. |
Guest |
#152012-02-14 18:13Tesco must be prevented from ruining small business and taking over communities. Enough is enough! |
Guest |
#162012-02-17 12:22Wrethorpe doesnt need Tesco. If Tesco comes you can say goodbye to the Post Office shop and the mioi market. |
Guest |
#172012-02-18 22:40Surely there are enough supermarkets without yet another one! The Wheel is an integral part of Wrenthorpe which I visit frequently when I return to Wakefield to visit friends but one which I frequented a lot when I lived in the area! Just think about the local shops who will make a loss at Tesco's profit and, yes, yet another local shop will close! |
Guest |
#19 pathetic2012-02-21 16:53Nothing can be done about this, it has the right planning permisson! all it needs planning for is sign changes really... and none of you fools have a valid reason to object, so you will be laughed at! why dont you all get over yourselves and accept change? traffic? there is a carpark you idiots so what difference will there be? other businesses? thats tosh aswell its a village and there are 3 hairdresses are all those needed? no! are they there yes? I for one dont use londis, feel raped when coming out with the stupidly high prices - viva la Tesco #deludedwrenthorpeidiots |
Guest |
#202012-02-21 17:13wrenthorpe has speed bumps? has for years, so this stupid talk of accidents is complete garbage! jobs will be created, which are needed!! prices are cheap, again needed for stuggling families no one goes in this pub, why should punch taverns make a loss? you wouldnt!!! grow up you deluded people, you sound like blind fools |
Guest |
#212012-02-21 17:15what is the aim of the website and how does it intend to save the pub from being turned into a supermarket? According to the dictionary, a petition is “a written document signed by a large number of people demanding some form of action from a government or other authority”. So exactly what action are you demanding and from whom? Neither the website, this news item or petition state who is being petitioned. As for you being “fully aware of the planning regulations involved” then why does the ‘petition’ state “Should the application be approved not only will the village lose the pub….”? If you are fully aware of planning regulations and that the pub could change its use without the need for planning approval then why include that statement? It implies that the petition is relating to an imminent planning application for a change of use from a pub to a Tesco Express and that people signing the petition can affect the change – when in actual act they can’t! It seems to me that you are either deliberately misleading people or you just don’t actually have a clue what you are on about. Again, I ask - What is the aim of the website and how does it intend to save the pub from being turned into a supermarket? What specific action are people being asked to show their support for? PATHETIC IDIOTS |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2012-02-21 19:59- Date of removal: 2012-02-21
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Verity68 Guest |
#23 Re:2012-02-21 20:07To the person who made the above comments. If you are supporting a Tesco in Wrenthorpe, fine. You are welcome to make your feelings know. In a calm civilised way. Not 3 abusive posts on this website. The website's aim is to inform and find out peoples feelings regaring this issue.
Guest |
#242012-02-24 22:15A friendly pub with good beer. No objection to Punch Taverns selling off failed pubs - but this isn't one. |
Guest |
#25 Re:2012-02-26 00:49you obviously don't come from Wrenthorpe then, or if you do you don't have kids, its you thats blind, no space there for a tesco's so you are deluded |
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