Quoted post
Guest |
#19 pathetic2012-02-21 16:53Nothing can be done about this, it has the right planning permisson! all it needs planning for is sign changes really... and none of you fools have a valid reason to object, so you will be laughed at! why dont you all get over yourselves and accept change? traffic? there is a carpark you idiots so what difference will there be? other businesses? thats tosh aswell its a village and there are 3 hairdresses are all those needed? no! are they there yes? I for one dont use londis, feel raped when coming out with the stupidly high prices - viva la Tesco #deludedwrenthorpeidiots |
Guest |
#33 Re: pathetic2012-03-02 17:34:00It is understood that Punch Taverns is facing financial difficulties and, therefore, is looking to sell off some its some of its assets (nationwide) in order to secure the highest value capital return. However, it is not accepted that this in itself represents sufficient justification for a food store in this location. Other breweries or independent operators may be interested. Whether the pub "survives" as a business is a separate question as to whether the pub building itself could be put to an alternative planning use. Any "presumption in favour of sustainable development" (the latest government position on planning matters) would surely take into account the basic premise that any future use of the building should in itself be of benefit to the community as a whole. A supermarket in this location can (and wlll) be resisted on numerous planning grounds.The impact on existing small retailers/ businesses within the village, in addition to the highways and traffic impact of any proposal would need to be assessed in great detail. Specifically, it is noted that the Council is fully aware already that the building is of historic interest, and that such building's should be afforded protection under the planning policy requirements of PPS5- Planning for the historic environment (whether listed or not). On the assumption that Tesco cannot get permission to demolish the pub- as they will likely plan to do so- then they may consider that the Express format would not be workable and think twice about trying to impose unwanted development on the resident's of Wrenthorpe, who are clearly opposed to the principle, let alone the practicaliies of locating a store here. Aside from this, emerging planning legislation contained within the Localism Act is opening the way for Punch Taverns to be required to place the building on the open market- which, in effect, would allow community groups the right to buy assets of community value- which includes public houses. The battle lines are only just being formed... |
oliver |
#64 Re: pathetic2012-04-27 20:12:38bellend |
Guest |
#68 Re: pathetic2012-06-05 21:41:10People are entitled to their opinions and just because it does not concur with yours it does not make them idiots. What a charmer you are ... |
Petition Against the Installation of a Biodigester at Wilson Rd, Fairfield Township, Madison County, Ohio
Weird Al, the halftime show the people need (Whether they realize it or not)
Support Subsonic Society - Save our work places and Oslo's music history.
Release 100 Years Movie ASAP (2026? 2027?)
No Nukes for AI: Clearly a bad idea
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