ban remote control of human beings by technical means

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2013-12-07 18:31

D. 13- novemer 2013. en dag ud af mange uge måneder  som de har kørt V2k Mindcontrol på mig. de bruger også sexuel harresment siger jeg er bøsse  har sagt at de havde infectet mig med aids hvilket så ikke er mugligt og truet mig med at jeg fik en sprøjte med døden til følge og sagt at jeg har milestet børn og har sagt at jeg ikke må være sammen med en kvinde bøsse er jeg ikke!.og have et forhold eller mødes med et mennneske eks. få en kop kaffe mv. de ødelægger de også så jeg intet liv har eller får. En af dem har også sagt at han var gud over danmark. De har også sagt at de styrre psygiatisk afdelinger og det så bare kan flytte mig til hvor de vil have mig så det kan fortsætte med voice too skull mindcontrol. ALT FOR AT ødelægge mit og min søns liv med løgne! siger spis usundt masser af sukker, hvilket er det værste man kan når man blir angrebet med v2k mindcontrol..The range of "implantable psychic offenses" run from vandalism to the worst thing you could possibly imagine. kl er nu 16:49 d 15/11-2013 og sider og skriver lidt og det angriber samtidigt især sætninger hvor de prøver at kan lave et navn ud af eller et navn de ser og kan bruge til at angribe med true med eller sige at nu har jeg sagt noget dårligt om den person..neej er den en der siger her nu da de så jeg skrev det. det fortæller jeg lige den og den..

Fortunately for TIs, the internet brings together  targeted individuals of electronic torture and mind control from all conceivable  backgrounds. Race and ethnicity, color, gender, religion, politics,  philosophical views, and all other human characteristics and thought become  insignificant as targets unite to do battle with their unseen enemies. The  internet provides a link among the many targets of electronic stalking and mind  control. Working together, we shall eventually identify the devices and methods  used in the remote torture, learn the identity of the perpetrators, and bring  the cowardly perpetrators to justice. when my assailants, or handlers, started bombarding me with electrical-like  jolts, strong vibrations, and other physical torture. The first electronic  vibrations struck me with such force that I could hardly stand on my feet. Only  a few days later, I began hearing voices from unseen speakers. Only I could hear those voices..and what they say too me i also hear when i travel or walk around doing normail the spread lies rummers etc. all around where me and my son go..

De snakker følger med i hvad jeg laver..aajj er der en kvinde stemme der siger da de så jeg har travl med alle jeg ser snakker med, hvad jeg ser..og fortæller jeg tilhøre dem og at ingen gider mig og at de ødelægger mit og min søn liv og fortæller at alle hader mig min familie. Det er voice too skull siger tit hvad jeg skal gøre og har sagt mange gange at de køre mindcontrol på mig på en hadefuld måde...electronic harrasment..voice too skull og gør alt for at ødelægge og truer mig og andre og min søn med voice too skull mind control og at jeg ikke må sige noget gå puplic. De siger dagligt at jeg skal tage mit eget liv og spørg om jeg er skizofren eller siger jeg er..og at de blir ved at inflecte mig til jeg er helt nede død eller lign at jeg skal indlægge mig på et mental hospitol for så har de fuld kontrol over mig og kan flytte mig til en anden afdeling..hvor de kan køre mig helt færdig, men jeg ved også at lod jeg mig indlægge så vil de blive endu være for de stopper ikke og kørt de i mange uger måneder og siger også jeg skal min viden siger at så blir de fleste syge og mere svage og det er en af de måder de køre mindcontrol på spis ikke drik meget kaffe brug alle dine penge mv..De bruger alt hvad de kan!..og jeg høre mange løgnhistorie og de laver inverts på alt..så de kan fortsætte med v2k mindcontrol jeg har sammen lignet med hvad dem der har meget viden og hvordan de gør nå de angriber wictims som mig og andre og fremgangs metoden de bruger er voice too skull harrasment..ødelægge alt.. for en person.. fremgangsmetoden de bruger har jeg skrevet før mere udførligt til flere. og de gør alt for at få mig til at snakke så jeg lyder som en psygisk syg med skizofreni..der gå og snakker med sig meget hvor jeg gå eller er snakker de til mig og siger til dagligt at jeg er til grin alle steder. og lige meget hvor jeg flytte hen så fortsætter de. de bruger mange navne og en del af dem bruger som trusler og andre sviner de til og twister alt rundt så alle hader mig mv..De bruger noget frekvens.. jeg har forsøgt med en kasket med alufolie og microwavefolie i og det virker lidt jeg har lavet en steelwoll hat den virker noget bedre hvis jeg bevæger mig rundt mv. bevæger hovedet så er det sværre for dem at sende billeder op mv.  jeg for den tinnitus lign. i ørnene når de angriber og kan høre forskel når jeg bevæger mig rundt..og der er mange skeptiker og de gør alt for at sprede løgne og inverts.. hvor mig og min søn går og er og når de blir stille eller siger at nu skal jeg være stille så de fordi de tror at der måske er noget der kan true deres videre forløb med at køre v2k med mig så inverter de også nogle gange at nu skal jeg være meget uden for eller inden for..og gør alt for at presse mig til at gå ud ved at snakke angribe konstant..og vis de så tror at der ikke er nogen nær så gør de tit de at nu skal jeg blive inden for og nogen gange siger de at nu for jeg lige 5 minuter for nu har de også kørt mig hårdt og hold mig vågen meget af siger så at det er for at finde ting så de kan fortsætte med at køre mig ned med v2k mindcontrol..meget af det jeg har skrevet er noget de bruger mange takticker for at inflecte mig så meget som muligt at vnu skal jeg opgive og de siger daglig til mig du skal dø. Jeg forsøger at gøre som jeg har læst mig til flere steder hvordan man kan så de har sværre ved at inflecte mig..og har læst og skrevet og fundet mange sammenliniger som fortæller mig at hvad det er de udsætte mig og andre for og bruger dagligt også den trussel at hvis jeg ikke gør som de vil sågør de noget ved et familiemedlem børn eller andre og der har også sagt de vil slå min hund og kat bruger også ordet ja,ja,ja,ja for at for mig til at sige ja til ting de siger og der er mange skeptiker og der er derfor nemt for dem at sprede løgne mv. for at ødelægge mere og så siger de i aften kommer den en "navn/navne" for real but not for real. jeg blir også fulgt rundt skygget..og så sendt som igår var der en der fulgte efter en yngre mand?.. omkring min højde mørkt hår sort jakke pelskrave.... gik en omvej for at se om vedkommende fulgte efter.. har været fulgt rundt fra før jeg flyttede til Jylland og blir også her.. og der har tillige været nogle begivendheder her vor jeg bor.. før jeg de begyndte angreb med mindtooskull voice v2k...og forløbet med v2k..voice too skull mind control og hvordan de gør er som jeg har beskreve tidligere i en lang beskrivelse om hvordan de angriber..electronic harrasment..voice too skull.. Jeg blev også fulgt og harrest for real før jeg flyttede..

In my country Litigation seems a waste of time, because a psychiatric assessment will instantly point you as having mental illness and you will be indefinately be detained in a mental institution.Just saying, be aware of this if you don't already know and use counter-measures, like diet, shieleding, sonic counermeasures and any kind of EMF jamming.NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS..Nogle af deres trusler går på at jeg skal give dem penge og jeg skylder alle i penge.. og jeg skal bruge alle mine penge så jeg ikke kan flytte/flygte som de mange gange siger jeg sige nu at min deflector hat/kasket er en illuminhat..og drejer den så senere på dagen at det er den ikke men det er har du kun sagt de sidst 2-3 dage..for at de så ser ud som de mig der angriber er det ikke jeg er et wictim og they try too make me delusional too. De er begyndt at bruge den tactick at de sender de ting videre jeg siger eller de ting de ser til personer på en meget truende måde!. DE laver om på sætninger og sætte navne bag eller foran for at destruere mig, som jeg har beskrevet tidligere om hvordan de inflecter og angriber. they are sadistik sociopaths/psykpater...De siger eks. når jeg sider og skriver at dem og dem har vi skrevet til de er med os og det siger de om alle mennesker.. de gør også det som tidligere beskrevet at så visker de navnene så man næsten ikke kan høre dem, de navne de bruger og så provokere de til at man skal sige ting og siger så bagefter at nu har du sagt såm og sån til den og den person..og nu får du hammeren og skal dø og andre ting. de bruger også ordet vilken kompilering du har lavet med os dvs. dem der køre mindcontrol voice too skull på mig..De sider og gnetager og kommentere på nogle af de ting så jeg sider og læse inden i mig selv..og det jagter mig alle steder jeg tager hen med deres mindcontrol voice too skull..og sider og snakker til mig og prøver at få mig til at telaktiv..så jeg ikke kan være nogen steder..Det har ekstrem travlt med at skal bruge navne i foran dem selv de sidste par døgn og visker dem og siger bagefter at jeg har sagt det og det om den eller den..og jeg tror at det er fordi at så som de siger at de lukker alle døre for mig..og at jeg ikke kan kontakte nogen og at de sender beskeder til d folks navne de bruger for at kan bruge dem mod mig og så fam. alle døre er lukket og så der de folks navne de bruger til at true med foran dem selv..dvs. dem der køre v2k mindcontrol på mig...det mig meget tydligt at de også har folk der går rund mv. som spreder en masse løgne for at gøre tingene endu være og for at køre mig helt ned. de bruger alt hvad de ser.. og hvad de høre.. til at angribe mig med..og laver tingene om til en løgn til at de kan angribe mig endu være og de er rigtig syge med hvordan de køre tingene nu og fordi at de måske er klar over at jeg ikke vil finde mig i at blive toturet med voice too skull mindcontrol og det har stået på i måneder...deres trusler blir være og væ har truet med at gøre rigtigt grimme ting ved flre børen og voksne bla. voldtæ

Thus there are several categories of mind control operations, for example covert drugging, hypnosis and trauma conditioning, one-shot EM-type brain blasting, short-term mind fucks, and ongoing feedback control setups for long-term torture and exploitation of victims, to mention a few.  What they have in common is the attack against the mind of the victim, as well as the deniable and denied nature of the attack.  The exact means being used in any particular case are beside the point here.  These techniques do not just violate one or two of what everyone knows are fundamental human rights:  In one fell swoop they violate almost every fundamental human right a person has.

You can think of gang stalking as mobbing which is extended to all aspects of your life, so that you can never escape some degree of harassment.

The harassment is often carried out in a way to blame the victim for the harassment. This is called victim blaming.

technology is used to make the person appear to have a mental problem. ... The
mind control can also make a victim commit suicide.

Once again the elimination of not just information but the consuming of a person’s time, food, looks, location and process of free and thorough consideration. A consideration that involves thought, reflection, perception, discernment and the right to ask questions or go to trusted friends and family for their input. they seeks to captivate you TOTALLY.

One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture.

De truer med mange ting at jeg skal stoffe og andre ting at jeg skal dø min søn skal dø andre skal dø..hvis jeg ikke gør som de siger.De siger hele tide se se se se og finder alt de kan bruge for at kan fortsætte deres mindcontrol v2k på mig. Jeg ved at hvis jeg blev indlagt på en psygiatisk afdeling..så vil de fortsætte mindcontrol på mig..De går bevidst efter dem som de mener er "svage"...Det skifter mellem hvem de siger de er et navn eller illuminats eller secret society eller et ord det lyder son one noget og og har også sagt at de er fra den danske regering og fra Relgion.Dk det skifter med hvad der siger de er. de siger at jeg skal give dem alle mine ting og min søn også.. nogle gange.. jeg bevæger mig rundt for at holde mig nogen lunde fornuftig. de gør også alt i at gøre mig agrassiv ustabil!.. Concealing aggressive intentions and behaviors. knowing the psychological
vulnerabilities of they control me and others victims. De sider og overvære alt jeg laver stort set og en simpel ting som da jeg spiste en portion havregryn til morgen og hvad jeg så skulle bag efter og hvad der vil ske med mig i aften hvilke personer der ville komme for real but not for real..

They do all to continue there mind control at me so that they may continue their lives of greed, murder and corruption. They follow me too over the net..and have made real treads there..and the follow me 24/7 around the hour now also whit mindcontrol and mostly that. men der blir også spredt rykter løgne og alt alle steder for at ødelægge mit og min søns liv og andres..De har truet med voltægt af folk og dyr og børn med mindcontrol voice too skull at me..De angriber mere når jeg er træt og nedkørt eks. når jeg vågner om morgen og elle ikke kan falde i søvn om aftenen fordi de gør alt for at holde mig vågen med angreb. De inflecter for at skabe frygt aggrassion mv.i mig mig udmatning/sygdom og være..De overskrider mange parragraffer i den danske og eu mv. lovgivning. de har også brugt fjersyns frekvens på et tidspunkt..bestemte også senere tyske.. og ser ikke meget fjernsyn!.. The ‘psycho-electronic’ type of mind control I’m discussing here is the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This harassment includes electronic mind/body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships and destruction of careers.

One especially invasive attack method in the arena of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or  sound, directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. This is sometimes done around the clock and can be one of the severest forms of torture in on-site organized stalking, spreading rumors, and interfering with the  targets’ communications and my daily live inflecting/distracting me with their voice-to-skull mindcontrol too make me go down and worse. The
handlers can also record a person's voice and then later simulate that same
voice too and after use it for destruktion og af live etc me and my son ..... Targets usually refer to this as voice-to-skull (V2K). They
control how you perform on your job site, the control everything or trey too too destrue my life...and worse..mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul. They are sick twisted personalities doing this too me and others..The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the “crime scene” or fingerprint the stalker? There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical scene at all, and no evidence that an attack ever took place. The more vehement the efforts to prove that the voice or voices in one’s head are “real”, the more smug become the smiles of the medical doctors, who gently insist that such technology does not exist, that the voices cannot possibly be real, and that one must take a powerful psych med and lie down for a good long rest. And it only gets worser if i go too a Psygical hospital i now.!. They will inflect me there too.

DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM NOT ONE VICTIM HAS FOUND ANY BENEFIT FROM LISTENING TO THE PERPS. THIS IS THE ONLY THING THAT WILL STOP THE PERPATRATORS FROM PUTTING THE VICTIM THROUGH THIS HORROR. THEIR PROGRAM IS “DESIGNED” TO RIP YOUR PSYCHE APART AND TO HAVE YOU LOCK IN ON THEM AND THEIR PROGRAM. They are experts at finding what will get their victims to both pay attention, and attempt get them, the perps, to understand. What gets you, or what is important to you verses another victim is insignificant to the perps, remember this point. They want the victim endlessly internally “self talking” things that are meaningless to them, the perps, but are a priority to you, the victim. They want the victim to begin to continually argue points endlessly to themselves as if they are swaying someone, while they, the perps, with a high degree of probability are laughing stating we got another one to do it as designed, or they are having a beer stating business as usual. They want the victim always running through whatever will cause the victim as an individual, to engage them. At this point it takes very little effort on the perps part to get the victim to think someone is listening, cares, or that it means something. It is design to consume a victim, and have all that internal speak within the individual victim become systemic. A TRAP THAT IS BREAKABLE, ALTHOUGH IT TAKES AWARENESS AND EFFORT. They are merciless in what they do to other human beings.

This is the first part of a six part essay by Nicholas Kirkland which overviews the means and methods employed by governments and some powerful organizations, to psychotronically harass and torture innocent people; and the complicity of law enforcement in that endeavor. This essay is one of the more thorough and cogent explanations that I've read to date that reveiws all aspects of psychotronic assault and its impact upon the victim. There is an urgent need for science professionals of decency and morality to step up to the plate and not only assist victims of psychotronic torture to unmask this activity, but to help discover countermeasures to thwart and countervene these assaults. There is no greater "crime against humanity" than psychotronic torture and harassment. It must be stopped and its perpetrators brought to justice.

D. 14-15 the run me silent whit names and say after that ive said this and that about the names they use in voice too skull mindcontrol at me..ive seen suspicious people following me around and when i sat at the libria 2 person came in i think a new renault clio silverblue..and sat ind front of me time was 10:30 they talk of gaining ekstra punds they spoke danich and dark black hair and a danich loking guy whit Sjællandsk accent. and i now that what goes on is too being spread around by those how inflect me whit mindcontrol v2k.. and the spread lies too that i smoke hash and worse..and there are some suspicious karrekters runing around near where i live and i dont now if there the good ones or... but no one comes nokking on my door and the ones runing me whit mindcontrol say that they have destrued everything for my son and i whit v2k mindcontrol and for real..that they sendt messages too all the peoples names they use in there mindcontrol at no one comes near me for real..when i go too they supermarket the always when i buy cigs or something try too eks. that the ciggaret filter should be red ones..and have done it for a long time rumers also go by that ive have milested shildren and i steel and so on and its many cityes the have run this rummors..some people use that the maybe now im a v2k wictim that that ive will pas on messages too them who run mindcontrol at me..and the stil say i must die the ones runing me whit mindcontrol v2k..there are cams at thr libriar..some have told me that they have been runing cams where i live..but i dont now if thats true...but i wonder how some things i do in my own home gets out every where.. but i now for a facht that the run me whit v2k mindcontrol..some say theusing me for i think its cald the one how will go down because im the easy one on using..there run many stories and lies...and they say that they have a millonær behind them..and they how run me whit mindcontrol v2k..they are getting more busy because they think some people are helping me..and some that wonders me too is when i have been travling whit trains busses ive been followd too and the dsb personal have been acting very suspicious.. and Netto supermarket stores and where i shop normal grosseries.



2014-01-24 02:29

this is corrupt block watch that stalks woman and rapes them and sexxaully abuses them. this french white filth finds it fun to do this to an innocent woman, This shit is bald gross fithy pediphile ring of rapist and babyfuckers thats ehat this shit calls themselves with technology.It gets off on lies and sexaul assault this shit is in the vicinity of 109-141street Surrey BC i pray you put a stop to mindcontrol. its criminal to have this type of technology.


#28 Re: NWO is there stalking woman also.

2014-01-24 02:34

#27: -  




2014-03-18 05:26

These stealth weapons empower the weak minded cowardly people in today's society. Their form of Ritual Satanic Abuse needs to stop now before it's too late.

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2014-03-19 01:55



2014-03-19 05:08

The stealth weapons empower these miserable few to unleash their frustrations on the innocent whom they may envy. A true atrocity to humanity.



2014-03-20 11:18

This black ops program of Torture started for me in 1999. It started as bullying and gang stalking. In 2000 I knew I was being surveilled/voyeured, by 2003 I was being DEWed on and off including ELF waves till around 2009. In 2010, full on torture which included, Psychotronic, Psychological abuses from V2K and Perp neighbours set up to torture within my vicinity. I'm DEWed and ELF waved 24/7. I have continually been gang stalked and has gotten worse over the years. I am subjected to derogatory abuse on a daily basis by neighbours either using audio equipment or V2K this is also used wherever I go out or am in a vehicle. The only respite I get from this is if I'm shopping in a mall or store and even then you'll have your Perp whores following you and mentally abusing you with stuff they say or do to you while shopping. The new form of abuse I am currently experiencing is mind reading, I've had image projection put on me while sleeping/if you can from being kept from sleeping/deprivation for long periods of time. They also try to make you think of disgusting images. Perps also will try the telepathy crap all day long while trying to read your mind.
I've had enough of this fucking program. I want to have a normal life free of this: Barack Obama and Stephen Harper need to put an end to this Human Experimentation and end this Black Ops program.
Put the money to helping citizens not destroying their lives.
I'm not a disposable person.
Jenolyn Smith


2014-04-14 23:46

Jail is too good for them, but at least it's a start. I remember Orlikow. The remote electronic brain-torturers they have now need to be stopped. Support The Mind Control Reform Act.



2014-04-22 17:08

Sign the petition to save a life

Here is why
Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or family 24/7. The victim is stalked en masse by car, foot, bike, and air in order to alienate and isolate the victim. The goals of gang stalking are to: provoke the victim to assault someone and get arrested; make the victim seem delusional/ mentally ill (see "gaslighting"); make the victim so depressed that they become suicidal. Tactics used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion of privacy; redirecting of phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, "directed conversation" and innuendo, erratic/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude behavior in the community, and much more. Police,security guys,and fire dept. are often involved in the stalking so the victim feels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard to prove. Many are forced to insane and suicide before even being able to figure out what's going on to their life. Most are normal people just like you and me. And once one is flagged as a target by this kind of group stalking, there is no end of it until the victim is cornered to death. Fooling and manoeuvring common mass citizens into this stalking crime is the dirtiest part.If anybody did anything that has been proved wrong or crime, we have laws and legal procedures to use, nobody should be given the chance to play such a super power beyond the law to ruin and kill others.

This equals long term plotted murder. This is extreme criminal activity that is becoming more common and needs to be outlawed ASAP before more get murdered in such a way.

Please paste the URL to your social network to help collecting more signatures, and to raise the social awareness because many victims have no clue what is going on for years, many public joined the stalking without knowing what they are really involved in, maybe just allured by some 'glorious' sounding big lies such as patriotism.

Because it is outside of the law, one could be killed this way simply because of a personal revenge. Anybody could be a target anytime. Today is others, tomorrow can be you and your family. Let's stand up now to make it a better world for all of us, our children, and their children, give them a world with order and rights.



2014-04-22 22:32

Sign the petition to save a life

Here is why
Organized gang stalking can involve a group in the hundreds to thousands harassing a single person or family 24/7. The victim is stalked en masse by car, foot, bike, and air in order to alienate and isolate the victim. The goals of gang stalking are to: provoke the victim to assault someone and get arrested; make the victim seem delusional/ mentally ill (see "gaslighting"); make the victim so depressed that they become suicidal. Tactics used are relentless color harassment, noise harassment, air harassment, hand signals, electronic monitoring inside the home and car (complete invasion of privacy; redirecting of phone calls, emails, postal mail), workplace mobbing, "directed conversation" and innuendo, erratic/ aggressive driving, bizarre/rude behavior in the community, and much more. Police,security guys,and fire dept. are often involved in the stalking so the victim feels like they have nowhere to turn and it is hard to prove. Many are forced to insane and suicide before even being able to figure out what's going on to their life. Most are normal people just like you and me. And once one is flagged as a target by this kind of group stalking, there is no end of it until the victim is cornered to death. Fooling and manoeuvring common mass citizens into this stalking crime is the dirtiest part.Most public allured into this stalking crime have no clue what they are involved in, by some big lies like 'patriotism'.If anybody did anything that has been proved wrong or crime, we have laws and legal procedures to use, nobody should be given the chance to play such a super power beyond the law to ruin and kill others.

This equals long term plotted murder. This is extreme criminal activity that is becoming more common and needs to be outlawed ASAP before more get murdered in such a way.

Please paste it to your social network to help collecting more signatures, and to raise the social awareness because many victims have no clue what is going on for years, many public joined the stalking without knowing what they are really involved in, maybe just allured by some 'glorious' sounding big lies such as 'patriotism'.

Because it is outside of the law, one could be killed this way simply because of a personal revenge. Anybody could be a target anytime. Today is others, tomorrow can be you and your family. Let's stand up now to make it a better world for all of us, our children, and their children, give them a world with order and rights.

Here are some cases
Facebook group: organized group|gang stalking victims international



2014-07-15 03:06

I pray that this genocide and torture ends.


#37 Re: mg nyein

2016-01-25 17:24

#27: -  


mg nyein

#38 Re:

2016-01-25 17:26

#27: -  25

23  25


rk shastri

#39 black magic specialist

2016-03-21 10:41


#40 remote control?

2018-02-26 14:50

were not remote controls! were not robots! were human beings and were not slaves of anybody else. were being tortured for a bogus reason and its wrongful. we all need a valid reason of anything else. gov has no business torturing us!

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2018-07-12 04:55


#42 Krasimira Krasteva

2019-05-01 12:09

Dear All, I am mind control project since 2013. They ruined my life. I would like to contact people who are aware and know the way out of this horror. I report the case 5 years but our authorities hide it.

#43 Re: Obama Get This Invisible Darpa Spyware Microchip Out Of Me!!!

2019-08-27 14:37

#24: Lee - Obama Get This Invisible Darpa Spyware Microchip Out Of Me!!! 

The Brain Initiative = Microchip Implants

Healthcare = Funding for torture, rape, sodomy, pedophilia, grand larceny and crimes against humanity.


to believe that you can control the heart and mind of one held by the Holy Spirit is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit = demon infested, Satan filled and hell bound with no hope of heaven


their day is coming!


#44 Re: Obama Get This Invisible Darpa Spyware Microchip Out Of Me!!!

2019-12-23 19:12

Tortured for a decade

#45 Re: Obama Get This Invisible Darpa Spyware Microchip Out Of Me!!!

2019-12-23 19:14

#24: Lee - Obama Get This Invisible Darpa Spyware Microchip Out Of Me!!! 

The Brain Initiative - Microchipping of America.  He is the anti-Christ.  Judges in the Federal Court System that allow this are complicit in assault and battery, rape, sodomy, a host of felonies and "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit".  Demon infested, Satan filled and hell bound with no hope of heaven.  The same they do unto the lease of these, they've done it unto Christ.  The great falling away - all those who participate or remain silent.

Santanu Banerjee

#46 Regarding thought control and remote hypnosis

2021-04-14 07:24

 I was a PhD student of CSIR-CMERI Durgapur, India. In October, 2019 I had mid-semester exams, during which some scientists started joking about my behaviour, later I was followed in a train by four other research scholars while travelling back home. Later during a seminar during November, 2019, I was indirectly shamed by some employees. Soon that day during the night I started hearing voices which I initially thought was from speakers installed in my room. I was frightened and used to lock my door during sleep. Later I understood that some video related to me had spread of which I had no knowledge. I later understood that I was being used as a communication device by people who had installed some kind of chips/thermo-electric strands in my back/head/ears/buttocks. Presently I have become a victim of extreme Gang-stalking and Remote Neural Monitoring based mind control. I request thorough question of all employees, cameraman CMERI, and JRFs to bust this espionage racket.

I wish to make a public awareness campaign about Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Hypnosis, & other mind control technologies that have been experimented on me during my Ph.D. studies. I have documented this spy technology which can send what a person is seeing through his eyes to a remote operator along with his other senses by brain nano-chipping and using RFID. Please go through the Patents slides in the attachment: