We want a new project between Hazal Kaya & Cagatay Ulusoy
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition We want a new project between Hazal Kaya & Cagatay Ulusoy.
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#1262014-04-01 08:18Hazal and Cagatay are the best cuple of turckie .I watch "feriha" allways because i love haw they are interpreteyd this personages. We wanted tougether and if is posible in reality |
Guest |
#1272014-04-02 09:21da sigur sa mai faca un film impreuna dar sa fie cu final fericit, tradus si in romana ,ii iubim foarte mult |
Guest |
#1282014-04-02 14:51buna ma numesc virginica si iubesc acest cuplu va rog din suflet mai faceti o telenovela 2 3 4 5 cu ei Hazal Kaya si Cagatay Ulusoy va multumesc |
Cristina |
#130 Cristina2014-04-04 11:18Da eu imi doresc din toata inima sa vad acest cuplu minunat Çağatay Ulusoy-Hazal Kaya,intr-un nou proiect, dar cu un final fericit , va rog sa luati in considerare cerintele a mii de fani . Çağatay Ulusoy-Hazal Kaya |
Guest |
#1312014-04-04 20:04we want u back to finish the serial in a good manner with a happy final! love u guys! |
Guest |
#1352014-04-09 20:37HAZAL SI CAGATAY se sincronizeaza foarte bine in gesturi , mimica au sarm pun mult suflet in personaje abia astept sa i revedem impreuna intr un nou rol minunat multumesc anicapopa DEVA ROMANIA |
adrian |
#136 Re:2014-04-11 15:13They can't be together because they are good co-workers but not lovers. It happens sometimes to have a very good friend, to work together perfectly but not to feel for her/him the love that everybody is expecting. LOVE is something we feel or not. It is true that they fit together perfectly and we want to see them acting together, as a couple, in movies but we cannot decide upon their lives. I still believe that some producers or directors will consider about our opinions and Cagatay and Hazal will act together in a successful series. |
Guest |
#137 Re: Re:2014-04-13 00:55yes they CAN be together |
Guest |
#1392014-04-25 15:10ar fi frumos daca s-ar relua proiectul.Nu am mai fi asa dezamagiti. Noua ne place si am vrea sa fie un final fffffoarte ffeeerriiicciitt.
Guest |
#142 Emir & Feriha2014-05-03 04:22I always watch my movies in French or English until my friend told me about Emir & Feriha
Mariam Jabir Toronto, Canada |
Guest |
#1452014-05-13 15:57We want to see emir&feriha together in another serial like feriha interstin chemistry.This serial one of the best serial than other Turkish serials.plz make another project with cagatay & hazal plzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzz |
Ilona |
#149 Match made in Heaven :-)2014-05-19 14:27The only thing I am waiting for to see on TV |
Guest |
#1502014-05-31 12:32we want Hazal kaya <3 and Cagate ulusoy <3 together again with happy ending..plzzzzzzz don't neglect this we love both of thm a lot.. <3 <3 <3 |
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