PETICIJA zaradi krivične sodbe 26828/06 Evropskega sodišča za člo
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition PETICIJA zaradi krivične sodbe 26828/06 Evropskega sodišča za člo.
Guest |
#12012-10-01 14:24judgment is unfair, because on the basis of facts violates many principles of fairness, objectivity, equality and the reality |
andreja |
#22012-10-01 16:02I agree..they all have the same oportunity in that time, but they did not take a chance, because thes speculated about how the war will end, and how it will be better for them.Now they are much too late, sorry..we are in Europe union and want to have some order, including temins to do some is all over. Thank you |
maja |
#32012-10-03 14:21judgment is unfair, is absurd and siknes. it is not good at all. it's another step for genocid in Slovenia. in the middle in the Eeurope . and this is real moment to think about very strange situation , wich is totalitarism , wich is in continuateing here in Slovenia and slowely destroing our nation. not slowely , faster and very dominante. and we have no power to stop this, ,,, |
Guest |
Guest |
#52012-10-04 19:15Slovenija naj ostane to, kar je bila, kar je in kar hoče biti ... republika Slovencev in Slovenk! :) |
Guest |
#62012-10-04 19:15Slovenija naj ostane to, kar je bila, kar je in kar hoče biti: domovina Slovencev in Slovenk ! :) |
Guest |
#72012-10-05 23:24Izbrisani so se tako zahvalili Sloveniji za njeno popustljivost in omahljivost. |
Guest |
#82012-10-09 01:57Vsa sreča,da so ti IZBRISANI tudi nekje ZAPISANI! Ti spiski pa bodo tudi še prav prišli.Takrat si bodo želeli ZBRISAT čim dlje od Slovenije. |
adler |
#9 komentar2012-10-09 16:12zelo dobro sestavljen in razumljiv tekst, podpisal sem takoj, ko sem ga prebral. Država smo ljudje, zanjo se je treba potruditi, zanjo tudi zastaviti svoje ime in še kaj, tisti, ki venomer nekaj zahtevajo od države, zanjo pa nič ne dajo, kradejo nem vsem, ki se trudimo in ustvarjamo blaginjo kakršna pač je, vse skozi jih nekaj pripada, ne vem od kot. drug TITO JE ŽE ZDAVNAJ V GROBU ! Verjamem pa da bi tudi v njegovem času tako živeli in kar naprej stali pred durmi centrov za socialno delo, no tudi on takih ni maral.... |
Franci |
#122012-10-19 21:02The petition is based are fundamentally because it is right that each case is considered individually and there may not be any compensation, because it was a war and all those who left Slovenia and after the war returned CAN NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS. |
Guest |
#142016-10-03 06:49These people deliberately did not want to recognize independent state of Slovenia. They had enough time to settle their documents. |
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