The Barn Nursery BOTW Reinstate the registration of Alison Cort
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition The Barn Nursery BOTW Reinstate the registration of Alison Cort.
Guest |
#262013-04-22 22:01you may of heard disturbing things regarding the barn nursery! But you're child has never been there and just look at all of the above comments, mostly all us parents are happy and miss the friendly safe environment our children receive. It's a disgrace seeing our children upset because they can't receive their usual loving care, and it's a disgrace you writing things on this petition If you've never even experienced any child care from the nursery then you have no right voicing your hurtful opinions |
Guest |
#272013-04-23 06:59You may of 'heard' bad things about the Barn, we do NOT merely send our children there out of 'convinience'!! I meticulously ensured that I was sending my precious child to the best nursery in the area, I will except nothing other than the best for my child! All of the recommendations came from staff who have worked it 2 or 3 of the very local nurserys (the Barn is one of them and I expect you know the other two nursery nurse!) , local GP's and teachers and head teachers in local schools! Particularly staff who had worked in the Barn had said that the children are treated as individuals and not as a business like in others! They had not said any thing bad about poor practice, the staff stay there for years and provide a consistent approach- certainly not like orthers in the area. You also might be failing to see that we are not campaigning for the reinstatement of the old provider? This is a new registration with excellent staff- I WILL NOT hear anything bad about them! This is a massive injustice to a wonderful bunch of girls who care and work hard for our children- I suggest maybe going to look for your self when it is re open! |
Guest |
#28 Re: appalling2013-04-23 07:26This is not a forum to post your opinions aginst, i you have any issues against thentake them some where else, we are behind the nursery and will fight for its reopening |
A* in English |
#29 Re: appalling2013-04-23 11:15If you are a senior nursery nurse, you need to go back to education and learn to spell!! |
Guest |
#302013-04-23 13:44We have used many nurseries and the Barn is without a doubt the best. The staff are both professional and caring and nothing is too much trouble. Our youngest child is now just out of the nursery but this is a very valuable resource in the village and should be reopened without delay. |
Clair |
#312013-04-23 19:29My third son was a bit of a rude awakening as he was so different to my other two, I could not get him potty trained and I could not get him to eat more than half a dozen things. The nursery were absolutely fantastic with him, got him toilet trained and improved his diet no end. They went out of their way to accommodate my slightly awkward working hours and never complained if I was a few minutes late picking him up. I am very grateful for the care and understanding they extended towards my son, and the great times he had there. He loved the staff and made many friends and is now a happy, more confident little boy with lots of friends in year one. Yes, the mistake should never have happened, but not everyone knows the whole story and should not be making horrid remarks about the entire nursery. It should be allowed to re-open now that it is under new management! |
Guest |
#322013-04-23 20:23Both my 2 children have gone to The Barn and had a ball! No where will please everyone all the time, however I am more than happy with the care, consideration, love and education they have received. I hope that Alison is able to sort out this ridiculous situation quickly as my daughter misses her "school" and needs to restart her learning ready for big school in only a few short months. The lovely staff at The Barn have started her journey on phonics as well as writing ready for September, she desperately needs them back. So ofsted, get your fingers out, admit youve made a huge mistake and reopen our much loved child care, they are to us an extension of our family and we not only miss them but need the vital support that they provide us with, which is in no way replicated anywhere else. |
Guest |
#342013-04-24 09:57As first time parents of twins we chose the Barn nursery 8 years ago by recommendation from several people and hit lucky as both the Corts and staff were massively supportive to us right through our children's early years. Our children loved the Barn's caring environment and even now at 8 years old they still love going to the Barn in school holidays and are treated like members of the family. Even when we moved house to some distance away we continued to send the twins to the Barn having looked at several other providers closer to our new home as they didn't provide the same high level of care as the Barn. The Barn Nursery gave them the grounding they needed to make them happy confident children ready to go on to school. The staff placed emphasis on the social skills they needed to make them into polite well mannered children with the ability to integrate well with others. Alison Cort in particular is like a big sister to the twins & I have no hesitation in entrusting them to her care. Ofsted need to reconsider asap and reinstate Alison Cort's registration as at the moment it is the children and families who are suffering the fallout from this mistake. |
Guest |
#352013-04-24 22:35My 3 children went to The Barn from 6 months up, both at Northleach and when moved to Bourton. We had only fantastic service, wonderful personal care and great convenience. My eldest s now 15 and his early years are all happy ones. Although i am not a current parent, I agree that years of excellence shouldn't be lost by one incident and I would support Alison wholeheartedly. |
Guest |
#362013-04-25 07:45The way Ofsted has treated the Barn Nursery is outrageous. There should at the least be an apology from them, and instant re-instatement of Alison Cort's registration. Apart from the distress to children, parents and staff, Ofsted are putting so many people's livelihoods at risk.The nursery has a wonderful reputation, and it would appear that they are being very unfairly treated. |
Guest |
#372013-04-26 09:26It is absolutely outrages that this nursery has been closed, it is the best nursery ever, my daughter went for 4 years and loved every minute if it. I would trust the Corts and all their staff to care for my daughter and would happily leave her in their charge. |
Guest |
#382013-04-29 20:37Thanks a lot Ofsted for ruining kids, emplyee's and parents lives now it has shut permantely ! |
Guest |
#39 Isn't it a shame when bad things happen to good people?2013-04-30 17:33Both of my children went to the Barn from the age of 4 months and the Corts became like an extension of our family, they loved the children and cared for them brilliantly. The closure of this placement and the resulting witch hunt that seems to be following is abhorent. Mrs Cort bent over backwards to help any parent and this, it seems, has been her undoing. Isn't it a shame that such a wonderful placement, where children were always the central motivation, not profit or form filling, seems to in jeopardy. Please, please reconsider so more children can benefit from their care as my children have done. |
Guest |
#40 Re: appalling2013-05-05 10:10 |
Action Man |
#41 Regarding the Announcement2013-05-06 19:57It's great to see that an Action Group has been started to rebuild a childcare facility in the region. Can I suggest everybody supports this as much as they can? |
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