Petition for the immediate withdrawal of the Licensing Regime
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#276 Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate2013-06-07 07:03#272: Law and Order - MDA has responsibility to regulate This is not a solution to protect social harmony, this is a dead end to our rights of speaking and knowing. We given them rights to protect us and prosper the country, not the rights to take away our freedom and choice. Needless to say, $50000 isn't a small amount to pay, people that did not do anything wrong have to close down their website for good, all their time and effort aren't appreciate and are gone to waste. |
Saving Singapore |
#278 Re: Free Journalism from the Lees!2013-06-07 09:22The Lees don't even need to play politic, they just bulldoze! |
Saving Singapore |
#279 Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate2013-06-07 09:30#272: Law and Order - MDA has responsibility to regulate You can write those proper English words and you cannot see what is wrong? You are one sad case! There exists civil laws on religous offences and porno content in Sg, just like in civilised countries. If social harmony is a concern, it is more between locals and immigrants (who don't seem to want to fit in). People can see through the crap excuses that Yaacob give for making media 'buy' a licence from the Govt. The people in MDA are not elected and should not be deciding for us what we read. They have proven to be a lousy bunch because they do not advocate objectivity in the media. To have objectivity, you must have a balance media, much like prosecutor and defender in the court of law. |
Saving Singapore |
#280 Re: Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate2013-06-07 09:34#276: - Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate This is clearly NOT for protecting social harmony. If they are so concern about social harmony, the rife between locals and immigrants are of more concern than religious & porno matters! |
Guest |
#2812013-06-07 09:34That the PAP Government does the "right" thing and rescind the Internet website regulation announced on 28/5/13. |
Game changer |
#282 Media dept of NTU or NUS2013-06-07 09:49Where are the media experts or Professors in media dept in our Universities? Nothing to say? All media students should protest! Students are wasting their time and money there if they remain quiet on this matter. |
Guest |
#284 Pay and Pay2013-06-07 10:10Take my youth from NS, take my CPF when im old, take my half-a-million small but humble bricked HDB home (when it expires). Now you even want to take away my internet gossips. What else is left to take? |
Guest |
#2862013-06-07 13:41Why should i let the government decide for me what i should or should not read. This is a disguised for censorship which is the lifeblood of today transparency that they wish to take away from us simply becoz many of us are now more outspoken to point out to the government nepotism and failure. and simply becoz we say things that may not be hundred percent right due to the fact that the government hide all the facts and not availability of public audit reports to be publish to the public, they then shoot us down on false hood and lies and misrepresentation and failing the public outcry by the net citizen, he now tries to shut us up by using a body to control us? and a body where the rights and wrongs are simply dependent on the length of the officers opinion and foot? so the moment we do not have a supportive opinion to their brainless minion, we will get fine and lashes and sent to the dungeon? what kind of empirism is this |
Guest |
#2882013-06-07 18:39Our people should not be silenced to prolong the lives of those in political power. |
Guest |
#2892013-06-07 21:13My views on the new MDA ruling I think their main aim is to rein in Yahoo News SG as they fear her as she is an International News website with huge reach. The new MDA ruling was announced on 28/5 and implemented on 1/06. Why the rush and hurry ? ! Was it a life and death situation ? Did something happened ? WHY ? ! Sadly this is not the only stupid ruling introduced. Stupid not only in the content of it but also the way it was introduced. Why the hurry, rush and haste ? ! It reflects VERY BADLY on the PAP. Indeed PAP and his green team is not performing efficiently and effectively. They are like bungling fools ! The PAP have learned nothing so far. Look at how they introduce new policies and have to flip/flop and backtrack. I am indeed surprised and don’t know why ? 1) The COE and car loan new policy. Alot of people lost their jobs because of this rushed policy. 2) The improper IMF Loan. Did not consult the president 3) The current MDA new website licensing. Why the rush ?! Even the minster Yaacob did not attend the Taking Point to defend, explain or convince the people. He should be sacked for being a coward and done the worst way a minister could do in introducing a new ruling. How come PAP perform so badly nowadays ? ! I am shocked and speechless. |
Do NS for What - SPR nNew Citizen ? |
#2902013-06-08 05:52Without Internet and social media, according to gahment I will need at least 52 man years to learn the hard and cold truths of $2 AIM saga, CPF Min sum, HDB $ Pricing, GIC\TH Billion $ losses, $8 Million TC Lehman Brothers losses, $2000 Brompton Bike, $8 bypass heart surgery, "Gang rape" democratacy, FT taking up local PMET jobs, ICA and MOM rediculous policies, MOE giving scholarship to foreigners, new citizens and PR cashing on HDB resale, PR enriching themselves ... SAF buying $9 Bilion of F135 and not willing to spent on social and health well being of s'poreans |
Guest |
#291 Re: pointless restrictions that can be bypass by VPN2013-06-09 01:07#1: - Are we living China, pointless exercise, people are no living in the real world and don't understand technology.
Randomer |
#292 Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate2013-06-09 06:16#272: Law and Order - MDA has responsibility to regulate WHAT MDA IS DOING IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. So shush and get lost whoever u are, thank you. |
Authurs399. |
#298 Re: Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate2013-06-09 15:15#276: - Re: MDA has responsibility to regulate They r going after the money. They r always money-minded. Where else would all get the money 4 Tranfusions n Drugs 4 their cancel, heart n all kind of sickness they r having. Look at them Off -Air, U will noticed their weak n sickly faces. |
Guest |
#2992013-06-09 15:39Its Money they r after. Look at most of them esp. the leader, off air, in public, with no make-up, they look sickly n pale. Musy have need of lots of expenxive medicine 4 their cancer, heart n all kind of sicknesses. They 1 more money. hoping ro lend a big catvh this way. |
Guest |
#3002013-06-10 08:02Thanks for setting this up! This is much needed. Internet should be without any regulation and censorship! |
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