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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition REQUEST FOR RESIGNATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF ICTY, MR.TH. MERON.
Guest |
#262013-06-20 12:59KRIGSFORBRYDELSER BETALER SIG i skyggen af Haag går krigsforbryderne frit omkring som helte |
Guest |
#272013-06-20 13:27We want justice for all victims of the war, the state committed aggression against Bosnia, so I am for this petition ! |
Guest |
#292013-06-22 22:23Mr. Meron should resign as the President of ICTY immediately. He is shame on the face of the international justice. |
Guest |
#352013-07-02 23:13nemam komenta na ovakve stvari sto se desava I poslije 20 g. a niko nije kriv Sami sebe smo znaci istjerali popalilil i pobili |
Guest |
#382013-07-14 10:51Dosta je vise nepravde ,dostaje lazi ,na vama je bilo da prvdu i istinu nadete .....dokaza ima mali milion ......mi smo svi samo jedna materija koja nestaje .....ali ni vi niste nesto drugo !!! |
dijete logoras |
#39 i ja sam bivsi logoras2013-08-07 18:074 mjeseca zatvoreni, spavali na podu stare skole, strahovali, razmijenili nas za kraju ne dobismo nikakvo pravo niti odstetu. da su nam barem dali zdravstveno osiguranje. kao djetetu su mi otisli bubrezi od spavanja po podu. helem...rekose nam poslije samo oni koji su bili u logoru duze od 9 mjeseci imaju neka prava. pih. |
Guest |
#402013-08-20 06:30It is not acceptable to take side of the SREBIAN CRIMINALS who did the worst genocide after second World War. Serbian criminals, butchers, and fascist have to be punished in order to achieve justice for Bosnjaks'victims and Bosnjaks'survivors and family members. JUSTICe for BOSNIA and BOSNJAKS are important for all international community. Serbs did genocide , and because of that they have to be punished as well as SERBIA, and MONTE Negro, and Croatia. |
Guest |
#41 Izet2013-08-20 07:51Iz izjava gospodina Merona, se da zaključiti, da su srpski lobisti duboko prodrli do njega. O čemu se radi. U svojoj izjavi on duboko žali, za srpskim narodom, koji je stradao u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Čitava Srbija, vlada i ostali su bili kolaboracionisti sa fašističkom Njemačkom. Na Sajmištu u Beogradu su ponili preko 70.000 Jevreja, i radosno referisali Hitleru, da u Srbiji, Juda, nema. Postoje dokumenti o uzajamnim posjetama. U Bosni, duž Drine, četnici zločinca Jurišića, su pobili preko devet hiljada Bošnjaka u okolini Foče, Čajniča..., za tri mjeseca, i veselo referisali vojvodi fašističkom slugi, Draži Mihajloviću. /Ovaj genocid nad Bošnjacima, u Drugom svjetskom ratu, je sakrio i sam Tito. Tada je u Bosni ubijen svaki osmi Bošnjak. Narod koji je najviše stradao./ Gospodin Meron je bezosjećajni, senilni starac..koji je dopao srpskim lobistima...izopačio pravdu...i kao takav, mora da ide. Odlazak Merona, nije samo bitan, za postizanje pravde, na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine, već za čitavo čovječanstvo, posebno za Sjedinjene američke države, koje su, uvijek istrajavale, na stavljanju prava i pravde u prvi plan...Njegove tendenciozne presude, mogu samo da podgriju fašizam, koji se rasplamsava na području Balkana...On je krivac, za sve posljedice, koje se dogode.. Gospodine Merone, idi, obrukao si zemlju iz koje si došao, i pravosuđe, na planeti... |
izet |
#42 Izet /Engish/2013-08-20 08:03The statements of Mr. Meron, to conclude that the Serbian lobbyists deeply penetrated by him. What is it. In his statement he deeply regrets, for the Serbian people, who was killed in WWII. The whole of Serbia, the government and others were collaborators with Fascist Germany. At the Sajmiste in Belgrade have ubili over 70,000 Jews, and happily been referred to Hitler, that in Serbia, Judas, no. There are documents on mutual visits. In Bosnia, along the Drina, Chetniks criminal Jurisic, were killed over nine thousand Bosniaks around Foca, teapots ... for three months, and happily been referred to Duke fascist servant, Draza Mihailovic. / This genocide against Bosniaks, in World War II, he hid himself Tito. Then in Bosnia killed every eighth Bosnjak. The people who suffered the most. / Mr. Meron is heartless, senile old man .. who liked Serbian lobbyists ... pervert justice ... and as such, has to go. Departure Meron, is not only essential for the achievement of justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but for all humanity, especially the United States, which are still persisting, the placing of law and justice in the foreground ... His tendentious judgment, may just stirring up fascism, which erupt in the Balkans ... He is the culprit for all the consequences that happen .. Mr. Meron, go and bring shame to the country from which you came, and the judiciary on the planet ...... |
Frida |
#442013-10-11 09:48Compensation rate from Serbia, UN and Holland for Srebrenica genocid to start with is IMPERATIV ! |
Guest |
#452013-11-05 19:10Pravda za Bosnu |
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