Say no to stalybridge mosque
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Guest |
#451 Re: Re:2013-11-02 23:02This is my last response to you. Because I can't bare to hearyour complete lack of logic and knowledge attempt to mask your true intentions. You admit you don't like the religion which skewes every fact you attempt to use because you are searching for anything which is relevant. If they grew at such a rate but are still a minority it isn't threatening any population, including your precious indigenous. A community centre doesn't threaten anything or have any huge effect and you will see that in time thankfully. Yo dismissed the fact that economy had any effect at all and now use international economies to justify it saying I'm the one using no reasoning. I this clear you don't use any logic and are clutching at straw so amount of reason will prevail. Luckily I'm pretty confident you're older due to your outdated view points so I'm happy to just wait until your opinions are pushed out by new young generations who see the world normally is and not through bitter old eyes. |
Guest |
#452 Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 18:45Hahaha hahaha from that count alone we can see the exact type of person you are! I am literally cringing at your justification and use of totalitarianism which has no relevance to you being racist! |
Guest |
#453 Eyes Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 20:17Eyes only become old and bitter through personal experience. Just keep pushing for another Balkans and you will surely have one. Sow he seed, reap the whirlwind. |
Guest |
#454 Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 21:42#451: - Re: Re: This is your last response because you have lost the argument and fundamentally failed to address any of the points raised. Points constructed by the use of logical, reasoned argument, facts and official statistics. I haven't searched for 'anything that is relevant' but have carefully selected the most relevant and informative facts. You have accepted their exponential population growth in Britain but then, with utter irrationality, state that because they're still a minority they're no threat. On their current growth trends going back several decades (and almost trotally unaffected by 'economic fluctuations') in a few decades THEY will be the majority. If you don't find THAT threatening you are beyond all hope and reason. A mosque would be an outpost around which their settlements would grow and expand, there is a vast amount of precedence in this country anf elsewhere for this. I said the economy had an extremely negligible effect and explained this using reasoned argument, historical facts and precendence, you simply satated that the economy was a crucial factor without offering any fatcs or reaosned explanation as to why. I compared and contrasted international and our native LONG TERM i.e. not 'fluctuations' population growth and their LACK OF correlation with economic patterns by stating that they have outbred their own economies wiht hundreds of years of exponential poulation growth, REGARDLESS of any passing economic phases. I did this in direct rebuttal of your statement (i.e.precisely what you asked me to do), something you have notably failed to do in response to any points I've raised. I'm totally confident you're younger, demonstrated by your lack of historical knowledge and perspective and inability to construct a reasoned argument. Your opinions, such as they are, are received and consequently simply reflect the prevailing politically correct and 'progressive' thinking that currently predominates, but that lacks any basis in reason or reality, i.e you lack the capacity for independent thought. You won't have too long to wait on current population trends to find out how wrong you are. I grew up in Britain, you may die in something named Britain but which in reality will be a chronically overpopulated, uncivilised Third World style hell hole bearing no relation to a once great country.
Guest |
#455 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 21:48#452: - Re: Re: Re: Re: There is no connection between not wanting to criminalise words and 'racism'. Those wanting to do that are the totalitarians. Construct a reasoned argument, don't just make infantile statements and think for yourself instead of chanting popular, irrational mantra.
Guest |
#456 Re: Eyes Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 21:52#453: - Eyes Re: Re: Re: In many of the most troubled parts of the Balkans troubles of twenty years ago the Muslim populations had exploded to the point where 50% of their population was under the age of sixteen. Non-Muslim population groups, such as the Serbs, reacted to such circumstances on survival instinct and a dreadful destructive conflagration ensued.
Guest |
#457 Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 23:31I will happily live in a country in which your old opinions have died out. I haven't stopped because in have stopped wanting to argue that you're wrong. I've stopped because you arguments are repetitive and marred with prejudice. But also because it is clear you're scared of the unknown and if you haven't learnt anything from your experience in the world then there really is no point arguing. These countries you speak of which have no economy worth trying for are war torn and not first world. How privileged we are to have such a problem that we refute the need for a mosque n a primarily white town. It cannot always stay the same, the world is constantly changing and 50years ago your family will have been having the same debate about the Italians which moved over at a rapid rate but ow completely accepted. I feel sorry for you that you dismiss my opinions as pc as though all arguments fail. |
Guest |
#4582013-11-03 23:33What has the ge have to do with anything? A third of Stalybridge residents have NO qualifications and so are limited in ability to contribute to the economy |
Guest |
#459 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-03 23:39I'm afraid I will struggle to respond to this 'reasoned argument' of yours due to the fact you have misunderstood totalitarianism which involves one person ruling a dictatorship. An entire generation finding a word offensive is not criminalising it or banning it. But it does allow you to be judged negatively for presuming the right to use it. |
Guest |
#4602013-11-04 08:43Shame on Tameside Council if proposal goes ahead. All it speaks to me is money. Then is off the councils hands, for a community funded building. It's disgraceful. Stalybridge, is too small of a community and its going through a slow process of getting back on its feet to becoming a thriving little community again. In recent months we have seen us pulling together. It would be sad if we couldn't decide the use of this building as a community but it would certainly be interesting to hear the Brothers reasonings. |
Guest |
#4612013-11-04 22:16144 Muslims in stalybridge we don't need or want a mosque in my local town the more people who sign this the better that way they might get the hint we don't want it |
bb |
#462 Disability discrimination2013-11-04 23:14I want to know / understand why and how permission was not allowed to develop this area for disabled people? Surely this is some form of discrimination? |
muslim |
#464 Subject2013-11-05 00:11racism is something that will stay within all the comments i see. even though you know how much love a real muslim shares with your elders, your kids, you and most importantly the society. its not your fault a bit, some of you are aware of the problematic future...but don't realise that in England wherever there is a mosque the crime rate of that area get reduced...isn't that what you want? or does your ego not allow your eyes to see that. do you really think that the religion isn't being disrespected. are you really happy with disrespecting a religion by the comments that you are producing from others? I'm a pakistani and quite a lot of my friends are white, so i know the real story behind every comment. whatever happens will happen for the best as he wills and god bless all his creation and may he let you seek the peace and respect within you. |
angry nearby resident |
#4652013-11-05 01:54I live within a few doors away from this proposed application and all i can say is the amount of added traffic and unwanted parking that will come with this will be ridiculous as this area is already gridlocked at school closing times because of traffic from the 2 junior schools on either side of this area of residential properties and that's bad enough but this will mean even more unauthorized parking within local resident parking areas & will cause a lot of tension in this area that is not needed or wanted, its time the council used bloody common sense & reject this proposal. |
guest |
#466 Re: Subject2013-11-05 02:00dont turn this into a race debate about how good islam is or how bad people are for speaking their mind against it , the fact is all religions are a joke im my view and should all be banished from humanity but this petition is against the added traffic & parking ( of which there is none) that will add to a congested area allready. |
Guest |
#467 Re: Re: Subject2013-11-05 10:32what an outragious comment. hundreds of comments on here making an issue of race and prejudice and as soon as muslims come on here and try to defend and say not to worry you accuse them of 'making it about race. and whos is better' complete idiots on here. |
Guest |
#4682013-11-05 18:28I am completely embarrassed of Stalybridge. I grew up here and know a lot of you and when I read the racism on this comment thread I was cringing. I just explained that friends here what all the fuss was about and they thought it was laughable. Elsewhere in the country so many races live side by side and religions can be free to express as they see fit with very few incidents. You people seriously need to get out more. I get the traffic is bad and I'm not commenting on the centre ad a whole, just the racism. |
Guest |
#469 Re:2013-11-05 23:03#468: - Oppositon based on many people's experience of this culture and its exponential spread and regressive philosophy isn't racism. Racism is unreasoning hatred of someone's ethnicity for its own sake. Stop qutoing brainless mantra and start thinking for yourself.
Guest |
#470 Re: Subject2013-11-05 23:05#464: muslim - Subject Earn respect by abiding by the laws and customs of the country you live in. Start by stopping Halal and having similar numbers of children as the host country.
Guest |
#471 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-05 23:08#459: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I presume the right to use whatever words I choose, that's freedom of speech. If people want to circumscribe words irrelevant of their context that is typical totalitarianism. You don't speak for 'an entire generation' any more than I do so don't talk nonsense.
Guest |
#472 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-05 23:22#471: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: You really are the stupidest person I ever came across with a pseudo intelligent act and it's hilarious to read. Totalitarianism has absurdly nothing to do with outlawing words. Which has nothing to do with calling someone an offensive name. The fact that you said you use it and that not using is typical of an extreme regime highlights the fact you are ignorant. No doubt you will come back with something embarrassing again like calling those who don't deliberately offend others sheep but that's ok. You've got one line and you've used it to death and it STILL doesn't make sense.
I'm no spokesperson for a generation. But you are in the minority in your views. Views which are hugely outdated and reminiscent of the 70s culture so yes I am much more qualified to bring you up to speed with how the world works currently than you are to speak about how the world used to work before.
ar |
Guest |
#473 Re: Re:2013-11-05 23:24Experience how if the only thing u out have seen is the big bright lights if the Ashton mosque which was terrorised by youths?! Experience living elsewhere, in which many cultures live side by side counts for something no? The fact that other people outside of the Stalybridge bubble found it hilarious such a fuss was made over a new culture really says something. |
Guest |
#474 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:2013-11-05 23:25#457: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Any repetition is due to your failure to respond to any of the points raised. Don't make statements, for example about prejudice, without backing them up with reasoned argument related to my posts, i.e. explain WHY I'm prejudiced referencing the facts and arguments posted. You won't because I'm not prejudiced and you're incapable of constructing a reasoned argument. Opposition outside of prevailing liberal philosophy isn't prejudice. Islam isn't 'unknown' there is masses of evidence about its true nature based on centuries of behaviour globally and decades in our country. Many parts of London, Birmingham, Mancheste, Luton, Bradford, Blackburn, Burnley, Dewsbury and many other places have become effectively Islamified; the further you go down the age demographic the massively greater the number of Muslims; between 2004 and 2008 the Islamic population of the UK grew ten times faster than any other group. All the meaningful facts point in one direction. A relatively miniscule number of Italians/Poles etc, i.e. very culturally similar to us and almost entirely prepared to integrate, intermarry and assimilate is no problem and bears no relation to the mega-fertile alien cult imposing itself on our country. I feel sorry for you, not because you're ignorant of the facts but because you don't want the facts, and also because you'd rather accept the prevailing philosphy of blanket, unreasoning, wilfully blind 'tolerance' than think for yourself.
Guest |
#475 Re: Re: Subject2013-11-05 23:28Yes can you please stop being such terrible people by having your own traditions? Can you please be completely uneducated and sign on so that you don't have to contribute to society? God Muslims are so annoying by being their own people and having choice of how they live their lives. Obviously halal is a much more pressing issue than the drunks of Stalybridge or uneducated unemployed, even though the food they eat has NO EFFECT on you whatsoever.
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