Save Mount Taranaki
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Mount Taranaki.
Kaputa |
#1012013-12-09 09:33TAG go back to Canada, Ko Taranaki Te Maunga This maunga belongs to the iwi of our beloved Taranaki just leave it alone its Taupu.What the hell is our government doing about this??? anything. |
Guest |
#1022013-12-09 10:09What do you not understand about the word "NO" as in "no drilling near Mount Taranaki"? |
Guest |
#1042013-12-09 18:44STOP raping our country. This is not your land to do what you want to it. Government is a body of people set up to protect our land, you are criminals and rapists. |
Guest |
#1052013-12-09 18:49As rate payers and members of this community we need to be consulted before national & local Government make decisions that not only affect us but our children and their children to come. I look out my window and I see 4 land rigs, my children get kept awake by the noise of the burn off and we were never consulted!!! Stop taking from & destroying our environment to line the pockets of big overseas business!!! Pissed off Kiwi |
Guest |
#1062013-12-09 19:19Drilling anywhere under the land or sea has an effect - everything in life is interconnected - it will have repercussions somewhere else on Papatuanuku (Mother earth)!! Koro (Mt Taranaki is already fragile with the onslaught of everything happening in/on and around him!! |
Guest |
#1082013-12-10 03:59Profit should never override our clean green image and protection of natural landmarks such as mount taranaki. Shame on those greedy hands leaving their children money but no land to spend it in. |
Guest |
#1112013-12-10 22:26We will tear down your fences and plough up your roads! There is no cave big enough to hold us all!!!! Get off MY MAUNGA!! |
Guest |
#1122013-12-11 08:05The more publicity the better. social media sites and the like will carry the message wide and far. Totally oppose any form of exploration or drilling in and around our Koro. |
Guest |
#1142013-12-12 06:01stop wrecking mother earth because she will come back and tell you, you are. where does it stop, not until the last bit of profit is taken will yous realize money is not so important after all |
w te hopeni |
#115 Re:2013-12-12 06:18just a slight correction guest #20,Taranaki is Him not her...... |
Guest |
#1162013-12-12 07:08Its typical of this the National Govt and their colonist Round Table regime continuing from the Holyoke and Muldoonism era, continuing to oppress Maori and now underprivileged Tauiwi in favour of the Asian and Arab Nationals, the selling off of confiscated w-enua and awa. I HOPE THAT EVERY WHO READS THESE COMMENTS, REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR LABOUR IN THE UPCOMING 2014 ELECTIONS. AS URI, ITS THE ONLY WAY TO GET BACK OUR MAORI TANGA, MANA AND WAIRUA OF OUR TIPUNA. MAURIORA |
Guest |
#1172013-12-12 09:00Me mutu I tenei mahi!! He Msunga Tapu a Taranaki he mauri tona, waiho ia. Ehara te moni te mea nui. |
Guest |
#1192013-12-12 17:41NZ is known for there beautiful landscape and scenery start oil drilling in our national parks whats NZ going to be reakonised for now?? Wont b so beautiful anymore |
Guest |
#1212013-12-13 03:59Keep up the protests, what the government is doing is UNACCEPTABLE! |
Guest |
#1222013-12-13 06:18Our mountain, is our sacred space, it is holy to us, sacred to us, we gain strength from our mountain, we take our joys and sorrows to our mountain.. It is always present, and because of this .. it is our Strength, you can not, and will not be allowed to disfigure, or steal all the resources from this sacred tupuna place. We have Ancestors Buried up there.. If it was us, going to your sacred church, and grave yard and putting a drill down..How would you Feel... You have destroyed enough of the Taranaki Country side..toxic wastes in the lands, polluted water ways...Now We are All Standing up for our sacred mountain,and please hear this.. we say to YOU, NO MORE...Drilling, and NO Oil from our Sacred Mountain, not now, Not Ever . |
grace kempton ngarimu kawerau |
#1232013-12-13 06:21i was born in rahotu taranaki our homestead is in veiw of the mountain our ancestors will be turning in there graves if they found out what was happening |
Guest |
#1242013-12-13 07:51WHY,what more do you need,kill the mountain,the bush,the seas,then kill us,for what?,more money?,Kill everything,and then is money going to save you? Mmmmmm i think not,get a life you minning comps |
Guest |
#1252013-12-13 08:02Please stop dececrating this sacred mountain just for oil for our own greed and materialism. |
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