Petition in favour for Marica Pirosikova - EHCR
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#12013-12-23 13:36I'm Eleonora , as winner "Victory of common sense" over SS UK. I´m grandmother slovak both boys of slovak parents of children who were 2.5 years of forced adoption in the UK on the basis of lies SS UK and spurious charges Slovak parents. Today, my grandchildren live happily with their parents in Slovakia. I can personally confirm that JUDr. Pirošíková Marica as Slovak agent before the ECHR and as a young, high educated lawyer she directly contributed to the return my grandsons in their own family. Reasonably and properly explained with relevant arguments many competent members in the British Parliament and also before the Slovak authorities. JUDr. Pirošíková is an experienced lawyer which working for more than 12 years as a Slovak representative before the ECHR, knowledge of several languages spoken and written, her modesty and subtle tenacity for justice is an excellent candidate for a fair judge of the ECHR |
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#22013-12-23 15:41I´m Ivana Boor, the mother of Martin and Samuel, two Slovak boys which were stolen from me directly from the hospital in Epsom and based on false evidence placed in adoption in the UK. Thanks to the human approach, , thanks to the wisdom and expertise of human rights and the rights of the child very carefully and strongly contributed JUDr. Pirošíková to rescue my two boys so we were winner before the Royal Court in London. We very happy with the boys that we can live together again thanks to Mrs Pirošíková. I fully support and sincerely look forward if the judge for Human Rights will be elected , specially from Slovakia, experienced, capable person and very sensitive to protecting the rights of children and their biological families . |
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#32013-12-23 20:17I fully support the candidature of JUDr. Marica Pirošíková for a judge of the European Court of Human Rights."I am absolutely agree with petition of civil association “Children Belong To Their Parents”. I was personal witness to her primary concern in case M.and S. Boor /Katarina Luhova, London/ |
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#42013-12-24 10:27Suhlasim jej kandidaturov nakolko jedina splnia vsetky kriteria fer play bez rozdielu narodnosty a rasi |
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#52013-12-25 20:11Podpísaná som aj na slovenskej verzii petície. Toto oznámenie považujem za potrebné uskutočniť v prípade, ak by došlo k zdvojeniu podpisu. Ďakujem. Jarmila Šotterová |
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#62013-12-27 19:38La cour Europeene doit être exposée au grand jour et les responsables devront répondre de leurs actes, ils ont oublié qu'ils sont en place pour aider que la justice soit faite et non pas couvrir l'industrie institutionalisée des vols d'enfants à leurs parents. |
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#72013-12-27 19:51J'ai vu recemment de nombreux articles dans les journaux et reportages télévisés qui traitaient du vol des enfants en Angleterre pour des raisons financières. Une telle situation ne peut exister et perdurer sans la complicité des plus hautes instances internationales dont la fameuse cour Européenne de Strasbourg. Il va falloir que les responsables soient assignés ! |
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#82013-12-28 00:15We have to support people who are not indifferent.Yes.I support the petition! |
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#9 A big thank you to Marica Pirosika.2013-12-28 09:13I am family lawyer practising in Englandand I have known Marica through my cases concerning forced adoption of French and Slovak children in the UK. I have found her extremely helpful with a vast knowledge of the Court of Human Rights case law. She has been supporting families which are caught with the nightmare experience of parents having their children taken into care by the English Social Services. Slovakia is one of the first country who really did something against it and as far as I am aware the only one to sent a representative of the Slovak's central authority to intervene in the English family proceedings . She will make an excellent choice to be made a judge in the European Court of Human Rights |
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#102014-01-02 08:41there needs to be clear justice in the family courts, not onesided lies by the goverment |
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#112014-01-03 04:03Stop the disguised child stealing. Children are abducted from good parents. Secret court hearings corrupt justice. I want my daughter Victoria Sophie back. |
carla pedro |
#122014-01-06 05:12I am Portuguese and my husband to us 5 children's are been taken by british SS us are desperate s want us babies back but lost in county court on 10 of december us not understand to much of the laws and the way hers work in UK my two younger boys are for go for adoption the two eldest for stay together in long term care my seven year old daughter is for stay alone in long term foster care us not doing nothing wrong to us children's my eldest as been paid by the social worker for lie against to the dad but my husband proof is innocence to the police but the judge and the SS simple don't care the feelings and wishes of my children's are not been taken in account my consulate and embassy already know what is going on but till now i waiting for is intervecion us already contact family members for the children's can be moved to Portugal and i hope that go ahead the consulate said if someone i Portugal can look for the children's that be good for the consulate can move the children's to there and yes Marica Pirosika deserve be in european union as a judge because she are human and she can bring justice for to many families u lost is children's in UK without any reason God bless Marica Pirosika |
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#13 Hello, this Petition is reopend here - untill 20.1.2014-01-07 15:13 |
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