Save Yoville Petition via Yoville Class Action
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Save Yoville Petition via Yoville Class Action.
Guest |
#1512014-01-12 19:51People have spend a lot of money on this game. Then when the prices went up on buying item for the homes, more money had to be spent which to me was not fair for just a game. However I put in enough money on this game, that if it is taken down,I want to be reimbursed so that I can put it towards another one of my games. I paid for those item, and I will expect to have my money reimbursed. Thank-you |
Guest |
#1522014-01-12 19:53Please don't close our Yoville!!! It's more to us than just a game! |
Guest |
#1562014-01-12 23:00Please dont take away the only game i truly love !!! I have been dedicated to this game since 2008. Love all the interactions available to us in yoville !! There is not another game like this anywhere. Period. There is a lot of nice stuff that everyone has be it clothes or furniture. We get to decorate our houses and dress up. Which we ALL love doing both !!! So please hear our pleas and at least leave the game open to us. Even if you don't fix anything. We will take it as it is. Please. Please. Please. |
Guest |
#1572014-01-13 00:17save yoville iv done so much to this game I starding playin the game at july 08 everyday got lots of rare and collecterble stuff/ houses / clothes I put a lot of work in ths i meet new friend & it is a community game. no other Zynga game got so it is worth saving the best game ever ps I be lost with out it |
tiggie |
#159 Re: HONESTLY!2014-01-13 00:45I stoped Playin Zygnia games almost a yr ago, they are so money hungry. This is the only thing that is worse than the government for money. Did you see how Zygnia stock went up so much You have made billionairs out of those ppl |
Guest |
#1602014-01-13 00:53please dont closed yoville,that my favorite game in the all time,and im sure that a lot of yovillian are gonr be agree with me/......yayyyy |
Guest |
#1612014-01-13 02:52YoVille is a wonderful game. Full of creative people and outlets for creativity. A good place to meet other people and see how they have decorated their places. I actually have fun in there. It's a more pleasant chatting experience. |
Guest |
#1622014-01-13 03:21the news about Yoville closing IS very sad to me I have been yoville for 4 years now and have met alot of wonderfull friends from all over the world it has been wondeful for me this game has got me through many hard times in my life. I dont what i would have done without this game the people in it helped me so much and have learned so much its here day and night people to talk to and listen make us laugh and hold our heads up when we are down I ask you not to close it I think it has helped so many people here and they have also spent alot of real hard earned money as well as myself we all are hoping you will stay for all the yovillans that have supported you in all theses years! |
Guest |
#1632014-01-13 03:30Please save Yoville, not cool to take all our money for year and now shut down the game, what in the world are they thinking , we put time and effort to play this game , hook up our houses, buy clothes furniture,and meet friends. This just not right, save Yoville. |
Guest |
#1642014-01-13 03:48Ive been playing this game for 3 years and i have made lots of friends and many hours of earning coins for it to all go to waste, in my case i have never bought Yocash but i feel VERY bad for the people who have put money in it, and i think Zynga is the worst game commpany and it does not deserve to be in the top internet game companies. -Yovillian Robert |
Awz2 |
#1692014-01-13 06:50I have spent 100s of dollars on Yoville over the years & feel robbed with the game closing down. If Yoville closes for good I will never play another Zynga game ever again & will save my $$$$. That I promise you. Thanks for shitting on your loyal customers Zynga! Greedy MFers!! |
Guest |
#1702014-01-13 08:05Please do not close Yoville. I am disabled and have played for several years. I left the game and came back..I have no interest in any other game AT ALL!!!! NOT AT ALL!! I just love Yoville. There is nothing like it. I have spent lots of time and effort building up my game a certain way, and it will all be wiped out if the game closes. |
Andrea YoCelli |
#1722014-01-13 08:47I'm only ONE player out of I don't know how many.....but I've spent at least $2100 ( REAL $$$ ) purchasing 'YoCash' since 2009. I keep in ' social contact' with family & friends THRU this game. It's MORE than just a 'game'. A lot of players I've met over the years, are trapped in wheelchairs, or hospitals, and they literally live thru this thing. I'm MORE than just outraged at losing MY money. How many MILLIONS has Zynga raked in from OUR wallets, and now they think....they THINK they're going to just walk away? I don't F#@king think so!!!! |
Guest |
#1732014-01-13 09:18please save yoville its in our hearts and minds we are loyal players A COMMUNITY A FAMILY :( |
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