Stop Worthing Crematorium removing plaques & memorabilia
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Stop Worthing Crematorium removing plaques & memorabilia.
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#512014-02-28 05:48A disgusting act, we must Still be entitled to pay our respects to our loved ones by leaving gifts. Let us Mourn the way we are supposed too, their shouldn't be no rules in the way of this. |
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#522014-02-28 17:48I often used to leave a card or odd bits for my dad and grandparents but they were never left for long they got removed |
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#532014-02-28 20:10The council should respect the families. Request would they do it if there family in there. And sign the book and have to pay is money grabbing my father in law is the the the rememberance. Book Didnt have to pay then what do we pay our taxes for |
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#572014-03-01 07:23I find it difficult to believe that anyone could think of tramping on people's grief and removing a thing that helps them in the grieving process!! Shame on anyone that dares to think they can do this!! Leave them alone... Les Vogel |
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#612014-03-03 19:08people have been putting ornaments on graves for years, it helps a lot of families to look after there loved ones, so what harm did they do to anyone by doing this, nothing so leave them bee, T vogel, |
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#622014-03-05 12:47My Grandmother,Mother,Father,Sister and Nephew are all up at the crematorium and we should be allowed to put our own memorabilia there as long as it is kept in a tidy manner ,it is disgraceful what has been done |
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#632014-03-05 20:35You have my full support on this matter & we will not stop till our loved ones can RIP also let us visit and leave wot the hell we want to and in peace to do so !!!!! |
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#652014-03-13 08:26My dear dad's ashes are there. I have only been able to visit him once as I live in Australia, and I left something personal from us, his family in Oz, on his little piece of West Sussex when I was there. I thought seeing all the tributes to loved ones there really enhanced the atmosphere and made it a loving, caring place where people come to celebrate and remember the lives of their loved ones. I can only assume that my little contribution has now been thrown in the garbage - a despicable act. This really upsets me. Shame on the people who made this awful, uncaring decision. |
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#682014-03-15 08:17I would like the councillor / s in question to personally explain in open forum as to when they believe this action is necessary. I do not believe they will do this as it requires courage and strength. They feel safe behind their desks. Cowards! |
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#692014-03-15 08:23My grand mother was scattered up there and we were always told we were not allowed to leave flowers or momentoes up there.but could leave them in the room provided so that is what we have always done. they are not in one place they are all around so a momento anywhere is still a momento i do understand the council . it does take so much time to keep it all looking nice and so much longer if they have to keep moving items and replacing.i have a son buried at the cemetery and i too think all the wind chimes and cards look lovely when placed but get left for years and then look very sad and messy so i get where they are coming from and can see some people find it upsetting. so neither is right or wrong . but i do know my son is always in my heart and i think about him every day so do not need to place items he is in my heart |
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#712014-03-18 10:18I've just commented on the argus page about this too. It's disgusting the way mementoes have been discarded. I've added the photo of how the tree looked where my mum's ashes were scattered. They said flowers were fine but they were cutdown and dumped on the floor. The basket cost over £20 and we brought one every week! |
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#722014-03-18 20:36people grieve in different ways, much more humanity should be shown |
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#732014-03-27 19:26I've emailed the argus this week and looks like someone from there has responded to the page which is good. I also emailed the crematorium 3 weeks ago and not even had an acknowledgement! It's disgusting and heartbreaking for everyone who has lost someone dear to them. If you need any help with anything please ask. |
jenny gladman The author of this petition |
#74 Re:2014-03-28 23:09Thank You for your support, We had a story in the argus last week but the feedback from it was quite negative.. Weve sent emails to The crematorium as well as all 37 councillors, which only 1 replied & suggested we set up a charity to help those that cant afford a plaque on the memorial wall. Several have emailed local MP's & no replies. We had a meeting arranged with council cheif, that he cancelled an hour before! keep being fobbed off :-( If you are able to help with collecting names on the paper petitions i can email or send one to you? Follow our FB page & keep sharing will help a lot too.. Many Thanks :-) |
jenny gladman The author of this petition |
#75 Re:2014-03-28 23:14They charge £67 for 2 lines in the rememberance book now,120840,en.pdf Disgusting :-( |
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