abolish the parking regulations for commercial and rvs in kl

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#26 Re: Re: Does anyone know how to read?

2014-03-24 14:32

#22: Good Job - Re: Does anyone know how to read?

you need a permit to build a fence, and the permit dictates what it can be built of.  They thought of that



2014-03-24 15:04

I understand the need to clean up the town, buy why not go after the people who have junk yards in town instead of going after the families that enjoy camping and the hard working self employed people of Kirkland Lake. I guess our tax dollars don't mean anything to the town. Or, is this the town's way of paying for the luxury swimming pool that the town needs so badly. What really are the town's priorities. Keeping a few snobs that would never venture out into the wilderness happy (hence no appreciation for campers, four wheelers, boats etc.) , or making the town a friendly place for the average family to enjoy. We live in Northern Ontario for a reason, the woods are our back yards and we would like to keep it that way.


2014-03-24 20:57

With the way this town was built, especially the older part of town which is on half lots. How the heck are people suppose to get these large vehicles past their building line? Sure if you have a maintain lane way then maybe but most of them are not maintained. Then the cost of building a fence which requires a building permit. This whole by-law is ridiculous and a gateway to them making more ridiculous rules. Is this their way of raising money for the damn pool? Go out n charge all these people...sad really sad. Hope they all realize this is an election year maybe we need some new people in there who can look out for the majority of townspeople instead of the minority of winers.


#29 We did it!

2014-03-25 22:41

thank you for everyone who signed the petition and commented. The town heard our voices, and has withdrawn the bylaw, they will be revising it removing the RV language and focusing on commercial equipment. They seem to be focusing on large commercial equipment like dump trucks. not as much trailers, but now is the time to have your voice heard, business owners now is the time to write council and make your concerns heard. I will be writing them myself for potential future parking bylaws in regards to campers, because the town has leased laneway property to individuals which restricts our access, so that needs to be considered before any changes are made to parking by laws