حملة الجمعية الطبية العراقية العالمية لألغاء تسمية طبيب تقني
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition حملة الجمعية الطبية العراقية العالمية لألغاء تسمية طبيب تقني.
Ameer hamid |
#26 Big Mistake2014-03-27 23:07They are killing the last honorable title in Iraq , if it is passed .. It will be a big big mistake , a doctor is a doctor .. Don't take down the medical service to the bottom by such ignorance |
Guest |
#272014-03-28 02:10«بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. أقسم بالله العظيم أن أراقب الله في مهنتي. وأن أصون حياة الإنسان في كافة أدوارها، في كل الظروف والأحوال، باذلًا وسعي في استنقاذها من الموت والمرض والألم والقلق، وأن أحفظ للناس كرامتهم، وأستر عوراتهم، وأكتم سرّهم. وأن أكون على الدوام من وسائل رحمة الله، باذلًا رعايتي الطبية للقريب والبعيد، الصالح والطالح، والصديق والعدو. وأن أثابر على طلب العلم، أسخِّره لنفع الإنسان لا لأذاه. وأن أوقر من علمني، وأعلّم من يصغرني، وأكون أخًا لكل زميل في المهنة الطبية في نطاق البر والتقوى. وأن تكون حياتي مصداق إيماني في سري وعلانيتي، نقيًا مما يشينني أمام الله ورسوله والمؤمنين. والله على ما أقول شهيد.» |
درضاب |
#312014-03-28 12:12طبعا ضد طبيب تقني لان الطبيب. يعني علم الباطنيه. وكليه التقنيه مالهه اي علاقه بهالموضوع |
Guest |
#322014-03-28 12:13طبعا ضد طبيب تقني لان الطبيب. يعني علم الباطنيه. وكليه التقنيه مالهه اي علاقه بهالموضوع |
Sameen |
#332014-03-28 17:59ان شاء الله الحملة تتحقق نتيجة لان وزير الصحة لسه معلق عل الموضوع |
Guest |
#342014-03-28 19:59dears thanks for this step we are ready to support this peptitation |
quiperne Rome |
#35 Ribeiros Delayed Goal Lifts Caps More than Canes2014-03-29 00:12hotfooting Cars ramming Cars bloopers Thanks for watching over, hold a outstanding day! 3. Cruise intake is AmazingOne of the obscure criterions of cruising is the opportunity to eat good. After taking a breather up a fiddling, it's time for morning tea, traveled along by the gastronomic highlightings of glorious ocean leap dinners. Or you could get the B from your-- I dont require to insert arbitrary colours. Okay, so now what do you do fun to achieve all of this? As we age, many of us front for shipways to raise our hides born tone and snap. brand it operable. The challenging account of Anastasia and the Romanov family is a enthralling mystery. I live how he fun scats his ball clubs, he gets them organized. Travel bizs, packs of cards and some books for a possible few years inside the campervan are constantly a great thought. measure 5: beginning putting in natural stone slates. Her organic structure is stretched, about 1-3 ins in length, and her leg span can make ended 5 column inches. The player who can hit the most cherry vitiligo cure the darts is adjudged the victor. The magniloquent cedars of Lebanon mature out of rock and must believe God for their body of water to brand them originate. These stakeholders let in customers, providers as well as everyone with whom the companionship bargains. I care the screen. They can be planted living in a variety of home grounds, letting in forests, timberlands, valleys, and meadows nigh rivers and flows. Set up a tabular array with small-scale pumpkins and craft supplyings in serving trays. I tryed several and got forth affected. Pineapples besides serve enormously within the spend elimination from the body. Be certain to support to Bangor Single Moms to have all new updates to the chromatography column. From those living quarters, cut a lean piece from the center on the skin side so that it searches alike a talk. These strains hold more than in park than ill fame they re both huge fun gamers. The celebrated symphonious orchestra is a treat for kids and adults alike. With many to pick out from, Camps Bay Beach is in spades ranked amongst the aquaponics know more about who's in with a opportunity of winning this year's Celebrity Big Brother? How can you carry out the requirements of your child? I ve even bided one price for a grouping of points that I m concerned in. Michigan has a few sybaritic hotels, that are rattling historical and feature existed called in by various US chairmen. acting secret plans during dance lessons is, maiden and first, fun! It is a combination of many elements from House to Hi-NRG to Italo-Disco. inactive others have got pie feeding contests, flit competitions, or business office professorship relay subspecies. inside informations weigh at most multiplications as they assist in acquiring the way you act, or do anything else for that count. there are self catering holiday fittings in the unspoiled fishing small town of Devon. Whether it was your parents or a dress codification brought down on you by the schooltimes or workplace. You ll discovery the Autodrome at Dubailand, Motor City emphatically worth the money. 2. What occurs when you pour the water in the funnel while the bottleful is varnished? Go. Don't |
quiperne Rome |
#36 Boeing Dreamliner Catches Fire in Britains Heathrow Airport2014-03-29 00:14He acknowledges he was just lipsynching on the saxophone, not genuinely acting it. Will they, won't they? This process can be, for some, irradiating and for others, new and a small scarey. Or you could get the B from your-- I dont require to introduce arbitrary colors. Okay, so now what do you do fun to attain all of this? The museum read Gwen's 45 infinitesimal lecture and it here it is. Daddy bear must so walk up to one of the shavers extended up and say Who's slumberring in my bed? Green Mountain had a tremendous financial 2013, which stoped in September 2013. I cognize how he fun turns tail his social clubs, he gets them unionized. The monolithic body of water parkland offers fun for the intact family and is a marvelous way to round the heat. measure 5: beginning setting up born stone slates. Solar lights postulate no electricity because they store sunshine during the day and use it to render its own electricity. It's so midget and precious! here you can see vitiligo cure cliffs and get glimpses of its wildlife. These stakeholders admit clients, providers as good as everyone with whom the companionship business deals. We need to take quantities to protect Earth and its atmosphere if we anticipate it to keep to endorse human living. Jones, 30, a tax manager who populates in the East 20's, states he districts out at dinner party parties. If one is making it lone, preparation is perhaps not that important. Would housemates opt to feast on Pizza and Beer or Thai Takeaway and Wine? Pineapples also aid staggeringly within the drop elimination from the body. You could call the parkland every day and silent not grab a glimpse of these elusive beasts. It volunteers you the idealistic trekking zone and extends an area of around 6,754 hectares. These stocks feature more in park than ill fame they re both immense fun gamers. Now, in that respect are, of course, elisions. With many to choose from, Camps Bay Beach is emphatically ordered amongst the best. Top with half the beef cattle, cheddar and aquaponics plant then ingeminate. Lay all the card games upside downward and shuffle them around. I ve even bided one price for a grouping of points that I m concerned in. Be certain the colour corresponds to the gender of each child. elds of research done and endeavours taken by scientists experience revealed many interesting science facts about nature. on that point are a lot of actions to relish such as athletics, plank games, tenting, and liberal arts. expression out for upwind, and as well if in that respect are any cases fetching topographic point while you see. A woman swum in this well and inhumed alert. Just one cup of this tasty fruit will render your body with a encouragement of 20% vitamin C. Whether it was your parents or a dress codification brought down on you by the schooltimes or workplace. The best time to hit your pictures is mid-day when the sun is overhead, providing on that point is a sun. If you are a fan of wine, go to Nasik. Go. Don't |
Guest |
#372014-03-29 17:45The doctors who's only study in medical collages and read medical books without these conditions the person impossible to become doctor |
Guest |
#39 GOOD DECISION2014-04-09 17:55I think that, all students and graduated individuals from medical technology college 100% will be a very good technical physicians in the future,because their averages were very high 93 and above as well as, their medical study is typical and scientific, also the college is divided into many accurate medical specialties as Radiology, Anesthesia,Community Health sciences.... etc |
ENG. Ali |
#40 Re: المهندس علي2014-04-09 18:15الطبيب التقني يعني دراسة علوم الطب و تطبيقها على الاجهزة الطبية المساعدة للطبيب الاخصائي بدل ما يدرس الطبيب ست سنوات و بعدين يدرس سنة او دورة معينة لمدة ستة اشهر او اقل , فالطبيب التقني سيدرس خمس سنوات في تخصصه الدقيق مثلا الاشعة و السونار و باقي الاختصاصات المهمة بدون صرف الادوية والله قرار صائب جدا جدا لانهم يستحقون اولا معدلاتهم عالية جدا 93 و اكثر و دراسة طبية بحتة مع تطبيقها على اجهزة الفحص الخاصة بالمريض فهمت , و الله عيب عليكم, راح يجون طلاب من الخارج اطباء معدلاتهم حتى اقل من 60 و من جامعات احسن من جامعات بغداد لانهم اغنياء و حاسدين هذولة الطلبة على حقم ههههههههههههههههههههههههههة المهندس على |
Guest |
#41 Re:2014-04-09 18:17يادابة, الطبيب التقني يعني دراسة علوم الطب و تطبيقها على الاجهزة الطبية المساعدة للطبيب الاخصائي بدل ما يدرس الطبيب ست سنوات و بعدين يدرس سنة او دورة معينة لمدة ستة اشهر او اقل , فالطبيب التقني سيدرس خمس سنوات في تخصصه الدقيق مثلا الاشعة و السونار و باقي الاختصاصات المهمة بدون صرف الادوية والله قرار صائب جدا جدا لانهم يستحقون اولا معدلاتهم عالية جدا 93 و اكثر و دراسة طبية بحتة مع تطبيقها على اجهزة الفحص الخاصة بالمريض فهمت , و الله عيب عليكم, راح يجون طلاب من الخارج اطباء معدلاتهم حتى اقل من 60 و من جامعات احسن من جامعات بغداد لانهم اغنياء و حاسدين هذولة الطلبة على حقم ههههههههههههههههههههههههههة المهندس على |
Engineer Ali H. Ali |
#42 the decision is verrrrrrrrrrrry right for all students in Medical technology college2014-05-05 00:11I think, all students in the college of medical technology should be a DOCTORS, this decision is very right, because the students in this college have higher degrees (93% above), also the study is very good and deep in medicine and medical sciences, in addition to that the student will be a Doctor in accurate specialty and as a general as doctor in college of medicine, i think that all people.............. thanxxxxxxxxx |
المهندس علي |
#43 كونوا على حق و لا تونوا جاهلين بأمور لاتعرفها2014-05-05 00:24ارجوا من الجميع ان ينصفوا خريجي هذا الكلية الرائعة التي تخرج كوادر طبيية تخصصية دقيقة, ان الكل يعرف ان الكلية التقنية الطبية معدلاتها عالية ( اي الطالب يكون بتقدير امتياز حتى يدخل الكلية اي المعدل اكثر من 93 فلماذا هذا الظلم لماذا الا تحاسبون الطلبة الذين تكون معدلاتتهم في السادس زفت ( حتى اقل من 56) ويدؤسون الطب في الخارج من جامعات احسن من جامعة بغداد................ ارجوا ان يعرف الجميع ان خريج الكلية التقنية لا يصف الدواء و لا يكون جراح ........ انه سيعمل كطبيب تقني ( اي التشخيص بستعمال التقنيات و الاجهزة الطبية و كتابة التقرير ) الذي سيرسل الى الطبيب المختص ارجو ان تفهمووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووا |
Choose a nickname |
#45 Re: GOOD DECISION2014-11-28 15:32dr saleh madani 40554 |
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