Justice for Gaynor Fundira
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Justice for Gaynor Fundira.
f |
#151 Re:2014-06-05 17:26They will burn varipasi pano nxaaa Agnes kana Enet na Byron sies |
Moto |
#152 Hey free Gaynor2014-06-05 17:40The cruel Byron knows in his heart of hearts that Gaynor is fighting for her rights this is the only time she has managed to let herself out we don't know how long she has put up with this heartless promiscuous man. For all we know maybe Gaynor is the one who went and pulled him along akamunyurura a lot of Zimbabwean men forget the women who took them there ku diaspora kwenyu ikoko |
Guest |
#1532014-06-05 17:47Help free this lovely lady who has been through a lot.We may not know the full details of what exactly transpired between her and the husband but she certainly does not deserve to be locked away. |
Guest |
#1542014-06-05 18:28I do not know the full story, do not think putting a video out to the public was the best decision...BUT what I do get is the woman's distress which most probably led to her getting the public involved. She is definitely not mad/ mentally disturbed. I am with Gaynor. |
Fix the bugger |
#155 free her2014-06-05 18:34With Gaynor all the way she is a woma n who was seeking help to be with her kids |
fearfully&wonderfullymade |
#1562014-06-05 18:58God is with you and compassionate towards women & mothers. As for abusive husbands..the Lord will strike u down . Remember Abigail who was married to a foolish evil husband in 1Samuel chapter 25. It only took 10 days for Nabal to be struck down by the Lord. By the time pple came to offer their condolences to Abigail she was already an untouchable, from a wife of a fool to becoming the Queen of Israel! Our God is just & HE IS in controlWe need to pray for the family. God is a God of Order & Christ is in control. . |
Mafirakureva |
#157 Section 2 of the Mental Health Act2014-06-05 18:59Ladies and gentle man out there let me help u here especially those who do not know or understand what the UK Mental Hozpital looks like. For your information it is not like prison where clients are locked out. No. Unless they are in an Psyc Intensive Care Unit (PICU), otherwise all another wards are Open Wards. Sectioned clients are restricted for a period of time until they are given leave which can be escorted or unescorted. Clients are allowed families to visit them during visiting hours. Clients on Section 2 are not compelled to take medication for their section is mainly for assessment and treatment if hey are deemed acutely unwell and deemed a danger to themselves or others. Otherwise they don't have to take medication. Now clients have the opportunity during this assessment phase to share their story with professionals who are very eager to listen and work out solutions with the clients. And say what some of the staff have shared experiences. Shall I say at this point the staff who work in these psychiatric wards are people like you and they come from homes like you people. They are not animals but humans who are professionals and have hearts and minds and blood. They are not like Criminals. Now Gaynor you are in good hands and not lost and forgotten. It is how u view this admission. If u want it to take u down then it will but if u want to make you stronger it will. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Gaynor this is the time to organise your battle against your enemy rather than sitting crying and hoping this petition will save you. Yes it makes the general public aware of your plight but u must wake up there in hospital and sort your life out. Ukada kuita zvekupengereke wairasa pfava ushande nemaProfessionals muchipatara. Zvekuda kutiza and the like uchachema. I have been there and I speak from experience. While you are in hospital is the time to engage social services and use the mental health tribunal to get you closer to ur kids and away from your monster hubbie. Listen to the story of Joseph when he was sold to the Egyptians. Daniel And friends in the den of lions and furnace they didn't call out to man but to God. Turn your situation into your strength not your weakness. Say wat, you will come out stronger and a better mum. Time for reflections. Remember you can never change the world in a day. Keep up the fight. Psychiatric hospitals are not Hell as per say but it's how you accept them. Imwe nguva kumba kwatigere majere. Believe and all the chains will be loosed. Be still and know He is Lord. It's only a storm that will come to pass. |
Guest |
#1582014-06-05 19:34Sad to see a man in the 20th century abusing a woman he calls a wife who is a mother to his own children. If you can do this to your own wife, just imagine if your own dad did the same to your own mum. Marriages have their ups and down but to go as far as declaring your wife as insane is beyond me. Using your powers to ill treat your wife is wrong. A MAN DOES NOT ABUSE. A MAN LOVES AND SHOWS HIS OWN CHILDREN HOW TO LOVE. |
Guest |
#1592014-06-05 22:30its not right wat this Byron did to Gaynor he disrespected the vows that he made to her by bringing and sleeping with a woman in their matrimonial home thats just so wrong anga ashaya maroom muhotel here and the girl also how desperate can one be this is a married man cheating on his wife with you and you think once you get married to you he will not do the same to you Gaynor is not mad i would have done the same maybe even worse if it was me in her shoes . Gaynor you have your kids they are your number priority and may God be with you during this difficult time you |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-06-05 23:44- Date of removal: 2014-06-05
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#1612014-06-05 23:52It's amazing how pple get to make judgements with very little information. Pple pple pple please take your time to analyse this video. This story is very inconsistent and neither is her facial expression for a distressed woman who has just caught her husband wt another woman. Why would one ring the police and not say the real issue saying that it was embarrassing to say. If she has guts to hit the social media, why not say like it is to the police. Why would she want to see the credentials of this woman if she was dogging with her husband. I think the normal reaction was to go ape shit from the onset to the end. There would be no negotiations or fact finding. Every thing she needed to know was right in front of her. How about the introduction "... Don't usually make videos but I thought I would make a NICE SHORT video for" what's nice about that video? What's nice about the content. Is she enjoying this? It looks to me like she is and her facial expression show the same. And anywhere, what's the purpose of this video? Sympathy seeking, reprisal, or a way of getting advice from the public to manage her relationship?? Big question. Why hang yo dirty knickers in public. And where was she when she eventually found her husband in bed with another woman in the small hours of the morning. Surely as husband and wife they should have been together at night in their matrimonial home. So pple take moment to review this video Most importantly this guy's side of the story is worth hearing. My experience as a mental health nurse tells me that a person can only be sectioned if there are a danger to themselves or others. So there has to be a part of this woman that suite the criterion. No one just get sectioned under the mha for domestic issues. For Byron's side of the story go on this link http://www.newzimbabwe.com/news-16083-UK+woman+claims+sectioned+after+finding+hubby+in+bed+with+lover/news.aspx |
#162 |
#163 #1622014-06-06 13:08Mentally challenged or not......Gaynor is a loving mother who finds time to take her kids out for sport while Byron defiles their matrimonial bed! Who needs sectioning here? It shows she was still had her faculties intact as she called the police thrice, otherwise she would have done them both justice and murder them......good riddance! |
zvinobaya moyo izvi |
#1652014-06-06 13:41Gaynor even if vakakuti uri kupenga hazvingashamisi nemurume anokushora kusvika pakadari its pathetic. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Abusive man nxa |
me |
#1662014-06-06 14:02My husband treated me the same way. A lot of people who knew about his affair told me but he didnt care, he carried on. I once even saw them together and that didn't stop him. His whore had a nerve to insult me and they went as far as having a child together she then used that as an excuse to call him whenever she wanted. If l complained she would insult me. He told his whore a lot of rubbish about me and she used that to insult me. I feel for Gaynor because l have been there. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2014-06-06 14:10- Date of removal: 2014-06-06
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Ma10 |
#168 byron muroyi2014-06-06 14:12Project Byron royera kure respect wife https://soundcloud.com/revoltn-martin-da-william/project-byron-royera-kure-respect-wife |
concerned zimba |
#169 free gaymore2014-06-06 16:07ZZim men are not bad people not all of them variko vanohura nevasinga hure vanoto shungurudzwavo .but apa a Byron akatadza akawedzera kurwarakwemukadzi vake In general we zimbos abuse the system of equal rights yacho my brother akaunzirwa boyfriend achirwara pasofa mukadzi neboyfriend pabed Akastroker went to hospital comeback mukadzi achata .marriage over children nodirection. Zvinhu zvacho zvirikufambasei Mwari pindirai gaymore ngaabude agare nevana vake rudo rwaramba |
lacheljo Frick |
#170 Yankees SS Jeter Scratched From Tuesdays Collection2014-06-06 16:37To go a bang-up party contriver it is indispensable to posses a originative genius, along with all right organisational and communicational attainments. Cut into tombstone shapes and position on an unlubricated pan, then sprinkle with sugar. To understand any speeches to English, at that place's a translation option in Gmail. If you are executing a raffle, brand certain you charge enough to brand the event worthwhile. Yet it is so unproblematic to do your own thorns at home that such outside aid is rarely necessary. Cowboys and cowgirls are tended to part take is some western fun by representing Western Party Games and Printable Activities. That'll fun do a lot for your matrimony! Every bit fun of God's Word is crucial. Buy supererogatory, for added fun. Ah, you brazillian? Chopper flight of stairs from Vegas but do the West Rim because the South Rim is out of their scope. And she would, when we saw, really subtly invest us into plots that equaled quite up, though we didn't cognise that. make believing attainments to help oneself get you and your eat stop eat review "outside of the box." Would we still be in this relationship?13. Attach the mirror tiles with building adhesive. The cosmopolitan theory of theory of relativity unites Newton's law of fun gravity and exceptional theory of relativity. most likely doors, ramparts, and windows will be dislodged as good. This will create you bask the monster motortruck secret plans even farther and add spice to your entertainment. Manyof these naturalised beasts can besides be set up in browned or gray. This is polo with a turn as it is acted on our beautiful fun camels and not horses. And here in many spots you can try the most celebrated daintiness of New England Maine lobster. Eli, her three-year-old son, has just harbingered he's wet his trunks. Well try servicing them with Lite Ranch dressing that they can dip into. How would you wish some beautiful, full-colour animated fun graphics of the sun, moon, and adepts for your MySpace layout? These are just three of the new bizs hoi pollois are utilizing as babe shower fun body processes. In case fat loss factor download is sunk and breaks, feature a new ring ready and yield to the participants. hold you always lost fun your plane? The Hao Sen 2.4GHz Wireless Arc Mouse for Win7 Vista PC is an super stylish and modern Bluetooth wireless mouse. It is sited in Floral Parc, an 80-plus acre parkland in the middle of Paris. lately "Electronic Goldmine" had a good price on some fun ultracapacitors and I corrupted a lot of them. It gives your teens a topographic point fun to belong, a topographic point where their sentiment numerations, and a topographic point where they are required. These bizs will get everyone participating, competing, and expressing joy. Sometimes I've understood the net profits as high as $300,000 on a home that sold for all over $1 million. Do you wake up every morning nervous as heck to begin your fitness developping quotidian? They are categorized as dames but they cannot fly, they swim. Inside Casey is silent in cryings and is speaking to Luisa. These can be adapted to age-appropriate example programs as |
Guest |
#171 Re: Section 2 of the Mental Health Act2014-06-06 22:27 |
Strength in prayer |
#172 Re:2014-06-07 07:11These people are not in touch with victims, they don't listen at all. You feel alone when the authorities that are meant to support you ate indifference.I have experienced it and felt very isolated |
living victim |
#173 Subject2014-06-07 07:24We live in a diplomatic country, but Domestic abuse is rife.The authorities act indifference, instead of stepping their game they ignore the cries of victims. I lived it and faced the same indifference attitude which left me abused not only with my ex husband but with the system which does work. I pray and hope Gaynor will rise above this and stumble on her strength. No one who has not walked in her shoes has room to judge her. |
#174 Re: VARUME VEKUZIM CHEATING IS THEIR BLOOD2014-06-07 23:31Iwewe uri shamwari yabyron its typical for zim men cheating all the time coz wavnemari kutengera benz girlfriend muuk yawandisa mari , byron wafarisa . you are playing with fire , byron you want your wife to commit suicide ugosara uchifara handiti , dzikama kana worwara he my wife my wife chinja maiitiro , WOULD LOVE TO SEE KUTI WHAT YOU DID FOR YOUR PARENTS , WHOEVER SHE IS AGNES GET AWAY HURE REMUNHU YOU GOT THE BENZ SO WHAT NEXT THE HOUSE , BENZ AND THE KID URI HURE RABYRON KNOW YOU BOUNDARIES , |
MaMoyo |
#175 Team Gaynor2014-06-08 01:28Write a comment...Team Gaynor all the way....... |
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