Petition for the August 1st Calendar

Tired of Complaints

/ #546 Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.

2011-03-02 00:39

#536: For a balanced calendar! - Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. 

 Ahem. Perhaps you are a parent and you might know more than I do.

But here is my comeback:

Parents with younger children can easily stay home, get a relative, or hire someone good cheaply during the summer break. But, can they do that for February and September? No.

I concur with the fact that teachers and school are not replacements, but face it. Kindergarten throught 5th grade cannot stay home alone. Many families have 2 parents that are both working, and school is a must. ASP programs provide a way for parents to pick up his/her kid after school. But, do schools provide a place where young children can be watched by adults for free during February and September Break? No.