Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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#526 Teacher Position2011-03-01 18:33Interesting that 82% of teachers supported keeping the balanced calendar but they are curiously absent from this petition. Is this due to some union restrictions or indicative of a work environment where they do not feel it is safe to speak up? Just wondering. |
guest Guest |
#528 Re: Teacher Position2011-03-01 19:21
Many employess have signed this petition and WE DO NOT HAVE TEACHER'S UNIONS IN GA.!!!!! |
Guest |
#529 Spelling of calendar2011-03-01 19:33The spelling of calendar has been corrected on the actual petition. I guess they didn't catch it on the forum. |
Heather Colier Guest |
#530 Unfair decision2011-03-01 21:21I teach in Cobb County and have students in a Cobb County Elementary School. I am very displeased with the decision that has been made to change the calendar for the upcoming school year. The current calendar was voted on, and approved for THREE years. It hasn't even been one year! Many parents have made travel plans according to the current calendar and will lose money for cancelling reservations, or be forced to remove their children from school in order to keep their plans. This is not fair. The calendar was voted on for three years and should NOT be changed until the three years is over. In addition, the County sent out a survey before the decision was made. The survey's results made it apparent that the majority of Cobb County residents, teachers and parents were in FAVOR of the current calendar. WHY was the survey sent if the Board had NO INTENTION of using its results to help them in their decision making????? I believe the current calendar allows students and teachers ample breaks which prevents "burnout" for both. I think the shorter Summers prevent students from having to "re-learn" as much when they return to school in August. I know I speak for the majority when I say that this decision was made unfairly and should be revoted on!!!! Sincerely, Heather Colier |
Jackie Lewenthal Guest |
#531 school plan2011-03-01 21:35The school board vote did not reflect the consensus of the survey. |
Robin D. Banks Guest |
#532 School calender2011-03-01 21:57The current school calender was approved and voted for the next three years. A survey was taken and it was still the calender of choice. |
Kimberly Coleburn Guest |
#533 August 1st Calendar for Cobb County2011-03-01 22:22How very saddened I am that we have to resort to a petition to remind errant ELECTED officials that they are to represent their constituents and not extraneous interests. Please re-consider and maintain the original plan to study this calendar over 3 years before rendering any further decisions. |
Guest |
#534 Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett2011-03-01 22:24Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett Birney E.S. - 6:00 PM |
Mark Coleburn Guest |
#535 August 1st Calendar for Cobb County2011-03-01 22:26Dear '4', It's not too late to admit you were wrong! '3' plus the other 70%+ of us! |
For a balanced calendar! Guest |
#536 Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.2011-03-01 23:07#507: Tired of Complaints - Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. Your statement that parents have to pay for two more weeks of childcare is WAY OFF! Cobb County Schools run on a 180 calendar (175 this year due to budget cuts) so it DOESN'T MATTER when school starts, ends, if schools start EARLY they save that two weeks of childcare and can use it for September and February. Besides, teachers and schools are NOT replacements for day care!!!!! |
Richard Kirkland Guest |
#537 Balance Calendar2011-03-01 23:37I am glad someone has taken the initiative to pursue having the balance calendar remain as was voted in for three years. Obviously the teachers, staff, students, and parents were and are in favor of it. All the best. |
Cathy Bonham Guest |
#538 Ignoring the vote of the majority2011-03-01 23:37Why ask for our opinion if it is to be totally disregarded? |
Amanda Scherer Guest |
#539 spending2011-03-02 00:02this was decided last year, why is it even being brought up now let alone the cost of the survey, live up to the expectations of the previous board. |
Guest Guest |
#540 Re: Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett2011-03-02 00:04#534: - Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett The meeting has been moved to Osborne HS - they must be expecting a large, unhappy crowd. |
Amanda Scherer Guest |
#541 Re: Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett2011-03-02 00:05 |
Guest Guest |
#542 Re: Re: Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett2011-03-02 00:17#541: Amanda Scherer - Re: Town Hall Meeting with Board Member Alison Bartlett The March 3 Town Hall meeting with Board chair Alison Bartlett will now take place at the Osborne High School auditorium at 6 p.m. |
Carol Kirkland Guest |
#543 Balance Calendar2011-03-02 00:21Please, somebody tell me when I left the country called America where one votes and the majority wins. What happened CC Board people. This is not the time or place to have power plays. You WILL lose and you four will be "blackballed" and will not be asked to serve on any board again! |
Jocelyn Scherer Guest |
#544 why vote2011-03-02 00:26what was the point, when clearly listening to parents is not something the cobb county school board does. Please remember cobb county residents are over 45% college grads and higher, we are not dumb. Some of us do know what we want for our children, who are also very bright. |
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2011-03-02 00:32- Date of removal: 2011-03-02
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Tired of Complaints Guest |
#546 Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.2011-03-02 00:39#536: For a balanced calendar! - Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. Ahem. Perhaps you are a parent and you might know more than I do. But here is my comeback: Parents with younger children can easily stay home, get a relative, or hire someone good cheaply during the summer break. But, can they do that for February and September? No. I concur with the fact that teachers and school are not replacements, but face it. Kindergarten throught 5th grade cannot stay home alone. Many families have 2 parents that are both working, and school is a must. ASP programs provide a way for parents to pick up his/her kid after school. But, do schools provide a place where young children can be watched by adults for free during February and September Break? No. |
Guest Guest |
#547 Re: Re:2011-03-02 00:41two education words to consider retention, and remediation. Second a traditional schedule is September thru June. Studies have already shown that with an extended break children lose ( fail to retain) information, so teachers spend the first month of school remediating (reminding them what they learned last year.) Sounds like a lot of lost time to me. Finally Cobb county cannot single handedly bring Georgia out of last place the other 158 counties need to help. |
Jaidev Kalyan Guest |
Guest Guest |
#549 Re: Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody.2011-03-02 00:48#546: Tired of Complaints - Re: Re: Re: This is not just to Erica, but everybody. ASP is not free, and neither is summer care/camp, they can also dismiss children when you fail to pay. Everywhere I went there was a winter camp going on, the same places that had summer camps. |
Guest Guest |
#550 Re: Yes I signed2011-03-02 00:52#505: Cherie Vodopia - Yes I signed I agree we need to catch up with the rest of the world. My children actually grew over break, you know proper rest and all that good stuff is really good for children. |
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