Petition for the August 1st Calendar
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whatley amber Guest |
#626 petition for calendar2011-03-03 16:00We are able to retain things when we have a few extra days at Thanksgiving and the week off in Sept. and Feb. |
wanda felix Guest |
#6272011-03-03 16:02I love and enjoy teaching. Watching children blossom from little sprout to beautiful flowers is awesome. Teachers pour their hearts, time and energy into their jobs, which is why breaks are necessary. Breaks are necessary for students as well. Please encourage and commend teachers and don't punish and forget about the great things we do and create. |
whatley alicia Guest |
#6282011-03-03 16:06Look lets get real.We the students need breaks in Sept. and Thanksgiving and Feb. |
Guest |
#629 Christmas Break begins Christmas Eve????????2011-03-03 16:38Are you kidding me? This board appears to be more out of their minds than Charlie Sheen. Seriously can't believe we elected them. |
Lisa Gallegos Guest |
#630 Vote for the county families and staff2011-03-03 16:39The balanced calendar is overwhelmingly the choice of all of the articulation areas. The board represents all of the students, families and staff not a chosen few of their constituents. |
Guest Guest |
#631 Re: Balanced school year calendar2011-03-03 16:51
It's just like differentiation. If you do use the information that you gather then your reason for doing it is pointless. However, this was expected. The big guy always pretends like your opinion matters and does what he wants to anyway!!! GTFOH! |
Jill Beverly Guest |
#632 August 1st Start Date2011-03-03 17:18This calendar has been the best thing to happen for me as a teacher. I would like it reinstated ASAP!!! |
Sharon Ryan Guest |
#633 next steps??2011-03-03 18:13what are the next steps with this petition? are there any plans to present this or any precedent for a petition getting a change? Thank you for starting it!! |
Brian Edwards Guest |
#634 Please reconsider2011-03-03 21:19I do not approve of this new calender...ALL KIDS WANT THE AUGUST 1ST CALENDER! WE NEED OUR BREAKS!!! |
aliyah bebley Guest |
#635 hi2011-03-03 21:20i dis agree with new calender that the bored want us to have. This calender is very unethical |
Blake Bolton Guest |
#636 great job cobb county2011-03-03 21:21calendar is not spelled correctly. also, we select who is on board and will get what we want eventually. |
casandra vargas Guest |
#637 School2011-03-03 21:21who wants to Taake their EOCT right before christmas |
Christine Durrett Guest |
#638 Balanced Calendar2011-03-03 21:52As a Cobb County Teacher and a parent, I have seen how this Balanced Calendar has benefited our children with breaks throughout the year.When the children and teachers go long stretches without breaks,behavior becomes a problem and keeping the children engaged and excited about learning becomes more difficult. When we have a break the children come back ready to learn and teachers have time to reflect on their teaching practices and add fresh ideas and materials to lesson plans and come back refreshed and excited about teaching. |
Guest Guest |
#640 Re: Guys! Correct spelling!!2011-03-03 22:06#21: Melanie Luther - Guys! Correct spelling!! the students were the ones to start this petition - they have an investment also in the outcome and are terribly disappointed in the way their votes did not count for anything. do you think they will vote as adults when they are legal to actually vote to make a difference - when it does not matter what you vote great learning experience for them. mis spelling and all. |
Loesje White Guest |
#641 Balanced calendar2011-03-03 23:10The community has spoken. To call our vote a "popularity contest" is a slap in the face to the voting public. Saying that we, the people who DO the job, students, teachers, support staff, and of course the parents, have no knowledge of what works best to help studnts be successful is beyond comprehension. If this is a "popularity contest" let me surmise that it is a "popularity contest" which the board has with those few voters who have a special, personal interest in pushing their own agenda. The boards special interst is in rewarding those few citizens with the vote that pleases these specific constituents anad pays them back for seating you as a board member. You are beholden to the voting community, not to self-serving personal interests. |
Guest Guest |
#642 Re: Balanced Calendar2011-03-03 23:19#638: Christine Durrett - Balanced Calendar Dear Parent, I am a long term teacher at South cobb High School and want you to know that your comment hits the nail on the head. I am so glad that parents are also realizing the value of the breaks. We do indeed, as teachers, have time to carefully plan units that fit into the time segments, time to refresh. I do not have to keep cramming new material day after day, week after week, and mionth after month to tired students who are held captive and told to learn, learn, learn just one more concept. Learning is hard. It takes time to assimilate before we refocus on new concepts. Thank you. Mrs. L. White, Spanish teacher. |
Guest Guest |
#643 Re: Balanced calendar2011-03-03 23:27#641: Loesje White - Balanced calendar You are beholden to the voting community Exactly. The voting community who elected 4 of them based on their promise to change the calendar. |
Guest |
#6442011-03-04 00:36Please keep the previously approved 3 year calendar that we currently have in place. |
Carmen Mendez Guest |
#645 Calendar2011-03-04 00:36Dear Boardmembers, I am a teacher who goes the extra mile every day for my students. I wish only to be respected as a voter who cast a ballot for what I know is in the best intersts of both my students and myself as an educator. My students and I agree that the balanced calendar serves our mutual needs the best. We hope that you will rescind the vote which totally disagrees with our position and that of the majority of voters who are concerned with this issue. |
for a balanced calendar Guest |
#646 From the CCBOE website2011-03-04 01:28The following bullets were taken from the CCBOE website....I added the comments in the ( ) Student Achievement Measurable gains/growth as measured by national and state test scores (I have seen evidence that students score better on tests when they are not "burned out". I am talking about everyday testing...the board did not even wait to see if CRCT scores improved this spring) •Quality teaching and leadership (The schools continue to have quality teaching but as teachers/students/and parents are not listened to, we feel punished!) •Keep track of students through system (This means paperwork, much of which teachers do outside of the school building at night, on weekends...) Stakeholder Involvement •Utilize community in decision making (hmmmmm...?) •Utilize resources and create sustainable partnerships (the number one resource of a school is the teachers in the classroom. The majority of these teachers want the balanced calendar...sustainable partnerships? White Water nor Six Flags doesn't do anything for our school...BUT I do know my school has many partners within a few miles of the school) •Board member responsibility to communicate with community and local/state officials Accountability •Annual performance assessment of Superintendent/Service Providers/Board to include an independent evaluation •Follow board policy •Responsible fiscal stewardship to include SPLOST management |
Natasha Bear Guest |
#6482011-03-04 02:50Students have shown better grades and focus because of this calendar, so why change it? |
sean pollack Guest |
#649 Voting opposite of survey results2011-03-04 03:13Why have a survey if you're voting in opposition to the results? |
Karen Arndt Guest |
#6502011-03-04 03:29What a waste of taxpayers time and money by doing a survey, then IGNORING the results to go with what the board itself (and certain individuals) personally wanted to do! Such a shame. How political. How disappointing. |
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